The Ever-Unfolding Saga of Earth: Next Chapter Morgan’s Hill, August2, 2009 In this beautifully squared formation, we are once again reminded to focus on Earth. This suits the general drift of formations this year, which seem to tell the story of evolution on Earth and its relation to the celestial activity of sun, moon, stars, planets and the galaxy. The most recent ‘animal formation’, the trilobite, posits both the ideas of the proliferation of diversity in species and of the complete extinction of species. In the evolutionary story on Earth these two realities have high profile roles. So, are we at a crucial point in Earth’s evolution? Are these times a matter of dramatic change causing leaps in evolution? And what of the species we call human? Do we have a role to play in adapting to, bringing about or participating in the changes? The formation at Morgan’s Hill, reported August 2 gives us a hint about how to become part of the great changes going on around and within us. To begin with, the square in itself is a worldwide symbol for Earth. It therefore represents the elements and the four directions. It is also a symbol for stability, order, and truth. It is the representation of manifest creation. When juxtaposed with the circle, it represents the union of Heaven and Earth. The actual formation is made of 4 squares: the outer, made of circular arcs; the middle, made of smaller squares divided into 16 (4X4) sections; and the inner, made up of what seems to look like a flower of life formation except that the patterns are based on 4 rather than 6 which defines the flower of life geometry; there also appears to be a finer linear square formed of ‘woven’ stalks running immediately around the square of squares. The number 4 figures greatly in this formation, emphasizing the Earthly aspect of this crop circle. This formation is reminiscent of the Morris Square, “a sacred figure in Celtic paganism, … called the Triple Enclosure, delineating the center of the world with the four quarters, four cardinal directions, four elements, four winds, four rivers of paradise, and so on emanating from the holy Mill or Cauldron at the center” (Walker 57). “According to Plutarch (Isis 106), the Pythagoreans stated that the square concentrated the powers of Rhea, Aphrodite, Demeter, Hestia and Hera. In his commentary on this passage Mario Meunier explains that: ‘The square signified that Rhea, the mother of the gods, the source of time, made herself manifest through changes in the four elements represented by Aphrodite (Water, source of life), Hestia (Fire), Demeter (Earth) and Hera (Air).’ The square symbolized the synthesis of the elements” (Chevalier 915). Not only is this formation placed squarely in a landscaped square in the field, but the sides are curved rather than straight as well. The circle has been integrated within the design rather than having to be imposed on or contained by the square. The circle and square relationship has shifted fundamentally to become symbiotic and integral to the whole. The statement, “Where one square sits inside another, the outer square symbolizes awareness of the physical world, the inner square the unconscious” (Bruce-Mitford 104), gives us an insight to a possible reason for placement of the crop formation inside an existing landscaped square. The very centre of the formation gives us the beautiful Lamat symbol which appeared as a whole crop circle in 2006 at Etchilhampton Hill, nr Devizes, Wiltshire, August 15th. In the Mayan tradition, Lamat is associated with Venus. “Lamat lives by reason and operates out of the mental world. Lamat is the "we", community consciousness. Lamat in essence remembers. It receives through the solar plexus. Lamat is energetic, busy, nervous, clever, and playful. It shows a strong intellect, but can become somewhat paranoid. Lamat … is always reaching to operate out of love. This reflects in the planet it represents which is Venus. Lamat's issues are based in keeping themselves under control in order to finish things. Lamat needs to learn to express feelings and avoid extremes and excesses” (kachina). Are the circle makers telling us that the focus during all this celestial activity is on the Earth? And that perhaps the celestial activity is actually initiating responses within the Earth’s core that will result in a changed earthly situation? Are we about to witness the next chapter in the Great Story of Gaia? Will the vast unknown of the material world begin to reveal itself to our consciousness? And is our most useful response an attitude of love and confidence centered on the wondrous, steadfast and loving power of our Mother Earth? – Michelle Jennings Sources: Bruce-Mitford, M. The Illustrated Book of signs & Symbols. Reader’s Digest. Montreal. 1996. Chevalier, J. &Alain Gheerbrant. The Penguin Dictionary of Symbols. Penguin BooksLtd. London. 1994. Cooper, J.C. An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Traditional Symbols. Thames & Hudson. London. 1978. De Vries, Ad. Dictionary of Symbols and Imagery. North-Holland Publishing Co. Amsterdam. 1974. Walker, Barbara. The Woman’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets. Harper & Row, Publishers. San Francisco. 1983.
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