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Love and Light.
The Real Crop Circle Makers
Ladies and Gentlemen - I think we now must step back and think ! Over the 2009 season I have brought to your eyes various images of alien / extra terrestrial beings. I am truly amazed at the fact that there are many still out there who cannot accept the fact that these beings are of PHYSICAL nature. ( as I have discovered in the early hours of 9 - 9 - 9 )
These beings are no more than 2 - 3 feet tall - have dark grey skin - have large black eyes and large feet compared to the size of their bodies. ( this being was spotted by 3 others with a 24 hour period - One lady even chased it in a maize field !!!!!! )
On 9 - 9 - 9 one of these beings came within feet of me. They appear to have a humor, as the being that approached me - jumped in a manner with intent to surprise. With thin arms stretched out I genuinely thought this being was going to jump on me. I would be telling a lie if I told you that this did not affect me in some way - I stood on the edge of the road shaken by the experience !. No matter how brave we say we are - it is within our senses to respond in a defensive manner and retreat from something we do not recognise.
The event was almost a test of human fear and the lesson hear is " are we ready to accept them and how would the we respond if we were confronted by them ? " . This is one of the reasons I believe we are being shown what they look like from a distance so we can become accustomed to their visual appearance.
By being aware of their presence I strongly believe that they will show themselves with more clarity in 2010. I certainly hope, If they choose to approach, then I hope they will do it in a more subtle manner rather than jumping out of the undergrowth !.
Some have been asking why this information plus the images below were with held from public eyes ? . There are many reason which I cannot go into in detail but I did state to the ones who questioned me that once the season was over the information would be released to you the public who have the right to know of what is occurring in Wiltshire.
Please consider the fact that what I have shown to you in the season of 2009 - are the worlds first images of ' THE REAL CROP CIRCLE MAKERS '. I fully understand that there will be many who will live in denial and will not accept what I have shown - if you are in such category then please for once open your mind. The images shown to you on this site are 1000% REAL. The only thing that we have altered in most cases is just brightness and contrast - this is simply for visual enhancement only.
I welcome your comments as always.
Thank you for all you support in 2009.

Ladies and Gentlemen - I think we now must step back and think ! Over the 2009 season I have brought to your eyes various images of alien / extra terrestrial beings. I am truly amazed at the fact that there are many still out there who cannot accept the fact that these beings are of PHYSICAL nature. ( as I have discovered in the early
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