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Unknown Orb Type Ufo
Speaking again on abstractions, I have a friend who saw my “Abstract Universe” blog post and shared with me some very interesting pictures.
What follows are the words, opinions, and evidence, as shared by our guest writer and researcher.
Read the following descriptions and then click on the link within each sentence, as to better understand the big picture.
This first one is the actual photo that was taken. Essentially it’s an orb of some nature. No big deal here, just a plain ole orb, or is it?
This second picture is of the same orb taken seconds later, and as you can see, it now has an unusual rainbow shooting through the sky
The picture of the orb was then extracted from the photo and inverted and this is what was found to be inside of this tiny looking orb.
The photo of the object in the orb was then enlarged, enhanced and filtered and here is that result.
This next photo was cleaned up and filtered even more so as to see just the image.
It actually looks like someone is traveling within some type of energy field. I know it sounds far fetched but if we consider that they’re probably millions of years old and we’ve only become technologically advanced in the last 100 years, who’s to say.
The original photo of that very small orb was then given to another photographer who has exceptional software and can look at it in many different lights than we can.
Amongst other software he stated, “The software that I use is IRIS, an astronomy package normally used to extract details from dim stars, and nearby planets in our solar system.” He also said that he uses GNU GIMP, which is free software and can be obtained by anyone – it has excellent edge extraction algorithms.
With his software, see now what actually surrounds. the image in the orb
So yes, one must dwell in an abstract universe in order to see the big picture.
From:Rochester Paranormal

Realm Of Spirits
And when I tell them that such images are really those of spirits and ghostly anomalous forms is about when they will also ask me why such images seem blurry and out of focus. Which is when I inform them that whenever capturing such images usually requires that you place yourself in a different level of perception beyond the norm.
Through the years I have had times where someone would watch me taking photographs of something not visually apparent to them which I would later point out in an image.
I did that with media one time who had a news van parked nearby where when the reporter had asked why was I taking photos of their vehicle had I informed him that there was the spirit of a man looking inside the front passenger window which did later show up in the image.
When conducting such evidence hunting it is not uncommon to place yourself in a different reality which resonates with that of the paranormal thus making it possible to acquire strange and unusual photos of anomalous phenomena.
Such a reality when visited by the living will not always be in focus with crystal imagery of phantasms when your dealing with a layered environmental conglomeration of nebulas forms, most of which are shuffling about in what for them is normal transit.
Conditioning yourself to automatically enter into such a reality is one thing.
Extracting yourself out of it the same as you went into it is never a guarantee where sometimes the human body and psyche may have experienced changes while the physical conscious had momentarily exchanged spatial awareness.
An example of this is to enter into an anomalous parallel where upon returning you find your lungs now filled with fluids.
Or perhaps your body bleeding from a wound with no source of origin.
These are just some of the perils which await anyone finding themselves returning from any reality beyond their own.
And such dangers have long been known to Shamans, Mystics, Witches, and many others who regularly traverse within and between the many passageways between the living world and that of spirit.
From:Rochester ParanormalWebsite:
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