Mayan End Age 12-21-2012
"The Hopi and Mayan elders do not prophesy that everything will come to an end. Rather, this is a time of transition from one World Age into another. The message they give concerns our making a choice of how we enter the future ahead. Our moving through with either resistance or acceptance will determine whether the transition will happen with cataclysmic changes or gradual peace and tranquility. The same theme can be found reflected in the prophecies of many other Native American visionaries from Black Elk to Sun Bear." - Joseph Robert Jochmans

Map of Mayan Civilization centres
We are living today in the cusp of the Mayan end times, the end of a galactic day or time period spanning thousands of years. One galactic day of 25,625 years is divided into five cycles of 5,125 years.
The Great Cycle of the Mayan Long Count calendar ends on the winter solstice of 2012 A.D. Following Mayan concepts of cyclic time and World Age transitions, this is as much about beginnings as endings. In fact, it was considered by the ancient Mayans to signify the creation of a new World Age. We are almost at the end of the fifth and final 5,125 year cycle!
Many of us are aware of the Mayan calendar but not many people truly understand what it means and how it works. Yes the calendar does end on December 21, 2012, but what does that mean? How does it come to that? What is their calendar based off of?
The Mayans had a very precise understanding of our solar system's cycles and believed that these cycles coincided with our spiritual and collective consciousness. The most significant of which has much to do with the 2012 prophecies. In the following writing, we will walk through the main details of their prophecies surrounding the 2012 transition. How the transition takes place (from an astronomical perspective), what it means for us, and when the cycles take place. We'll start with the basic prophecies and later move deeper into the explanation of the cycles.
The Mayans prophesied that from 1999 we have 13 years to realize the changes in our conscious attitude to stray from the path of self-destruction and instead move onto a path that opens our consciousness to integrate us with all that exists.
The Mayans knew that our Sun, or Kinich-Ahau, every so often synchronized with the enormous central galaxy. And from this central galaxy received a 'spark' of light which causes the Sun to shine more intensely producing what our scientists call 'solar flares' as well as changes in the Sun's magnetic field. The Mayans say that this happens every 5,125 years. But also that this causes a displacement in the earths rotation, and because of this movement great catastrophes would be produced.
The Mayans believed the universal processes, like the 'breathing' of the galaxy, are cycles that never change. What changes is the consciousness of man that passes through it. Always in a process toward more perfection. Based on their observations, the Mayans predicted that from the initial date of the start of their civilization, 4 Ahau, 8 Cumku which is 3113 B.C., after one cycle being completed 5,125 years in their future, December 21st, 2012. The Sun, having received a powerful ray of synchronizing light from the center of the galaxy, would change its polarity which would produce a great cosmic event that would propel human kind to be ready to cross into a new era, The Golden Age. It is after this, that the Mayans say we will be ready to go through the door that was left by them, transforming our civilization based on fear to a vibration much higher in harmony.
Only from our individual efforts could we avoid the path to great cataclysm that our planet will suffer to start a new era, the sixth cycle of the Sun. The Mayan civilization was in the fifth cycle of the Sun, and there were four other great civilizations before them that were destroyed by great natural disasters. They believed that each cycle was just one stage in the collective consciousness of humanity.
In the last cataclysm of the Mayans, the civilization was destroyed by a great flood that left little survivors of which were their descendants. They believed that having known the end of their cycle, mankind would prepare for what is to come in the future and it is because of this that they would have preserved the dominant species; the human race. They say that coming changes will permit us to make a quantum leap forward in the evolution of our consciousness to create a new civilization that would manifest great harmony and compassion to all humankind.
Their first prophecy talks about 'The Time of No-Time'. A period of 20 years, which they call a Katún. The last 20 years of the Sun's cycle of 5,125 years. This cycle is from 1992 - 2012. I'll explain this in greater detail later. They predicted that during these times, solar winds would become more intense and could be seen on the Sun. This would be a time of great realization and great change for mankind. And it would be our own lack of preservation and contamination of the planet that would contribute to these changes. According to the Mayans, these changes would happen so that mankind comprehends how the universe works so we could advance to superior levels, leaving behind superficial materialism and liberating ourselves from suffering.
The Mayans say, that seven years after the start of Katún, which is to say 1999, we would enter a time of darkness which would force us to confront our own conduct. The say that this is the time when mankind will enter 'The Sacred Hall of Mirrors'. Where we will look at ourselves and analyze our behaviors with ourselves, with others, with nature and with the planet in which we live. A time in which all of humanity, by individual conscious decisions, decides to change and eliminate fear and lack of respect from all of our relationships. The Mayans prophesied that the start of this period would be marked by a solar eclipse on August 11, 1999, known to them as 13 Ahau, 8 Cauac. And would coincide with an unprecedented planetary alignment, the 'Grand Cross' alignment. This would be the last 13 years of the Katón period. The last opportunity for our civilization to realize the changes that are coming at the moment of our spiritual regeneration.
For the Mayans, everything is numbers and the time of the 13 sacred numbers started in August 1999. They predicted that along with the eclipse, the forces of nature would act like a catalyst of changes so accelerated and with such magnitude that mankind would be powerless against them. Also, that our technologies in which we rely on so much would begin to fail us. We would no longer be able to learn from our civilization in the way that we are organized as a society. They said that our internal, spiritual development would require a better place along with a better way to interact with more respect and compassion.
The first prophecies were attained by their study of our Sun. The Mayans discovered that the entire solar system moved. That even our universe has its own cycles. Repetitive periods which begin and end like our day and night. These discoveries lead to the understanding that our solar system rotates on an ellipse that brings our solar system closer and further from the center of the galaxy. In other words, according to the Mayans, our Sun and all of its planets rotate in cycles in relation to the center of the galaxy or Hunab-Kú, the central light of the galaxy. It takes 25,625 years for our solar system to make one cycle on this ellipse. One complete cycle is called a galactic day. The cycle is divided into two halves similar to our day and night. The half closest to the central light, is our solar system's 'day' and the half furthest away is its 'night'. Each day and each night lasts 12,800 years. Which is to say, the central galaxy is the Sun for our entire solar system.
The Mayans discovered that every grand cycle has its minor cycles, that carry the same characteristics. One galactic day of 25,625 years is divided into five cycles of 5,125 years. The first cycle is the galactic morning. When our solar system is just coming out of the darkness to enter the light. The second cycle is the mid-day. When our solar system is closest to the central light. The third cycle is the afternoon. When our solar system begins to come out of the light. The fourth cycle is the late-night. When our solar system has entered its furthest cycle from the central light. And the fifth and last cycle is night before dawn. When are solar system is in its last cycle of darkness before starting again. This is the cycle we are currently coming out of.
The Mayan prophecy tells us that in 1999, our solar system began to leave the end of the fifth cycle which started in 3113 B.C. and that we find ourselves in the morning of our galactic day, exiting darkness and on the verge of being in plain day of our central galaxy in 2012. They say that at the beginning and end of these cycles, which is to say, every 5,125 years, the central sun or light of the galaxy emits a ray of light so intense and so brilliant that it illuminates the entire universe. It is from this burst of light that all of the Suns and planets sync. The Mayans compare this burst to the pulse of the universe, beating once every 5,125 years. It is these pulses that mark the end of one cycle and the beginning of the next. Each pulse lasting 20 years, a Katún.
So we come back to what they call 'The Time of No Time'. It is an evolutionary period, short but intense, inside the grand cycles where great changes take place to thrust us into a new age of evolution as individuals and as mankind.
As individuals we will have to make decisions that will affect us all. If we continue on this negative path of hate, an eye for an eye, destruction of nature, of fear and egoism, we will enter straight into the time of destruction and chaos, and we will disappear as the dominant race of this planet. If we become conscious and realize that we all form part of a great organism, and that we should respect one another and be grateful to our planet, then we will move directly into positive growth, our Golden Age. Our planet, the Sun and the Galaxy are awaiting our decision. It is up to us what will happen in this time of change. Whether we go through a time of suffering and destruction or we find ourselves united in one positive consciousness moving closer to our next stage.
Please notice the events of our planet as evidence that the Mayan prophecies are worth listening to and learning from. Share this information and help us all move toward a better future, where we can thrive in a new era of positivity. It has never been so important.
"The person with no previous exposure to the Mayan Calendar will usually initially be surprised by the fact that some people today take such an interest in an ancient calendar. After all, human history has seen a high number of different calendars. Is not then the Mayan calendar just a very specialized subject of interest only to specialists or history buffs? “Why would the world today need another calendar than the Gregorian or Muslim that are currently in use, and why should this be the Mayan calendar?” some may ask.
By Carl Johan Calleman
The Mayan civilization of Central America was and is the most advanced in relation to time-science knowledge. Their main calendar is the most accurate on the planet. It has never erred. The Mayan fifth world finished in 1987. The sixth world starts in 2012. So we are currently "between worlds"
we will have gone beyond technology as we know it.
we will have gone beyond time and money.
we will have entered the fifth dimension after passing through the fourth dimension
Planet Earth and the Solar System will come into galactic synchronization with the rest of the Universe.
Our DNA will be "upgraded" (or reprogrammed) from the centre of our galaxy. (Hunab Ku)
Everybody on this planet is mutating. Some are more conscious of it than others. But everyone is doing it.
What is so special about the Mayan Calendar?
This grand cycle of evolution will culminate winter solstice, December 21, 2012 AD.
This time we are now in has been called "The Time of Trial on Earth," "Judgement Day," "The Time of Great Purification," "The End of this Creation," "The Quickening," "The End of Time as We Know It," "The Shift of the Ages." It is foretold that the completion of the Precession brings regeneration of Earth, offering awakening to all open, willing hearts. Many peoples spoke of these last days of the Great Cycle, including the: Maya, Hopi, Egyptians, Kabbalists, Essenes, Qero elders of Peru, Navajo, Cherokee, Apache, Iroquois confederacy, Dogon Tribe, and Aborigines.
Mayan Prophecies and Calendar
"The Gregorian calendar is not in harmony with the forces of nature. The original Egyptian calendar was. But the Egyptian calendar was later modified by the Greeks/Spartan and then the Romans etc. 30 yrs after the birth of Christ, the calendar was off by 12 days. They had a council to bring it back (Julian). In 1582 it was again out of line and Pope Gregory brought in the best astronomers to align it once again. It still suffer changes. The Russian Orthodox did not accept this calendar until much later.
The Mayan calendar will need to be adjusted by one day in 380,000 years.
The Aztecs use different glyphs and is basically the same as the Mayan only slightly less evolved. Their glyphs are better in their representations of the energies though.
The Earth changes will continue until 2012. The Elders say that the process can be easy and aligned or can be catastrophic. Human energy will decide this.
Time and the calendar begin on the equinox of 3/21.
There had been a cycle of darkness that lasted 468 years (9 X 52) and ended on 3/30/1993.
We are now in a transition period called the 'Cycle of the merge of the dark and the light.' During this time humanity is going through great transition.
The cycle of light will come in full force on 12/21/2012.
This is considered the cycle of 13 lights and 13 heavens.
Many cycles begin on that same date.
Mother Earth as a living entity will transcend to another level or frequency or consciousness and a new and special era will begin.
The preparation for this is now in the womb of the Earth so to speak and the process of change is bringing transcendental manifestations.
This new era will be very positive. "Let all beings rise. Let not one or two stay behind".
The times are here for total brotherhood.
The spirit beings, different philosophies, different races must begin to weave together all knowledge to create the tapestry of harmony and balance. We are all seeing the evidence of this shift in human consciousness now. ...
Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent
Quetzalcoatl, the feathered or plumed serpent, represents kundalini which is the movement of energy from the Earth to the base of the spine then up the spine. This serpent/fire represents transcendence.
Quetzalcoatl, "The whole American continent is represented by an eagle or condor. It (America) has been called to take the torch for these times. One wing represents the physical and the other the material. The spiritual wing must continue to lift. When balance comes of both wings, then America will come unto it's own bringing the spiritual and material resources together."
Mayan Prophecies and Calendar

Madrid Codex: (75-76)
Both the Hopis and Mayans recognize that we are approaching the end of a World Age. But the former, however, offer no time limits, while the latter have a calendar system whose grand Thirteen Baktun cycle will end either on December 24, 2011 or June 6, 2012 (depending on your method of calculation). In both cases, however, the Hopi and Mayan elders do not prophesy that everything will come to an end. Rather, this is a time of transition from one World Age into another. The message they give concerns our making a choice of how we enter the future ahead. Our moving through with either resistance or acceptance will determine whether the transition will happen with cataclysmic changes or gradual peace and tranquility. The same theme can be found reflected in the prophecies of many other Native American visionaries from Black Elk to Sun Bear.
This concept that we can make choices concerning our future destinies is one found not only in Native American prophecies but is really an essential ingredient in all true prophetic pronouncements. True prophecy is meant to be a reflection on the hidden natures and motivations of human behavior, both individually and collectively, as well as the future options based on the human ability to make a choice. True prophecy is thus more than merely a forecast. Its purpose is to provide the lesson that is to be learned from a potential future prognostication so that, if possible, the lesson is accepted and processed beforehand. Thus the course of the future can actually be changed, and a different pathway of prophesied events can be manifested into reality.
In this context, the period of time between now and the year 2012, with 2000 as the benchmark, appears to be shaping up into a decisive time period when important choices will be made and when any number of timelines for the future are possible. True prophecy is our guide to determine what those different timelines are and how we can make the right choices.
by Joseph Robert Jochmans
Aligning With the Spirit of the Maya Calendar End-Date 2012
by Dwayne Edward Rourke
January 1, 2000
A great turning of the Gregorian calendar wheel has brought us to the threshold of a new millennium. Throughout the planet, people are filled with the sort of expectancy, excitement and anxiety such a threshold evokes. However, if any of us are looking to the calendar itself for guidance as to how to align with the spirit of this new time, we will likely be disappointed. Very little is provided there, other than a rather utilitarian segmentation of time into years, months and days. In contrast, the workings of a sacred calendar such as that found throughout Mesoamerica and especially in those areas inhabited by traditional Mayan people, provide a wealth of symbolism able to empower its adherents with insight and energy.
Clearly, all calendars throughout the world are arbitrary man-made constructions. Generally, they are based on alignment with particular celestial phenomena such as the solar or lunar year. Mayan calendars are no exception and currently the Mayan calendar tradition calls attention to the day we call December 21 , 2012. The Maya have been aware for hundreds of years that on that Winter solstice day, a unique astronomical event will occur: a very rare conjunction of the Sun with the ecliptic of the Milky Way galaxy....
In the direction EAST, universally acknowledged as the place of new beginnings, the Maya place the hieroglyph CHICCHAN (pronunciation: cheek'chan). CHICCHAN is the serpent mind, the mind that is constantly renewed and regenerated, through a process of shedding what no longer serves us. The physical body itself can be seen as an evolutionary skin periodically released, as one life ends and another begins. It is a body fueled ultimately by a form of solar energy the Maya call kultunlilni. Kultunlilni is the vital life force empowering all human growth and development. This crucial life-force is the same as what is known in Hindu cosmology as the serpent power: kundalini. Kundalini is the great evolutionary force making of each body and its occupant, a potentially powerful source of solar wisdom. Important for us to remember, however, is that this primary, very intimate and very powerful source of wisdom is only accessible to the extent that we are able to hear what our bodies, as carriers of its sacred gift, are actually telling us. Inevitably in this process, we turn to those with whom we feel a strong attraction or affinity. "
Aligning With the Spirit of the Maya Calendar End-Date 2012
What is the Millennium all about?
Consensus indicates that we are coming out of what the Indian tradition names Kali Yuga (this is the age of darkness/ignorance) and are on the verge of entering the Satya Yuga (the age of truth) when all falsehood will expose itself and drop away. The Yuga which links these two Yugas is named Krita Yuga ( Age of transition.)
From the Western Astrological perspective this seems to correspond with the understanding that we are transiting from the Piscean Age to the Age of Aquarius. The onset of the Aquarian Age speaks to us of spiritual awakenings, of the perfection of each human being, through an awareness of our own spiritual self. The time of rebirth and great spiritual development on earth. All this heralding a time of much greater joy and positivity.
Yet in the Christian tradition the generally accepted idea is that the Millennium starts around the year 2000. Websters 9th Collegiate Dictionary, USA, 1983 gives a definition as follows:- “The 1000 years mentioned in the Book of Revelation, chapter 20 during which Holiness is to prevail. A period of great happiness or human perfection”.
In the Islamic tradition there are many instances where the Holy Koran and the Hadith mention a future time of judgement & resurrection, known as the Qiyamah time. In the traditions of the prophet this time is indicated as coming some time after 1400 years (of the Hijri calendar), which again seems to coincide with the coming Millennium & twenty first century.
For Buddhists there is some expectation that the Wheel of Dharma, the metaphorical wheel of time is set to turn for the first time in 2500 years since Lord Buddha’s advent. Gautama Buddha apparently taught that each revolution of the wheel signalled a new beginning, or rebirth for humanity.
From the Book of Prophecies of the Knight John of Jerusalem (11th Century) comes the following: “The millennium that comes after this millennium will change into a light time. People will love and share and dream, and dreams will come true.” Further it adds: “People will be one big body of which every person is a tiny part. Together they’ll be the heart and they’ll speak one language.” “Men will have reached heaven” “Men will know the Spirit of all things” “People will receive a second birth and the Spirit will come into them.”
Ancient Sibylline Oracles of the Roman era perhaps also add to the collective vision of what the future may hold...for example “Vice shall leave the earth and be sunk in the divine ocean”
William Blake (1757-1827) speaks of the Judaic tradition in his work: ‘The Marriage of Heaven and Hell’. V14 as follows: The ancient tradition that the world will be consumed (overthrown) in fire at the end of six thousand years is true,....For the cherub with his flaming sword is hereby commanded to leave guard at(the) tree of life: and when he does, the whole creation will be consumed (overthrown) and appear infinite and holy, whereas it now appears finite and corrupt. If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite. For man has so closed himself up, till he sees all things thro’ narrow chinks of his cavern.
So what does the past say about the present? Well in short-many things. What is intriguing is the faint echo from the past which informs us of a hitherto unsuspected phenomenon, namely the coming of a feminine spiritual personality, a Mother, who will facilitate a collective rebirth. Here are some selected references which allude to this happening!
Predictions about the Spiritual Mother
In a book published in 1887 titled “The Mystery of the Ages” by Marie, Countess of Caithness (Page 316-317) the following prediction appears:- “It was generally considered, at the turn of the next century, that the next Divine incarnation was about to come to earth and would be female, the advent of Divine Wisdom, or Theo-Sophia, and that the present age would be the age of making known all that which has been kept secret from the beginning.”
This is an extract from the Nadigranth compiled by Mr Shantaram Athvale. The Nadigranth was originally written in Sanskrit 2000 years back by the ancient astrologer Bhrigumuni and later updated & translated into Marathi and titled the Kak Nadi by Kakayyar Bhujander who was a great astrologer and seeker who lived nearly 300 years ago in India. In this particular extract Shantaram Athvale refers to the writings from Kak Nadi written by Kakayyar Bhujander:
“While Jupiter is in Pisces a great Yogi will incarnate on the Earth. By 1970 it will have become quite evident to many people that a new era will have started. Human life will undergo a complete revolution. This Yogi will be the Incarnation of Parabrahma and will have all the divine powers.
Due to new scientific discoveries science and religions would become one. With the help of science the existence of God and the Soul could be proved. The veil of ignorance and Maya would be drawn aside and Brahmananda, Moksha which could previously only be attained by yogis as a result of very hard work and severe penance would become easily available to many human beings.”
William Blake (28 Nov 1757-12 Aug 1827) gives us this prophetic poem titled “To Morning.” Seemingly it is an invocation to what he perceived as the feminine aspect of the Divine, whom would facilitate the dawning of a new age and the unlocking of Heaven on Earth.
“O Holy Virgin, Clad in purest white Unlock heaven’s golden gates and issue forth Awake the dawn that sleeps, that sleeps in heaven Let light rise from the chambers of the East”
C.S Lewis (1898-1963) in his book the Great Divorce describes some kind of approaching procession of great joyousness. “If I could remember their singing and write down the notes, no man who read that score would ever grow sick or old. Between them went musicians: and after this a lady in whose honour this was being done” and “Every young man or boy that met her became her son” further “Every girl that met her became her daughter” and “There are those that steal other peoples children. But her motherhood was of a different kind. Those on whom it fell went back to their natural parents loving them more. In her they became themselves. And now the abundance of life she has in Christ from the Father flows over into them.” and also...”Redeemed humanity is still young, it has hardly come to its full strength. But already there is joy enough in the little finger of a great saint such as yonder lady to waken all the dead things in the universe to life.”
The R.S.V. Christian Bible, Revelation, chapter 12, verse 1, tells us prophetically of a marvellous event to come, of a sign, of a woman. “And a great portent appeared in heaven a woman clothed with the sun with the moon under her feet and on her head a crown of twelve stars.”
In the Prophecies of John of Jerusalem an 11th century knight we read the following regarding ‘the Mother’ and the coming Millennium time. “She will be a great Master of the future times.....” “She will be the Mother of the Millennium that comes after the Millennium.” “After the days of the devil She will make the softness of a Mother flow. g) In the Christian Gnostic Gospel of Thomas this mysterious divine feminine power is alluded to in verse 101 as:- “My mother gave me birth My true Mother gave me Life”
The Essene Gospel of Peace, Book 1 (Page 7), speaks of this feminine aspect of the divine as being an inner life force, as something to be realised. “Your Mother is in you, and you in her, She gives you life.”
In ancient writings of the Bible and also Gnostic records...the energy now known to many today as Kundalini energy is called by various names such as: Sophia, Life, Mother of the living or Wisdom. This force called Wisdom is likened to a feminine energy, and even a feminine personality ........ named as She and Her. In these writings the words; She...Her ...Wisdom & Holy Spirit are used interchangeably to refer to this feminine aspect of the Divine. Also later known in Christian texts as the Holy Ghost, Comforter, Counsellor and Redeemer.
From the ancient Wisdom of Solomon written some 2500 years back we read: Chapter 6, Verse, 12-17: 6.12-”Wisdom is radiant and unfading and she is easily discerned (recognised) by those who love her, and is found by those who seek her. 6.13-She hastens to make herself known to those who desire her. ..... and 6.16-She goes about seeking those worthy of her, and she graciously appears to them in their paths, and meets them in every thought.
7. 22-24-For in her there is a spirit that is intelligent, holy, unique, manifold, unpolluted, distinct, invulnerable, loving the good, dynamic (keen), irresistible, beneficent, humane, steadfast, sure, free from anxiety, all-powerful, overseeing all, and penetrating through all spirits .........................that are intelligent and pure and most subtle.
7.24-For wisdom is more mobile than any motion; because of her pureness.... she pervades and penetrates all things. . 7.25-For she is a breath (wind) of the power of God, and a pure emanation of the glory of the almighty; therefore nothing defiled gains entrance into her.
7.26-For she is a reflection of eternal light, and a spotless mirror of the working of God, and an image of his goodness.
7.27-Though she is but one, she can do all things, and while remaining in herself, she renews all things; in every generation she passes into holy souls and makes them friends of God, and prophets:
7.28-For God loves nothing so much as the man who lives with wisdom.
7.29-For she is more beautiful than the sun, and excels every constellation of the stars. Compared with the light she is found to be superior,....
8.1-She reaches mightily from one end of the earth to the other, and she orders all things well.
8. 4-For she is an initiate in the knowledge of God,
8.5-If riches are a desirable possession in life what is richer than wisdom, who effects all things?
8.6-And if understanding is effective, who more than she who is the fashioner of what exists?
8.8-And if any one longs for wide experience, she knows the things of old, and infers the things to come; she understands turns of speech and solutions to (life’s) riddles she has foreknowledge of signs and wonders and the outcomes of seasons and times.
8.16-When I enter my house, (the body/ temple) I shall find rest with her, for companionship with her has no bitterness, and life with her has no pain, but (is)gladness and joy.
8. 17-18-For in kinship with wisdom there is immortality and in friendship with her....pure delight and in labour’s of her hands, unfailing wealth, and in experience of her company, understanding and renown in sharing her words.
9.11-For she knows and understands all things,.....
And what of Sophia, of Wisdom, of the Holy Spirit, Comforter, Counsellor, Redeemer? Well people say She is here, residing within each and everyone of us as a sleeping potential, an inner life force, known widely as the Kundalini energy. This unique energy resides in the sacrum (sacred) bone. It is said that She can be awakened if one truly desires it so. It sounds like a dream but that’s what this music seeks to proclaim and celebrate. Further it is said that the one who resurrects this inner Divine Life Force, en-masse, is the Divine Mother, Goddess, Holy Spirit, who is verily a Comforter, Counsellor, Redeemer.
This inner living resurrection can be enjoyed every day, and each second by those who experience it. What’s more, it is celebrated globally on the anniversary of the opening of the Sahasrara. The Sahasrara is the universal energy centre located at the crown of the head, at the fontanelle, the seventh chakra or highest centre of consciousness, known otherwise as the thousand petalled lotus. It is through this last centre that one is able to connect with the all pervading universal divine “that is”. On the day it was opened on a cosmic level it is said that the whole atmosphere was filled with tremendous chaitanya (divine life force energy-vibrations) and there was tremendous light in the sky, and the whole thing came on the Earth. Since that day, thousands upon thousands of seekers from every nation have crossed paths with the one who ‘delivers the goods’. For as the Ancient Wisdom of Solomon promises: Verse 6. 12 – “Wisdom is radiant and unfading and she is easily discerned by those who love her, and is found by those who seek her.” “She hastens to make herself known to those who desire her.” and “...she goes about seeking those worthy of her, and she graciously appears to them in their paths, and meets them in every thought. Hence the song lyrics: “She was also in your City. Haven’t you heard?”
Every year since 1970, the moment when the last centre in our evolutionary assent was opened, great celebrations have been taking place with people gathering from every nation & religious tradition somewhere on the world stage. And the day of commemoration – May 5th. Hence, it was a big surprise to find some predictions regarding this particular day, May 5th, for the year 2000, the so called Millennium year.
The Fernbank Science Centre Planetarium of Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, USA have carried out various assessments and concluded that there will be a line-up of planets (heavenly bodies) in the next Millennium. Such line-ups may have only the subtlest of effects upon our lives, so no armageddon type scenarios, please. In short various planets; Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, and the Sun and the new Moon will come into alignment with Earth, in a most unique conjunction or union. Momentarily being connected along invisible gravitational lines of energy. Like a cosmic string of pearls. Perhaps this will be a particularly auspicious day. And when? On the precise date of May 5th, 2000. This is mentioned only to spark curiosity, to lead the attention onward, to activate the seeking and questing faculty, to stimulate the desire to know, feel and experience the eternal. Everyone can do it..... if they wish!
All this excitement about the so called Millennium may lead us in the wrong directions. The Millennium isn’t a one moment event, if anything it more clearly represents a dawning. As a seed sprouts and promises new growth, so we might look upon the idea of the Millennium. After all, this time business is in essence just a man made concept, and perhaps not too much should be made of it. In any event it is commonly debated that the Julian (Christian calendar) is only accurate to about plus or minus seven years. (So the Millennium could really be anywhere between 1993-2007).
Hence, some say, it is best to stay in the present and tap into that inner state beyond time, the fifth dimension, accessible by achieving a state of ‘thoughtless awareness’ at the Sahasrara chakra.....otherwise known as the Turiya State or Eternity.
Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941), who was awarded the Nobel prize for literature in 1913 makes the following plea:- “Oh! Mother, let my mind awake slowly on the Sacred Shore of the sea, where great souls of the world have come together to offer their pranams. Here with outstretched hands we bow-down to the Divine in human form. In bounteous poetry and in great joy we adore thee. Behold here oh seeker! The mountain of meditation with rivers resounding and dancing to the solemn music of heaven. Adore here your Sacred Mother Earth where great souls have come together on the seashore to offer their pranams. Come oh! Aryans, come non Aryans, come Hindus and Muslims. Come come oh Englishmen, come Christians, come oh Brahmins purify your heart, hold the hands of the down-trodden and out-castes. Remove all ills and disrespect. Come quickly for the coronation (anointing) of the Mother,” Blossom Time is indeed here! This is the season!
— Geoffrey Godfrey
Knowledge of Reality Magazine 1996-2006

Temple of Kukulkan
Temple of Kukulkan (Serpent)
"Quetzalcoatl taught the ancients all the necessary skills to advance their civilization, from mathematics and science to agriculture and astronomy, as well as the famous Mayan calendrical formulae which predicts the end of the world to be December 21st 2012. He taught the people to live in peace and then moved on disappearing across the sea, but he promised he would someday return. Unfortunately for the ancient inhabitants of Mexico they mistook the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors and Cortez in 1519 as Quetzalcaotl's return, bringing about their tragic doom. Accepting them with open arms and treating them with utmost reverence the ancient people expected their newly arrived god to bestow great benevolence upon them. Instead the Spanish invaders brought nothing but greed and brutality for their trusting hosts.
The name Quetzalcoatl (ket-tsul'kwot-ul) means "plumed or feathered serpent". We must certainly then mention the great ancient city of Chichen Itza on Yucatan peninsula in Mexico. There, twice a year, an amazing spectacle related to the feathered serpent god takes place:
"The Temple of Kukulkan (the Feathered Serpent God, also known as Quetzalcoatl) is the largest and most important ceremonial structure at Chichen Itza. This ninety-foot tall pyramid was built during the eleventh to thirteenth centuries directly upon the multiple foundations of previous temples. The pyramid is a store-house of information on the Mayan calendar. ... The northern stairway was the principal sacred path leading to the summit. At sunset on the vernal and autumnal equinoxes, an interplay between the sun's light and the edges of the stepped terraces on the pyramid creates a fascinating - and very brief - shadow display upon the sides of the northern stairway. A serrated line of seven interlocking triangles (chakras) gives the impression of a long tail leading downward to the stone head of the serpent Kukulkan (Kundalini), at the base of the stairway." (Linda Casselman)
So then, on these two very important dates, the vernal and autumnal equinoxes, it appears that Quetzalcoatl is indeed present among his people as the shadow of the serpent moves along the steps of the Pyramid of Kulkulkan.

I happened to go to Colombia where I collected an authentic antique copy of the antique necklace. The necklace had at its bottom a Kundalini and even the earrings had the Kundalini, but, surprisingly, it was from the Indians of America, though it is now kept in the museum in Colombia. It was in America that people knew about Kundalini, definitely absolutely in three and a half coil they had done this pattern very well. Is very surprising that it was done even before Columbus came here."
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Philadelphia, USA — Oct 15, 1993

Serpent Mound and associated
constellations-Draco and the Little
Dipper. Aerial photo Great Serpent Mound
A most fascinating ancient Native American archaeological site found in Ohio, USA, called the "Great Serpent Mound", features an undulating snake's body, its coiled tail reminiscent of the Kundalini lying dormant in the sacrum. In its mouth appears an egg, symbol of the potential actualization of Second Birth.
Is it possible, then, that the ancient Native American Peoples were worshiping the Divine Feminine and were deeply aware of the symbolic, spiritual significance of the Serpent Power and the Primordial Egg?
Although scholars are uncertain as to the precise significance of this Great Serpent Mound, it is, however, highly likely that this site was revered by American Indians as the sacred representation of Kundalini awakening (Second Birth).
Other sources offer added information on the Great Serpent Mound:
"The Great Serpent Mound, in Adams County, Ohio, USA, is considered to be the world's largest serpent effigy. The mound is a quarter of a mile long and five feet high, and it was originally much higher."[1]
"The Great Serpent Mound continues to wind its quarter-mile length along an Ohio hilltop...By the end of the nineteenth century, archaeologists were able to show that the mounds had in fact been built by Native American civilizations many centuries before-a-long-lost-civilization such as Greece, Persia, Holy Land or mythical island of Atlantis."[2]
"...the two structures [Stonehenge and the Great Serpent Mound in the USA] share the same timeline. From carbon dating in and around Stonehenge, the Council for British Archaeology (CBA) gives an early date for the core of Stonehenge at 3,000 B.C.E. or 5,000 years ago. The design of Serpent Mound was conceived about 5,000 years ago as well-and is therefore among the oldest of earth and stone works in North America--or in fact the world. In this, Stonehenge and Serpent Mound are coeval. That time period is referred to in North American archaeology as being of the "Archaic Period" (approximately 6000 B.C.E. to 1000 B.C.E.)
[1]Calloway, Colin G.Indians of the Northeast / Colin G.Calloway - The First Americans series.New York, NY,USA. Facts on File,Inc. Copyright,1991.ISBN: 0-8160-2389-1. pp. 15,16
[2]Wood, Marion. The World of Native Americans, First Edition. New York, NY10010,156 Fifth Ave. Peter Bedwick Books.1997. ISBN: 0750022760(hc.) pp.10,11
from elder Hunbatz Men
"The Mayan prophecies are being fulfilled. Some are being fulfilled even now. Some will be fulfilled on the morrow. The Mayan prophecies exist because the Mayas knew the cosmic time. They knew that in certain times it would be necessary to keep this cosmic wisdom secret. This was the purpose of the prophecy so that they might be able to communicate their secrets to the initiates of the future.
It is prophesied that initiates shall return to the sacred land of the Mayas to continue the work of the Great Spirit. Here in the lands of the Mayab, in the cycle of light, there surged a great wisdom, which would illuminate humanity for many millennia. This wisdom was given to the Mayan-Itzaes.
These masters will come from many places. They will be of many colors. Some will speak of things difficult to understand. Others will be aged. Some less so. Some will dance while others will remain silent as rocks. Their eyes will communicate the initiatic message, which is to continue through the cycles of the next millennium.
It is also prophesied that this initiation of cosmic wisdom is for future initiates. They will be young and old, men and women who will have the understanding that this modern civilization is not meeting its educational responsibilities. It is well known that this so-called modern civilization has caused a regressive effect in spiritual development.
The Mayan ceremonial centers begin to emanate the light of the new millennium, which is much needed today. Many Mayan cosmic ceremonial centers begin to beckon, with their solar reflection, the many initiates who will come to continue the work of the Great Spirit. In many Mayan ceremonial centers Solar Priests will begin to walk among the multitude of tourists. They will be touched by the Solar Priests to be initiation with the cosmic wisdom. It will be then that the initiates of the second level shall begin to work among the new initiates."
elder Hunbatz Men
"Ah the Mayan Calendars end in 2012 means the end of time. I'm sure often you have heard that enlightenment means realization of the soul (beyond space and time) in correlation with spirit (God, or creation).
So do not fear, 2012 does not mean cataclysm, in fact, its the opposite, the coming of a new Golden Age, in which we will possess the powers of the ancient ones. We will be able to levitate, manifest, and heal, and invocate magic. You will notice that more and more people are becoming interested in crystals, enlightenment, and the etheric and astral planes. At the same time, much chaos is happening now to balance the worlds karma so we can all ascend together. This is the law, and by following it, we will ascend and be freed from karma. This is why many of you may be experiencing times of turmoil. It is there for a reason, it will never happen again.
There is actual scientific evidence that our DNA is evolving, and forming new strands, and the complete evolutionary process of our DNA will be finished in 2012. With this we will be able to gain mystical wisdom unknown by the children of man, yet known by the children of light.
For you see, from many ancient sources, it describes time as being circular. The wisdom and powers of creation possessed in ancient times, will come back to us again. The ancient descended from God, a motherland, Mu, Atlantis, then spreading and migrating into the people of India, Egypt, Greece, Persia..... All of these ancient messengers carry the secret of the ancients, and all will relate to the same thing (yet they are all on different parts of the world) meaning they descended from ONE. We are coming back to this ONE, and more discoveries of Atlantis and our ancient past is emerging. Especially that of the crystals, which Atlantis used as a magical tool of the Gods.
Look to many sources, not just mine. Keep and open mind. Do not follow me, rather take the wisdom I speak to thee, and use it on your own path."
"A steadily quickening flow of earth changes has become so apparent in 1995 that even traditional media are paying attention. Earth transformation was the cause of celebration of the Harmonic Convergence initiated by Jose and Lloydine Arguelles in August, 1987, and the Time Shift on July 26, 1992. The Time Shift marked the time in history when the planet entered a new sequencing of energy that after a magnetic pole shift in 2000, will be complete in December, 2012. With the energy sequencing complete in 2012, Timeship Earth will launch her voyage into fourth dimensional time in 2013.
The map of planetary transformation into a new dimensional time stream was plotted in the Mayan calendar and interpreted by Jose and Lloydine in the Dreamspell. In the 1950s, Euro-American astronomers ran headlong into the stunning reality that Native Americans were masters of a sophisticated astronomy previously unrecognized. Since the New World was conquered, the Europeans had believed that Native Americans were ignorant of astronomy. In fact, the Native American concept was completely different than the European and thus not recognized. Where European astronomers tracked large objects, such as the sun and moon, in direct courses, the Native Americans tracked small objects relative to large objects, a far more complex and accurate system. The two systems perceived the heavens from such radically different view points, that the Europeans did not recognize the Native American system as astronomy."
"When the Spanish conquered the Incas 500 years ago, the last pachacuti, or great change, occurred. The Q'ero have been waiting ever since for the next pachacuti, when order would emerge out of chaos. For the past five centuries they preserved their sacred knowledge, and finally, in recent years, the signs were fulfilled that the great time of change was at hand:
- the high mountain lagoons have dried,
- the condor is nearly extinct
- and the discovery of the Golden Temple has occurred, following the earthquake in 1949 which represented the wrath of the sun.
The prophecies are optimistic. They refer to the end of time as we know it -- the death of a way of thinking and a way of being, the end of a way of relating to nature and to the earth.
In the coming years, the Incas expect us to emerge into a golden age, a golden millennium of peace. The prophecies also speak of tumultuous changes happening in the earth, and in our psyche, redefining our relationships and spirituality. The next pachacuti, or great change, has already begun, and it promises the emergence of a new human after this period of turmoil. The chaos and upheaval characteristic of this period will last another four years, according to the Q'ero.
The paradigm of European civilization will continue to collapse, and the way of the Earth people will return. Even more importantly, the shamanic elders speak about a tear in the fabric of time itself. This presents an opportunity for us to describe ourselves not as who we have been in the past but as who we are becoming.
Pachacuti also refers to a great Incan leader who lived in the late 1300s. He is said to have built Machu Picchu and was the architect of an empire the size of the US. For the Incas, Pachacuti is a spiritual prototype -- a Master, a luminous one who stepped outside of time. He was a messiah, but not in the Christian sense of the only son of God, beyond the reach of humanity. Rather he is viewed as a symbol and promise of who we all might become. He embodies the essence of the prophecies of the pachacuti, as Pacha means "earth" or "time," and cuti means "to set things right." His name also means "transformer of the earth."
The prophecies of the pachacuti are known throughout the Andes. There are those who believe the prophecies refer to the return of the leader Pachacuti to defeat those who took the Incas' land. But according to Dr. Villoldo, the return of Pachacuti is taking place on the collective level. "It's not the return of a single individual who embodies what we're becoming, but a process of emergence available to all peoples."
The Q'ero have served as the caretakers of the rites and prophecies of their Inca ancestors. The prophecies are of no use unless one has the keys, the rites of passage. The Star Rites, or "Mosoq Karpay" (The Rites of the Time to Come), are crucial to the practical growth described in the prophecies. Following the "despachos" (ritualistic offerings of mesa, or medicine bundles) at the ceremony in New York City, the shamans administered the Mosoq Karpay to the individuals present, transmitting the energies originating with the ancestors of their lineage. The transmission of the Mosoq Karpay is the ceremony representing the end of one's relationship to time. It is a process of the heart.
This process of Becoming is considered more important than the prophecies themselves. The Karpay (rites) plant the seed of knowledge, the seed of Pachacuti, in the luminous body of the recipient. It is up to each person to water and tend the seed so that it can grow and blossom. The rites are a transmission of potential; one must then make oneself available to destiny. The Karpays connect the person to an ancient lineage of knowledge and power that cannot be accessed by the individual. It can only be summoned by a tribe.
Ultimately, this power can provide the impetus for one to leap into the body of an Inca, a Luminous One. That person is connected directly to the stars, the Incan Sun of cosmology. The Q'ero believe that the doorways between the worlds are opening again. Holes in time that we can step through and beyond, where we can explore our human capabilities. Regaining our luminous nature is a possibility today for all who dare to take the leap.
The Andean shamans say,
"Follow your own footsteps. Learn from the rivers, the trees and the rocks. Honor the Christ, the Buddha, your brothers and sisters. Honor the Earth Mother and the Great Spirit. Honor yourself and all of creation." "
Prophecies of the Q'ero Inca Shamans
"The Maya developed their calendar long before the Julian or Gregorian calendars came into existence. The Mayan Calendar is based on naturally occurring energy cycles and a close connection to Mother Earth, the Sun, and the Pleiades. Because the Maya honored Mother Earth and the energy cycles that are present here, they were in tune with the cycles. They had access to information that is not available to 'modern people' because 'modern people' are extremely limited by their belief systems.
The Maya gained knowledge about many cycles which occur on Earth. They recognized a 13-day cycle of energy which comes from galactic sources. They also came to know a 20-day energy cycle coming from the Sun. By studying the cycles and their interaction with each other, the Maya gained an understanding of life on Earth that far exceeds our 'modern' beliefs. Fortunately, this knowledge is becoming available to us at this time to assist in our 'return to natural harmony'...
As the Grand Cycle nears completion, something very interesting is also happening in the Pleiades constellation. The star Maya is the 3rd star of the Pleiades constellation. The star Maya passes through the Photon Band for about 2000 years and out of the band for about 1,200 years. It's orbital path around Alcyone is shorter since it is closer to Alcyone. Our Sun will enter the Photon Band in 1998 and become completely within the Band by 2002. As our Sun leaves the Galactic Night and enters the Band, the star Maya also enters the Photon Band. These two stars are synchronized at this time. As the star Maya returns to the Photon Band, the Mayan Beings of Light are returning to Earth to assist us as the Grand Cycle comes to completion. Grand Events are about to occur and Ancient Wisdom is returning to Earth. Know that you have all chosen to be here on Earth at this time to experience what will be...
Time is not linear. We have been taught to think of Time as only going forward, from one point to another. I think it is more accurate to think of Time as a spiral, as cycles. In an ancient time, our Mother Earth was pristine and all of her life forms lived in harmony and honor. It is possible to heal the Earth and restore Her to her pristine state by merging the Ancient Times with the present. To accomplish this, we must first rid ourselves of the limitation of believing that Time is linear. The Mayan and Dreamspell Calendars can assist us greatly in coming to a greater understanding of Time. It is something that must be experienced. It is difficult to put into words because our language lacks the terms to express the nature of Time.
We create our Reality. For whatever reason or purpose, the mass consciousness of humanity is embracing linear time and creating a very limited reality. As each of us shifts out of the mass consciousness, it helps to change the whole. Love and Honor your Mother Earth. Receive the Galactic Synchronization Beam from the Sun. Sing the song of your Soul. Listen to your Heart."
"“We are living the times of the prophecies and now in another calendar of Ox Lahu Baktun. It also talks about the cycle of the great changes. In this cycle of the 5085 years in the Mayan calendar there are still 15 more years to go before this calendar can be completed. When this cycle is completed and another restoration of the planet will begin.
The world once again has fallen into neglecting nature. The world has been led by the materialistic ways, and humanity needs to transcend this cycle and to live in a more subtle dimension. Right now only the spiritual people in this planet are living this process. The indigenous groups of the planet are also living this process. But the great majority of humanity has no idea of these changes. These changes can be very catastrophic. It is my goal that the different indigenous and spiritual groups might come together as the new warriors of the light. With their tools of love they bring the message to humanity that their attitude needs to change. We need these positive attitudes as far as the different indigenous and spiritual groups and their relationship with nature, with our brothers and sisters the trees, with our brothers and sisters the animals, and with our Mother Earth.
Ancient sky watchers and wisdom keepers of the original traditions of Mother Earth remind us of our cosmic origins and how re-aligning with the cosmos can give us essential energy needed to live together harmoniously and with honor for our Mother Earth. They teach that everything that happens in the sky affects our perceptions and our evolution. We are not separate from anything or anyone. It is clear that these current times on Mother Earth are like no other. These are the times in which all races, from all directions, must come together in harmony and unity."
"The earth will not be destroyed December 21st 2012. Mayan view this date as a rebirth - the start of the world of the fifth Sun.
Going into the 5th dimension, it will be the start of a new era. At sunrise Dec 21st 2012, Earth will be crossing the galactic equator, aligning itself with the center of the galaxy for the first time in 26,000 years. This will make a cosmic cross. This cosmic cross is considered the tree of life. This will open a channel for universal energy to flow through Earth, cleansing it and all who dwell upon it. Rising all to a higher level of vibration. This process has already begun."
Mayan Prophecies By ThunderBeat
"Mayan Prophecy
Hunbatz Men tells of an ancient confederation of Native American elders made up of representatives from Nicaragua to the Arctic Circle. They have been meeting for thousands of years and continue to do so today. Before the Spaniards came the confederation decided to hide the Mayan teachings, entrusting certain families with their care. Hunbatz Men is an inheritor of that lineage. In his book Secrets of Mayan Science/ Religion, he reveals teachings that mirror the Hindu and Buddhist ones of astrology, meditation, and the septenary root of creation.
He speaks of Kukulcan and Quetzalcoatl, not so much in light of an expected return, but rather in terms of the possibility that each of us can attain the same exalted stage by treading the path of attaining knowledge. "To be Quetzalcoatl or Kukulcan is to know the seven forces that govern our body - not only know them but also use them and understand their intimate relationship with natural and cosmic laws. We must comprehend the long and short cycles and the solar laws that sustain our lives. We must know how to die, and how to be born."
Don Alejandro Oxlaj is a seventh generation priest from Guatemala and head of the Quiche Maya Elder Council. He has traveled throughout North America, comparing the native prophecies of different tribes. In the coming year he hopes to record and publish, for the first time in 500 years, the Mayan prophecies of his people. (SI Dec. 96, p.21)
Ancient Prophecies For Modern Times
Bette Stockbauer
"Regardless of everything scientists have learned about the Maya so far, we constantly encounter unanswered questions. NO ONE HAS SATISFACTORILY EXPLAINED WHERE OR WHEN MAYA CIVILIZATION ORIGINATED, or how it evolved in an environment so hostile to human habitation. We have almost no reliable information on the origin of their calendar, hieroglyphic writing, and mathematical system; nor do we understand countless details pertaining to sociopolitical organization, religion, economic structure, and everyday life. Even the shattering catastrophe leading to the sudden abandonment of their greatest cities during the ninth century A.D. -- one of the most baffling archaeological mysteries ever uncovered -- is still deeply shrouded in conjecture."
Author Charles Gallenkamp, Maya: The Riddle and Rediscovery of a Lost Civilization,
Viking Penguin Inc. P. 57.
"In Mayan myth, the winter solstice sun corresponds to the deity One Hunahpu, also known as First Father. The Mayan Sacred Book, the Popol Vuh, sets the stage so that the Hero Twins' father (One Hunahpu) can be reborn, thus beginning a new World Age. The dark rift has many mythic identities: it is the Black Road; it is the xibalba be (the Road to the Underworld); it is a crevice in the branches of the cosmic tree (the Milky Way); it is the mouth of the Cosmic Monster (often portrayed as a frog, jaguar or snake with tree-like features); it is the birth canal of the Cosmic Mother. Overall, the dark-rift is best understood as the birth canal of the Cosmic Mother, who we may call First Mother, to complement First Father. In this way we can trace how these various metaphors are found in Mayan Creation Mythology. The date of this alignment is, again, the end date of the 13-baktun Great Cycle - a cycle of approximately 5125 years. This suggests that the ancient Maya were aware of the impending alignment and considered it to be of such importance to be a major transition point, the Creation of a new World Age. In mythological terms, this event is about the union of First Father with First Mother or, more accurately, the birth of First Father (the winter solstice sun - the new World Age ruler) from First Mother (the dark-rift in the Milky Way). The headline appropriate for the upcoming event is: "Cosmic Mother Gives Birth to The First God." (quote from John Major Jenkins - 1994)"
The Mayan Connection
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