Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Humanity is Waking Up to the Intelligence of Nature
There’s a growing awareness by humanity that nature and its inhabitants are not as primitive and simple as it may have been believed to be the case in the past. With this growing awareness, comes growing understanding of the unity that humanity has with the environment within which it exists. This sense of unity with nature is not something new and indeed has been the primary position of awareness for many societies in existence before their industrialization.
In today’s post-modern societies, there is a resurgence of that connection with the biosphere and interconnected organism that is the planet and all that exists within its domain. As more discoveries are made, greater awareness shines down on humanity’s collective consciousness and thereby, allowing us to evolve the transpersonal consciousness to a level where the ego is no longer the dominator of the Self.
Science can be a wonderful thing. It can prove without a doubt what may have been suggested in times past, but was not completely understood as being the absolute truth, which always left a bit of doubt or confusion. However, with continuous scientific discoveries occurring all the time, it is of great fortune that we are able to attain substantial data and knowledge concerning the environment and all that it encompasses.
Of course, there has been such an influx of findings that they would be able to fill up an entire book. However, just a few will be looked at in order to demonstrate the point at hand. All of the discoveries and findings mentioned within this article have been announced publicly within the last few years.
Rocks have been looked at as generally non-living, inanimate, unconscious, and completely devoid of any life-like characteristics, even though everything in nature possesses self-organization. However, stunning new evidence shows the incredible diversity of crystals and minerals after the rise of life on this planet and points to the reality that rocks, like plants and animals, have been evolving all this time, and we did not even realize it until now. This idea is being called “mineral evolution,” which is the concept that many of the our planet’s rocks, minerals and crystals are dynamic species which emerged and transformed over time.
Of course, the evolution of the mineral kingdom is not exactly the same as the evolution of the plant and animal kingdoms, since minerals do not mutate, reproduce or complete like other living organisms, at least to our knowledge. However, the vast variety and abundance of all the various minerals on Earth have changed quite dramatically over the 4.5+ billion years of Earth’s past. US geologist Robert Hazen, who led the research team for this finding, said that “for at least 2.5 billion years, and possibly since the emergence of life, Earth’s mineralogy has evolved in parallel with biology.”
This should not be too big of a surprise to us, however. It makes quite a bit of sense that evolution is all-encompassing…everything from our consciousness, to galaxies, to rocks. Everything is in a constant state of be-ing and become-ing, and the condition that the various aspects of Reality are static does not find much underlying evidence. It looks more and more as if Reality is dynamic and extropic in nature.
Stepping out of the mineral kingdom, we make our way to the plant kingdom. Although it has been known for quite some time that the rainforests of the world act as lungs for the planet, it has recently been discovered that they act as a heart as well. What this implies is that not only are rainforests giant carbon sinks of the planet (acting as lungs), but they may also be responsible for moving many of the weather patterns that we see all around the globe (just as the physical heart moves blood throughout the entire body).
The new study researching this subject suggests that rainforests, such as the ones in Africa and South America, create winds that circulate water around the planet. It is known that more than half the rainfall in rainforests evaporates and recirculates, which then keeps the upper air moist. New findings show that rainforests are also moving the air around them, which also has the effect of moving the water around.
It turns out that as important as plants and trees are to ensure that there is enough clean oxygen for all sentient beings on the plante to thrive and survive, they are now acknowledged as being even more important by affecting the very weather patterns of our biosphere.
Perhaps as a response to the various discoveries concerning the plant kingdom, there have been governments across the planet that have taken it upon themselves to become trailblazers in the area of plant and ecosystem rights. This higher awareness has been most recently demonstrated in the countries of Switzerland and Ecuador.
In the case of Switzerland, the Swiss Government’s Federal Ethics Committee on Non-Human Biotechnology has come to the consensus that plants have rights and that they have to be treated appropriately. Making our way to Ecuador, we can see that the country has changed its constitution to say that nature has “the right to the maintenance and regeneration of its vital cycles, structure, functions and evolutionary processes.” The basis of these rights “change the status of ecosystems from being regarded as property under the law to being recognized as rights-bearing entities.”
The idea of plants having a degree of consciousness is very well documented, and so it is not unreasonable for a government to come up with such a conclusion in respect to the plant kingdom. However, the perceptions of humans are not always quick to shift and change. It is demonstrations such as these which show that there is indeed a higher awareness being experienced by humanity with relation to its biosphere neighbors.
Emerging out of the plant kingdom and into the animal kingdom, a myriad of recent discoveries exemplify humanity’s growing awareness of the sophistication and higher level of be-ing at which animals exist. The latest and most well-known finding is concerning dolphins. Dolphins have been perceived as being very intelligent beings for at least several thousand years. In ancient Greece, it was punishable by death to kill or harm a dolphin.
Much mythology revolves around dolphins. However, concerning the scientific data being research and analyzed, it has been found without doubt that human language and dolphin movement patterns show similarities in brevity. The law of brevity in human language, according to which the most frequently-used words tend to be the shortest, extends to dolphins, as well as other animal species. It was observed that when dolphins move on the surface of the water, they tend to make the simplest movements, in the same way that humans tend to use words comprised of fewer letters when they are speaking or writing.
Perhaps it is discoveries such as these and others that are altering the positions of awareness that humanity has concerning dolphins to the point where they are being described by scientsts as being non-human persons and, as a result, should be treated as such. Dolphins are recognized as being the most intelligent beings on our planet, after humans. The signs are numerous, such as: the anatomical research showing that dolphin brains have many key features associated with high intelligence; and studies showing that dolphins have distinct personalities, strong sense of self, and the ability to think about the future. Dolphins are also cultural animals, which means that new types of behavior can be quickly picked up by one dolphin from another.
More stunning research has discovered that dolphins, as well as other animals such as macaque monkeys, have shown to have conscious metacognition. There is a growing amount of evidence that animals share functional parallels with human conscious metacognition. Metacognition is essentially the ability to reflect upon, monitor or regulate various states of mind, and, although this was once considered solely the domain of humans, it is now seen as evident in some animals as well. J. David Smith, Ph.D., a comparative psychologist who has conducted a study on this topic, has concluded that “metacognition rivals language and tool use in its potential to establish important continuities or discontinuities between human and animal minds.”
Metacognition aside, animals are also now known to possess self-awareness. First seen in gorillas and then later in elephants and dolphins, self-awareness is no longer solely recognized as being the domain of the human being. When most animals see themselves in a mirror, they will interpret what they see as another animal, possibly a threat, and may attack the image or be scared away. After a while, the animals habituate and ignore the reflected image entirely. However, an animal that is self-aware will recognize the image as its own reflection, which is something that requires a degree of abstract thought and cognitive association.
As fascinating as these things may be, new research has discovered that several species of animals, such as monkeys, wolves, coyotes, elephants, chimpanzees, rodents, bats, and whales, have a sense of what is called “morality”, in that they are able to subjectively tell “right” from “wrong”. In a series of studies, scientists have found that monkeys and apes can make judgments about fairness, offer altruistic help and empathize when a fellow animal is ill or in a difficult situation. The existence of a conscience is also apparent, and remembering obligations also exists. Even when there is no obvious reward for an an altruistic action, chimpanzees were still observed as willing to help others. The conclusion of this observation led to the statement by one of the researchers that “chimpanzees spontaneously help both humans and each other in carefully controlled tests.”
Perhaps the most interesting point in this discovery is that everything else being equal, animals such as chimpanzees prefer to reward a companion together with themselves rather than just themselves alone. The act of giving by the monkeys is self-rewarding and can be said as being a demonstration of the interconnected consciousness of monkeys, just as humans, within their interconnected transpersonal consciousness, will experience the same effect. As the old adage goes: what you do to another, you do to/for yourself.
Language among animals is the one final demonstration, at least in this article, of the elevated level of consciousness and be-ing in other aspects of nature. It has been recently found that the rudiments of language exist among monkeys. Certain monkeys that have been studied have been seen to combine the same calls in different ways, using rules of grammar that turn sound into language. Alban Lemasson, a primatologist at the University of Rennes in France, has stated that “this is the first evidence we have in animal communication that they can combine, in a semantic way, different calls to create a new message.”
As it stands, it seems that humans are no longer the sole users of language in the sophisticated manner in which we use it. Although nowhere as complex as the syntax of human beings, monkey calls are more advanced and complex than we have ever previously been aware.
All these discoveries have occurred within a few years and are demonstrative of the incredibly accelerated rise in awareness that humanity is experiencing with respect to the level of consciousness of the various aspects of nature, as well as how primitive nature and all its various aspects seemed to be in times past. There is an awakening to a more intelligent nature than has ever been previously acknowledged. This is a step towards a new age in which humans and the rest of nature will hopefully have a more symbiotic and unifying relationship, and more respect will be given to the environment. Baby steps, for sure, but baby steps towards a positive future, nonetheless.
About the Author
Paul Lenda is a conscious evolution guide, author of The Creation of a Consciousness Shift, and co-founder of SHIFT>, a social community focused on anchoring in the new paradigm and assisting the positive transformation of humanity. With the drive to be aware of and experience the wider horizon of Reality, Paul has developed an extensive background in the spiritual and transformative elements of life; one that is both knowledge and experienced-based. Visit his website www.shift.is, follow him on Twitter or visit the Shift Facebook community.This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.
About the Author

In my opinion, what we are looking at in the 1st and 2nd Apollo 16 AS16-P-4095 image above is a flattened plasma field generated and outlined in the dark Moon terrain shadows. This evidence was brought to my attention by Stephn Hannard of the UK. He has since put up a very good video of this evidence on YouTube at the link below.
Plasma is considered one of the fundamental states of matter with the others being solid, liquid, and gas. When one sees plasma in the open unconfined and a lot of it as appears here, one is looking at energy and POWER being displayed likely on level with nuclear fusion or greater. In fact, plasma physics is essential to the understanding and development of nuclear fusion.
In the above image note the many fingers of plasma energy that arc up to meet and terminate in some surface overhead that we cannot see the details of here. The question becomes is this being generated by some separate object like a UFO at the Moon's surface not native to the environment or by some structure as part of the surface or perhaps something exiting or entering the surface at this location?
Note how flattened the plasma field appears to be. Is it being generated by some sort of disc shaped object like a UFO? Is there a craft of some kind hidden within the plasma field taking off or landing at this point? Could this be generating an electromagnetic field that the Moon topography is responding to? Could this be a refueling station? Note that the underside of the plasma field suggests this with a solid dark flat rounded appearance as seen mostly on edge that does not exhibit any plasma discharges at all.

Although we can't be certain, the most likely scenario is that this plasma field is responding to the presence of an electromagnetic source such as it is suspected alien space ships may employ for propulsion. The point being that what we are seeing here may be the interaction of a craft inside this plasma field that is going or coming just a little too close to the Moon's surface.
Alternatively, we may be looking at something that is really part of the Moon itself and just can't be easily hidden. If someone with very advanced technology is on or in the Moon and has been there for a very long time but yet wished to still remain hidden as long as possible from Earth's view, they might start out by disguising their presence from Earth through visual distortions of the Moon's surface. After all, some of our scientist are already experimenting successfully with this kind of technology. If employed, the visual distortions might work better from a distance than in closer views.
In other words, an obscuring technology that might have worked well for them during older times when only telescopes provided distant lesser quality feedback images to Earth populations of the Moon might not work nearly as well coming from satellites taking much closer images while orbiting the Moon. If secrecy is to be maintained, the latter would require the application of fake graphics in the resulting images to correct and hide from Earth's populations what ever is really on the Moon. It is noted that fake graphics technology with problems in it would take time to develop to achieve really successful levels of performance.
It can be mistaken for controlled lightening but is not that. If a person places a hand or fingers against the sphere's outside surface as you see above, more plasma discharges will appear and usually with greater intensity. The human appendage above represents an electromagnetic source. The above is the least extreme example of a plasma field.

The point being that visible plasma fields most often equate to the presence of energy and POWER and are not to be ignored or dismissed as nothing or just some sort of inexplicable anomaly. Seeing the plasma field evidence outlined against the Moon's surface as background is not a camera or film artifact, it is the presence of something generating a lot of power, something that we would be very interested in. So what is it? Is it some craft or some structure on the Moon or is it an entry/exit point temporarily and briefly exposed?
Sadly, as is so often the case with the older incomplete Moon imaging posted online for Earth public's consumption, the context information has been messed with and is not providing the information detail that we need here. None the less, it demonstrates that all is not what it appears to be in the Moon exploration data and one dismisses evidence at one's peril.
Joseph P. Skipper, Investigator
World’s Fastest Computer Will Operate Like a Human Brain
World’s Fastest Computer Will Operate Like a Human Brain

World’s Fastest Computer Will Operate Like a Human Brain
Before you start picturing 2001: A Space Odyssey, know that these computers aren’t HALs in the making.
Are There Really as Many Neurons in the Human Brain as Stars in the Milky Way?

- http://www.nature.com/scitable/blog/brain-metrics
- To learn more about the project, visit HumanBrainProject.eu
- Top Image Source: Human Brain Project
Monday, October 21, 2013
Many different images of comet Ison or its orbital path were drawn in crops, long before that comet was discovered by astronomers on Earth in September of 2012: why is it so significant to the crop artists?
Many different images of comet Ison or its orbital path were drawn
in crops, long before that comet was discovered by astronomers on
Earth in September of 2012: why is it so significant to the crop
“Until they see a UFO in their telescopes, they will not
believe”---Chinese scientist friend, commenting on the
narrow-mindedness of most professional astronomers
modern crop-circle phenomenon is one of the most enigmatic and
misunderstood occurrences in all of human history (for recent
reviews, see
/time2012a or
Still it
is our underlying ignorance of cosmology which makes “crop pictures”
seem mysterious and hard to understand, not the field images
What exactly defines “our space” and “our time”? Could intelligent
species (or even humans) from another space or time send us
pictorial messages in the fields, by means of spacetime wormholes?
Indeed, might such field images sometimes predict the future?
of near-future events are sometimes drawn in crops, consistent with
the use of spacetime wormhole technology
extra-terrestrial crop artists seem to possess spacetime wormhole
technology. By means of such technology, they have occasionally
revealed certain details of the future to humans on Earth. For
example during the summer of 2010, we saw images of “nuclear power”
or “radiation in the landscape” drawn in crops. We even saw a “lunar
clock with an atomic hour hand”, indicating the month of March 2011.
Many such images were drawn in crops, nine months before a nuclear
power disaster happened at Fukushima during the suggested month of
March 2011 (see
japantsunami2011). There was no specific mention in crops,
however, of its geographical location in Japan.
The crop
artists also sometimes reveal near-future astronomical events in our
solar system. For example, we saw drawn in crops the outburst of
comet 73P Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 in 1996, three months before it
happened (see
time2007a). Likewise we saw drawn in crops the outburst of comet
17P Holmes in 2007, two years before it happened (see
time2007g or
time2007h). Predictions of high earthquake or solar activity
were made correctly in 2011 (see
fringe2013e or
fringe2013g), although the detailed locations of those
earthquakes again remained unspecified.
Here we
will present a series of English and/or European crop pictures which
seem to show images of comet C/2012 S1 Ison, as well as its orbital
path through our solar system, long before that comet was discovered
by astronomers on Earth in September of 2012, Field images of “comet
Ison” began to appear in 1996, and were quite numerous by 2008 or
2009. Additional images continued all throughout the summers of
2011, 2012 or 2013.
cannot be sure that every crop picture to be discussed below was
paranormally made. Yet in some cases, they show such distinct images
of the future, that no other possibility seems plausible. No other
major comets have appeared in Earth’s sky since 2007, and many of
the sky images for comet Ison as drawn in crops tell exactly where
it will be located in space (or in Earth’s sky), many years later.
The scientific case for future-predictive crop pictures is thus very
A near-future image of “comet Ison” was drawn in crops as long ago
as 1996
earliest crop picture to show “comet Ison” appeared at West Overton
seventeen years ago on July 13, 1996. There we could see a small
“comet” flying past our Sun and Moon, in the exact sky location
which comet Ison will occupy on December 3, 2013:
![]() Nearby we can see an Aztec symbol for the galactic centre, from which many “small waves” are emerging. Will we see actual waves from the galactic centre on that day, when comet Ison emerges from behind the Sun? Might this happen because a large cloud of gas called “G2” has just entered a black hole at the galactic centre, as viewed from Earth? (see www.ast.cam.ac.uk/content/dating.our.galaxys.dormant.volcano or discovermagazine.com or waylandsmithy2007a or time2007m).
of comet Ison in crops from 2008
The next
major crop picture to predict “comet Ison” appeared in the summer of
2008. It showed a bright comet passing Earth and Moon, eleven months
after the Mayan Long Count calendar would end on December 23, 2012:
On the
left-hand side of that crop picture, we can see a schematic image of
our solar system from Mercury to Pluto. for a calendar date of
December 23, 2012. On the far left we can see where comet Ison was
located in 2008, headed our way. The central “Sun” image from that
crop picture became slightly larger when going from Phase I on July
15, 2008, to Phase II on July 22, 2008. Might such an “enlargement
of the Sun” represent a prediction of high solar activity in
December of 2013? Or was it meant simply to help us interpret the
right-hand side, which shows comet Ison passing the orbits of Earth
or Venus eleven months later?
On the
right-hand side of that crop picture, we can see a bright comet
passing Earth’s orbit around the Sun in late November of 2013,
eleven months after the Mayan calendar would end on December 23,
2012. It will be a first-quarter crescent Moon. As an alternative
interpretation, the right-hand side of this crop picture might show
comet Ison, not far from Venus’s orbit around the Sun in late
December of 2013, and a crescent shape for planet Venus (see the
various images available on
Near the
bottom of this crop picture, we can see a series of detailed star or
constellation patterns, which will be analysed further below.
Interestingly enough, the left-hand side of Avebury Manor could be
“flipped” to reveal the orbital location of comet Ison in 2008, far
beyond the orbit of Saturn:
right-hand side of Avebury Manor (near the bottom) then showed a
series of detailed star patterns, which reveal the exact path of
comet Ison through Earth’s sky in late November of 2013:
![]() The diffuse stat cluster M80 was drawn in crops with a cross-like shape, just as it appears in a standard star map. The bright star delta-Scorpius was drawn in crops with a ring-like shape, because it is a binary star system.
other symbols which were drawn there (“serpent”, “snail”, “spiral”,
see above) may represent various constellations through which comet
Ison will pass, on its long voyage through our solar system. Their
“serpent” symbol could represent our modern constellation Serpens,
through which comet Ison pass in early December of 2013 (see
in-the-sky.org). Another of our modern constellations (Draco)
was called “the snail” in ancient Babylon (see
www.hwg-astro.de). Comet Ison will pass through the
constellation Draco (or “snail”) in late December of 2013 (see
www.aerith.net). Finally, comet Ison may trace out a “spiral” in
Earth’s sky during 2014 or 2015, depending on how its orbit is
affected by passing around the Sun.
of comet Ison in crops from 2009
Two crop
pictures from the summer of 2009 next showed comet Ison flying “like
a swallow” through Earth’s skies, sometime after the Mayan calendar
ends on
![]() Another comet-related crop picture came down near Milk Hill in two separate parts or phases. Its first part on June 21, 2009 asked us to look up into Earth’s sky using a “sextant”, two years later on June 2, 2011. Then we would see five planets from Mercury to Uranus, plus the Moon, all lined up in a row: ![]() The second part of that crop picture on June 23, 2009 showed a “new comet” near Mars and Jupiter. This unexpected event happened four years later during September of 2013, with the novel appearance of comet Ison: ![]() Another small crop picture on June 23, 2009 near Milk Hill (not shown) described the new comet as an “Aztec star in the night”.
clever codes for comet Ison within the Quetzalcoatl Headdress of
July 5, 2009
One of
the most famous crop pictures of all time was the “Quetzalcoatl
headdress” of July 5, 2009. This crop picture, when studied
carefully, seems to show comet Ison flying past our Sun like a
“serpent” on the Mayan date of, which
equals November 28, 2013 in our Western calendar:
![]() Their July 5, 2009 crop picture showed a large, round “Sun” (the face of Quetzalcoatl) just below its centre, with an equally large “lunar crescent” drawn slightly above. On either side of the “Sun” we can see 8 or 9 small wedges, which add together to give 17 wedges in total, and suggest a Mayan date of
Near the
top of this crop picture we can see a zig-zag “serpent”, which is
called “Awanyu” by north American tribes. The path of that “serpent”
suggests a motion of comet Ison through Earth’s sky from right to
Close to
the outside on both left and right, we can see “pointed three-dot”
comet symbols, which have been joined to five “sextant boxes”, just
like those which were drawn on June 23, 2009 near Milk Hill. In this
case, those five boxes seem to possess a second meaning as five
digits 1-2-3-4-5 of the Mayan Long Count calendar.
on the very outside, both left and right, we can see two large
“comet” shapes. This seems to leave no doubt: the crop picture
concerns itself with the appearance of a “comet”!
central part of this remarkable crop picture shows a Mayan feathered
headdress, with seven quetzal feathers on each side, just like that
worn by Aztec emperors such as Moctezuma. It also contains a clever
dot-and-dash code in the shape of a Mayan pyramid:
right-hand side of its dot-and-dash code shows the same
6-4-3-2-1 planetary orbits as were drawn in crops near Milk
Hill on June 23, 2009:
![]() A small central dot, which divides planetary orbits “2” and “3”, may represent comet Ison passing behind the Sun on November 28, 2013, which is a Mayan date of Five planetary orbits as drawn there (and labelled with thin red or blue lines) represent Mercury (1), Venus (2), Mars (3), Jupiter (4) or Uranus (6).
left-hand side of this dot-and-dash code is slightly different. It
seems to show a Mayan date of or March 20,
2014, which may be derived from a combination of five numbers 1 =
1, (2 + 2) = 4, or (6 + 6) = 12:
![]() On the spring solstice of March 20, 2014, a metaphorical “serpent” will descend from heaven to earth along one face of the Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl at Chichen Itza. In the crop picture, we can see how one of seven “dots” along the left-hand side has “descended” from its linear alignment with six other dots (see the downward-pointing blue arrow). Might such symbolism suggest a change in the orbit of comet Ison, after it goes behind the Sun on November 28, 2013? Or a near-future descent to Earth of the real Feathered Serpent?
related crop picture at Chesterton Windmill on July 9, 2009 (four
days later) showed three long diagonal lines on each face of a
triangular pyramid, which was rotating inside of a sphere (see
fringe2013n), Those three diagonal lines appear similar to the
thin, red or blue lines which were drawn in several slides above. At
Chesterton Windmill, the triangular pyramid was drawn rotating
clockwise from right to left, just as for that “serpent” near the
top of the “Quetzalcoatl headdress” on July 5. All three crop
pictures therefore: near Milk Hill on June 23, near Silbury Hill on
July 5, or near Chesterton Windmill on July 9, show different
aspects of the same underlying symbolic information.
A triple
conjunction of comet Ison with Mars and Regulus during October of
mid-October of 2013, there was a triple conjunction (or joining in
Earth’s sky) between comet Ison, planet Mars and a bright star
Regulus from the constellation Leo. We can see a night-sky
photograph of that conjunction in the slide below, along with a
schematic diagram at lower right:
![]() That triple conjunction in Earth’s sky was described in crops by an amazing field picture which appeared near Silbury Hill on August 3, 2009. It showed what is known as a Mayan “Katun calendar wheel”. Some Katun calendar wheels contain 18, 20 or 13 squares in each ring, to yield multiplicative products such as (18 x 20) = 360 days for their Long Count calendar, or (13 x 20) = 260 days for their Tzolkin calendar: ![]() This calendar wheel, which was drawn in crops on August 3, 2009, contained 24, 20 or 15 swirled circles within each of three large rings. When multiplied together as (24 x 20 x 15) = 7200, those three numbers yield 7200 days or one “Katun” period from the Mayan Long Count calendar.
Furthermore, a series of three large circles and one small circle
meaning “0”, plus one ring of small “crop knobs” equal
to “15”, together suggest a Mayan calendar date of or October 19, 2013:
![]() The suggested date is close to October 15, 2013, when a triple conjunction took place in Earth’s sky between comet Ison, Mars and Regulus. Outside of their Katun calendar wheel, we can see (above or below) two large “comet” shapes, which contain five circles each, and show various motifs near their flattened centres: ![]() The fourth flattened circle of their upper comet shape shows a “6-around-1” motif, suggestive of the Pleiades M45 star cluster (see two slides below).
first circle of their lower comet shape shows a “smiley face”,
meaning simply that “we are friendly”. Another “smiley face” was
drawn near their June 23, 2009 crop picture, discussed above.
second circle of their lower comet shape shows a “7-7” motif,
suggestive of comet Ison passing by a “planet” and a “star” (see the
next slide below).
fourth circle of their lower comet shape shows a clump of three
“crop knobs”, to suggest a sky conjunction of three separate objects
(comet, planet and star).
At the
very centre we can see a ring of 15 “crop knobs”, to suggest a Mayan
date of which equals October 19, 2013, or
possibly “October 15” in our Western calendar.
“7-7” ground feature as drawn at Silbury Hill on August 3, 2009 has
been seen in crops several times before. It seems to represent a
“crown” with seven points, such as that worn by Quetzalcoatl in
ancient central America. In the present case, such a “crown” might
be meant to represent a bright star “Regulus the king” in Leo, by
which comet Ison passed closely:
![]() The “6-around-1” ground feature as drawn at Silbury Hill on August 3, 2009 has also been seen in crops many times before. It seems to represent the Pleiades M45 star cluster, which may be where these particular crop artists come from: ![]() Comet Ison as a “trilobite”
amusing crop picture from the summer of 2009 compared comet Ison to
a “trilobite”. That was a small, beetle-like animal which lived
abundantly on Earth 400 million years ago. At Ogbourne St, Andrew on
July 29, 2009, the crop artists first showed comet Ison heading for
our Sun on a Mayan date of or October 19,
they compared comet Ison to a “trilobite”, heading for the heat of
our Sun in late November of 2013. Will comet Ison shed its exo-skeleton
as it orbits the Sun in late November, just as real trilobites did
in ancient times on Earth, as a regular part of their life cycle?
![]() Comet Ison as described at Windmill Hill in August of 2009
One of
the most detailed and impressive crop pictures to predict comet Ison
appeared at Windmill Hill on August 6, 2009. There we could see five
successively larger circles near its centre, when going from bottom
to top in the two images shown below
![]() This five-circle symbol often means “comet”. It matches a similar five-circle symbol which was drawn in crops in 2005, to predict the outburst of comet 17P Holmes two years later in 2007. It also matches a five-circle symbol which was used to describe comet Ison at Silbury Hill on August 3, 2009, just three days earlier (see above).
outside of the centre, we can see four dumbbell-shaped symbols which
mean “four years from 2009 to 2013”. There was also a small clump of
four “crop knobs” on one side of the centre (not visible in this
aerial view), which was intended to confirm that interpretation.
further out from the centre, we can next see an inner ring of five
different astronomical objects. One of those is clearly “Earth and
Moon”. What might the other four inner-ring symbols represent?
![]() By carefully comparing this crop picture to known maps of our solar system on different dates, we found that all five symbols from its inner ring match the orbital locations of comet Ison, Mars, Mercury, Earth-Moon or Venus, for a date of August 6, 2009. That is precisely four years after the original crop picture appeared.
its outer ring we can count nine different astronomical symbols,
which presumably match the orbital locations of eight major planets
plus comet Ison on some different date. Again by carefully comparing
this crop picture to known maps of our solar system, we found that
the near-future date seems to be November 28, 2013, when comet Ison
will follow a tight circular path around our Sun:
![]() Images of comet Ison in crops from 2011
Only one
possible image of comet Ison seems to have been drawn in crops
during the summer of 2011. At Windmill Hill on July 26, we could see
another “Mayan calendar wheel”. Its inner part showed our “Sun” and
three thin circles, to suggest Mayan calendar numbers of 0.0.0.
Just outside of the “Sun”, we could see two sets of 13 circles, to
suggest an overall calendar date of That
was when the Mayan Long Count calendar would end on December 23,
![]() Its outer parts showed two sets of 14 or 18 circles. These suggest a calendar date of or October 28, 2011, when the Mayan Tzolkin calendar would end. Finally its central part showed a large thin circle, to suggest a tight circular orbit of comet Ison around our Sun on November 28, 2013. The orbital locations of Mercury and Venus were also drawn for that same date.
of comet Ison in crops from the summer of 2012 (before it was
“discovered” on Earth)
Santena, Italy on June 17, 2012, we saw drawn in crops a near-future
path of comet Ison through the constellation Cancer for the dates of
August 10, 2013 (when it first emerged from behind our Sun) to
September 15, 2013:
![]() Elsewhere in the same crop picture, we could see the approximate path of comet Ison through Earth’s sky from December of 2012 to August of 2013: ![]() Four planets at the centre of that crop picture (on the right) represent Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars on a date of December 21, 2012, when the Mayan Long Count calendar would end. Comet Ison was drawn metaphorically as a large, egg-shaped UFO, just like we saw at Cook’s Plantation on August 23, 2013 (see cooks). The outer surface of that “egg-shaped UFO” showed 17 “light rays” which contained five small circles each, plus one “light ray” which contained six small circles. The total number of small circles thus equalled (17 x 5) + (1 x 6) = 91, which is the same as the number of steps on each face of the Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl in Chichen Itza. One week later at Fabbrico, Italy on June 24, 2012, we saw the image of some spacecraft leaving the Pleiades M45 star cluster on a Mayan calendar date of, to enter a spacetime wormhole and perhaps travel to Earth (see Fabbrico2012e). Quetzalcoatl the great Mayan leader always promised that he would return in a year One Reed, the first of any 52-year cycle, and 2013 would seem to be such a year, at least until December 18.
of comet Ison in crops from 2013 (after it was “discovered” on
the summer of 2013, many different images of comet Ison were drawn
in crops. We will discuss some of those crop pictures here, while
listing references to the others, so that an interested reader may
study them further.
A crop
picture at Wessex Ridgeway on July 24, 2013 showed comet Ison
(pictured as a “large triangular UFO”) flying through the stars of
Gemini toward Cancer, on a date of July 26 two days later:
![]() There was a Grand Sextile of six planets on July 29, 2013, so this kind of triangular or hexagonal symbolism seems appropriate.
Strangely enough, comet Ison was drawn at Wessex Ridgeway on July 24
as a “triangular UFO”, much like the one which appeared in crops
near West Kennett Long Barrow three weeks later on August 13, 2013:
Originally in 2009 or 2010, comet Ison was drawn as “flying into a
spacetime wormhole”. Now in 2013, comet Ison is being drawn as
“flying out of a spacetime wormhole”:
![]() Next at Chute Causeway on August 10, 2013, we saw the detailed image of a two-tailed comet circling the Sun (see chute): ![]() The two “tails” of that comet were drawn with slightly different angles and lengths. Several “guide lines” were also drawn (marked with blue or yellow colours in the slide above). Those guide lines tell us how to fold the entire crop picture up into three dimensions as a hexagonal pyramid, just like for an origami model: ![]() Comet Ison will approach our Sun from below the plane of the solar system, which is why such a crop drawing needs some kind of three-dimensional character.
A similar crop picture appeared at Hackpen Hill on August 11, 2013,
showing a tailed comet approaching and then circling the Sun (see
hackpen). In this case, our Sun was drawn like a “star of
David”, with a small comet orbiting around it.
comet Ison break up and/or slow down as it orbits the Sun?
comet Ison break up and/or slow down as it orbits the Sun on
November 28, 2013? At Etchilhampton on August 19, 2013, we saw the
image of a “long-tailed comet” going into circular orbit around the
Sun, and then emerging with a “shorter tail”:
![]() Looking at the same crop picture more closely, we can see that its “cometary tail” becomes slightly shorter as it goes around the Sun, while its orbital velocity (as suggested by six internal curves) decreases: ![]() The lengths of six thin arrows (or “cometary tails”) vary from long = 11 to short = 7, when measured in terms of inner grid marks. There were 6 x 13 = 78 grid marks around the inner perimeter of that crop picture, or 6 x 15 = 90 grid marks around its outer perimeter.
In one
place at upper left, the comet has been drawn with “three dots”, to
suggest that it may break up into three or four pieces when it
circles the Sun. A similar “four dot” image appeared for comet Ison
Stadskanaal in the Netherlands on July 29, 2013 (see
crop picture at Stonehenge on August 1, 2013 suggested that one of
those cometary fragments may outburst or explode (see
Comet Ison currently shows an orbital eccentricity of 1.0000035. If its eccentricity is close to 0, then the orbit will be circular. If its eccentricity is close to 1, then the orbit will be elliptical. If its eccentricity is greater than 1, then the orbit will be hyperbolic. After perihelion, comet Ison is expected to follow a hyperbolic orbit away from the Sun (see www.cometison2013.co.uk). Yet this crop picture from Etchilhampton on August 19, 2013 suggests that the orbit of comet Ison may change from hyperbolic to elliptical as it “slows down”:![]() Comet Ison as a “new star”
August 13, 2013, the crop artists drew an image of some “stellar
explosion” at Hackpen Hill, one day before light from Nova Delphini
reached Earth on August 14, 2013:
![]() No astronomer on Earth knew about Nova Delphini 2013 when this crop picture appeared! Several landscape features suggested the nearby “summer triangle” of stars, and also a bright star Gienah in Cygnus (see comments or hackpenhill4).
“stellar explosion” crop picture at Hackpen Hill on August 13
originally showed 22 “light rays”. Then on September 2, 2013, a
second phase of the same crop picture showed (yet another) “Katun
calendar wheel” with 17, 24 or 29 small squares along each of three
![]() The total number of days now equals (22 + 17 + 24 + 29) = 92. That is how long it will take from September 2 to December 3, 2013, when comet Ison will emerge from behind our Sun as a “new star”.
different Mayan calendar wheels have been drawn in crops. For
example, we have seen not only “Katun calendar wheels”, but also an
“Ahau calendar wheel” at Ogbourne St. Andrew on July 24, 2009:
![]() One week later there was a “12 Ahau” date in the Mayan calendar on August 1, 2009.
Ison as a “tetrahedron inside of a sphere”
Previously in a discussion of Chesterton Windmill on July 9, 2009
(see above), we said that it resembled a triangular pyramid or
“tetrahedron inside of a sphere”. A similar image appeared near
Klepp, Norway on September 15, 2013. There we saw comet Ison
described as a “tetrahedron inside of a sphere” which is headed
towards the Sun:
other crop pictures of related appearance from 1991, 2009 or 2013
are shown below. In the next slide, we can see the latest sky
photograph of comet Ison (at the date of writing), compared with the
new Norway crop picture:
![]() What might those enigmatic crop artists be trying to tell us?
Other possible “comet” images in crops from the summer of 2013
Several other possible images of “comet Ison” appeared in crops
during the summer of 2013. Not all of these examples may be
relevant, yet we will list them here for the interested reader.
July 3 at Rheinau in Switzerland (a two-tailed comet like a
“swallow” circling the Sun) see
July 28 at Lime Kiln Wood (a comet headed for close orbit around the
Sun) see
August 1 at Milk Hill (some new comet as a bright star with a short
tail) see
Possible “UFO” images in
from the summer of 2013
We will
also list three “UFO” images which appeared crops during the summer
of 2013, for the interested reader.
July 7
at Silbury Hill (a Sumerian “Boat of Heaven”, breaking apart and
sinking, on the yearly anniversary of a UFO crash near Roswell in
1947) see
comments or
13 at West Kennett Long Barrow (a large triangular UFO landing on
Earth) see
23 at Cooks Plantation (a large egg-shaped UFO, overlaid with Mayan
dates and a man’s face) see
So many
amazing crop pictures: why are Earth’s scientists ignoring them?
amazing crop pictures have appeared in various countries around the
world for the past 23 years. Why are the vast majority of Earth’s
scientists ignoring them? My personal view is that those scientists
have become very narrow in how they choose to think
Three hundred years ago, great men such as Descartes, Newton or
Locke or sought enlightenment. To become a "scientist" then was to
seek out new ideas with an open mind:
![]() Today to be a scientist means “conforming to the opinions of other people in power”. Sometimes that requires narrow-minded thinking. Sometimes you must refuse to study the observed facts, because they might not agree with what your peers think.
Thus we can see today a complete reversal of the
situation present in 1860, when prominent theologians ridiculed
Darwin’s theory of evolution, while young upstarts such as Thomas
Huxley supported it (see
“The Bishop rose and assured us there was nothing to the idea of
‘evolution’. Turning to his antagonist with smiling insolence, he
next begged to know: was it through his grandfather or grandmother
that Thomas Huxley claimed descent from an ape? Mr. Huxley then
rose, and spoke words whose meaning took our breath away. He
explained that he was not ashamed to have a monkey for his ancestor.
Yet he would be ashamed to be associated with any man, who used
great mental gifts to obscure the truth.”
Let there be no doubt: most scientists today are “theologians” like
Bishop Wilberforce. They only believe what they read in their
academic journals, just as the good Bishop only believed what he
read in his Bible. To be a “real scientist” and study the facts
would be something entirely different, and seems far beyond them.
Horace R. Drew, Caltech 1976-81, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
1982-86, CSIRO Australia 1987-2010)
P.S. We
would like to thank all of the sincere, helpful people who have
contributed to our documentation and/or understanding of crop
circles for the past twenty years. They come from all countries on
Earth, and to them we should be ever grateful.
1. Many different images of “spacetime wormholes” have appeared in
different images of “spacetime wormholes” have appeared in crops
wormholetechnology). For example, four different “wormhole” crop
pictures from the summer of 2006 are shown below:
![]() Each of these crop pictures has their own distinct meaning in terms of spacetime physics.
There is
now good evidence that paranormal crop pictures are being
transmitted to us from another space or time by means of spacetime
wormholes. This is actually what they told us in 2002, using a
1359-bit ASCII code (see
time2007n or
“Beware the bearers of false gifts and their broken promises.
Much pain but still time. Believe. There is good out there. We
oppose deception. Conduit closing."
In this
brief message, the crop artists first warned us about a malign alien
race (pictured nearby). Then they warned us about serious problems
on Earth in the near future. Next they asked us to believe that some
extra-terrestrials are “good”. They oppose efforts being made by
Earth governments or news agencies to hide the crop circle
phenomenon from their own citizens. Finally, they tell us that their
message is ending, as a “conduit” or “wormhole” closes through space
and/or time.
Are some paranormal crop pictures being sent to us by “machine” from
a parallel universe?
Where might be the home star for these extra-terrestrial crop
artists? Some of them seem to be visiting our solar system using
small spacecraft, yet where is their home star? We cannot be sure,
but images of the Pleiades M45 or Hyades star clusters appear often
in crops. They might even live in a parallel universe!
Sean Carroll, a physicist at the California Institute of Technology,
accepts the scientific basis for parallel universes, even if the
case cannot be proven: “Unless you imagine that some super-advanced
alien civilization has figured all of this out, then we won’t be
affected by the existence of other universes. Still someone could
devise a machine, which lets one universe communicate with another”
crop pictures have suggested the existence of a mirror-plane
universe, which can be reached through a Schwarzschild wormhole
comments or
crop pictures have shown mirror images of the Pleiades M45 or Hyades
star clusters (see
Physicists such as Michio Kaku accept the reality of spacetime
wormholes and parallel universes (see
www.youtube.com): “There could be an infinite number of
universes, each with different laws of physics.” The image of a
sphere passing through our 3-D space from extra dimensions was shown
by physicist Lisa Randall in this video (see
www.youtube.com). Similar images have appeared in crops on many
occasions: for example on August 6, 2011 with an image of “Flatland”
www.lucypringle.co.uk ),
or on July 1, 2012 with the image of a hyperbolic cube passing
through our 3-D space from other dimensions (see
Many crop pictures have shown “extra dimensions”, as if they were
trying to teach that concept to physicists here on Earth (see
fringe2013b or
fringe2013c). The crop artists also seem to be studying
carefully the progress of physics on Earth, because three Nobel
Prizes for Physics were drawn schematically in crops during August
of 2009, 2010 or 2011, in each case two months before they were
awarded in Sweden (please scroll down on
References to a parallel universe have appeared sometimes in popular
music or TV shows. For example, the rock band
Led Zeppelin used a crop circle from Alton Barnes for their album
cover in 1990:
![]() Inside of that album, some of the lyrics suggest “other people” who are watching Earth, west of London. Those other people are blowing “rings of smoke through the trees”, and hoping to “lead us into reason” (see Stairway_to_Heaven):
“There's a feeling I get when I look to the west,
And my spirit is crying for leaving. In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees, And the voices of those who stand looking.
Oh, it makes me wonder,
Oh, it really makes me wonder.
And it's whispered that soon, if we all call the tune,
Then the piper will lead us to reason. A new day will dawn, for those who stand long, And the forests will echo with laughter.
The idea of a parallel universe figured prominently in a TV
science-fiction series called “Fringe” (see
Fringe_(TV_series) ). This TV show explored the idea of
spacetime wormholes as they might be used to reach a parallel
universe, where lighter-than-air zeppelins are flown instead of
airplanes! Each person living on Earth in our universe has a “twin”
living on some “parallel Earth”, who may be similar or slightly
different. The fifth season of that show explored the idea of time
travel, and how humans from the future may influence the past or
Clearly if modern crop pictures are being sent to us from a
“parallel Earth” in some other universe, then in that alternate
universe, the ancient Mayan culture seems to have remained very
strong. Perhaps the Mayan people on that parallel Earth made contact
with friendly extra-terrestrial visitors from the Pleiades or Hyades
2000 years ago? In which case, they could now be thousands of years
ahead of us technologically. They use certain aspects of
electromagnetism to create clean energy, or spacetime wormholes for
space travel, while we burn coal, oil or gas to make electricity,
and travel to space in chemical rockets. We simply have to catch up.
![]() |
Click upon the circle after the small square for captions
How to Digitally Record/Video a UFO sighting:
Como registar digitalmente ou gravar um vídeo de um avistamento de um UFO:
Stabilize the camera on a tripod. If there is no tripod, then set it on top of a stable, flat surface. If that is not possible lean against a wall to stabilize your body and prevent the camera from filming in a shaky, unsteady manner.
Estabilize a camera com um tripé. Se não tiver um tripé, então coloque-a em cima de uma superfície estável. Se não for possível, então encoste-se a uma parede para estabilizar o corpo e evitar que a camera registe de maneira tremida e instável.
Provide visual reference points for comparison. This includes the horizon, treetops, lampposts, houses, and geographical landmarks (i.e., Horsetooth Reservoir, Mt. Adams, etc.) Provide this in the video whenever is appropriate and doesn’t detract from what your focus is, the UFO.
Forneça pontos visuais de referência para comparação. Isso inclui o horizonte, cimo das árvores, postes de iluminação, pontos de referência geográficos (como o Reservatório de Horsetooth, Mone Adams, etc) Forneça esses pontos no vídeo sempre que for apropriado e não se distraia do que é o seu foco, o UFO/a Nave.
Narrate your videotape. Provide details of the date, time, location, and direction (N,S,E,W) you are looking in. Provide your observations on the weather, including approximate temperature, windspeed, any visible cloud cover or noticeable weather anomalies or events. Narrate on the shape, size, color, movements, approximate altitude of the UFO, etc and what it appears to be doing. Also include any unusual physical, psychological or emotional sensations you might have. Narrate any visual reference points on camera so they correlate with what the viewer will see, and thereby will be better able to understand.
Faça a narração do vídeo. Forneça pormenores sobre a data, hora, local e direcção (Norte, Sul, Este, Oeste) que está a observar. Faça observações sobre as condições atmosféricas, incluindo a temperatura aproximada, velocidade do vento, quantidade de nuvens, anomalias ou acontecimentos meteorológicos evidentes. Descreva a forma, o tamanho, a cor, os movimentos, a altitude aproximada onde se encontra o UFO/nave, etc e o que aparenta estar a fazer. Inclua também quaisquer aspectos pouco habituais de sensações físicas, psicológicas ou emocionais que possa ter. Faça a narração de todos os pontos de referência visual que o espectador irá ver e que, deste modo, será capaz de compreender melhor.
Be persistent and consistent. Return to the scene to videotape and record at this same location. If you have been successful once, the UFO sightings may be occurring in this region regularly, perhaps for specific reasons unknown, and you may be successful again. You may also wish to return to the same location at a different time of day (daylight hours) for better orientation and reference. Film just a minute or two under “normal” circumstances for comparison. Write down what you remember immediately after. As soon as you are done recording the experience/event, immediately write down your impressions, memories, thoughts, emotions, etc. so it is on the record in writing. If there were other witnesses, have them independently record their own impressions, thoughts, etc. Include in this exercise any drawings, sketches, or diagrams. Make sure you date and sign your documentation.
Seja persistente e não contraditório. Volte ao local da cena e registe o mesmo local. Se foi bem sucedido uma vez, pode ser que nessa região ocorram avistamentos de UFOs/naves com regularidade, talvez por razões específicas desconhecidas, e talvez possa ser novamente bem sucedido. Pode também desejar voltar ao mesmo lugar a horas diferentes do dia (durante as horas de luz)para ter uma orientação e referência melhor. Filme apenas um ,inuto ou dois em circunstâncias “normais” para ter um termo de comparação. Escreva tudo o que viu imediatamente após o acontecimento. Logo após ter feito o registo da experiência/acontecimento, escreva imediatamente as impressões, memórias, pensamentos, emoções, etc para que fiquem registadas por escrito. Se houver outras testemunhas, peça-lhes para registar independentemente as suas próprias impressões, pensamentos, etc. Inclua quaisquer desenhos, esbolos, diagramas. Certifique-se que data e assina o seu documento/testemunho.
Always be prepared. Have a digital camera or better yet a video camera with you, charged and ready to go, at all times. Make sure you know how to use your camera (and your cell phone video/photo camera) quickly and properly. These events can occur suddenly, unexpectedly, and often quite randomly, so you will need to be prepared.
Esteja sempre preparado, Tenha sempre uma camera digital, melhor ainda, uma camera vídeo consigo, carregada e pronta a usar sempre que necessário. Certifique-se que sabe como lidar com a sua camera (ou com o seu celular/camera fotográfica) rápida e adequadamente. Esses acontecimentos podem acontecer súbita e inesperadamente e, por vezes, acidentalmente, por isso, necessita estar preparado.
Look up. Be prepared. Report. Share.
Olhe para cima, Esteja preparado, Relate, Partilhe.
Pf., clique no símbolo do YouTube e depois no quadrado pequeno, em baixo, ao lado direito para obter as legendas CC, e escolha PORTUGUÊS