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Be Well.
We are not in Kansas Anymore
The following excerpts are from an article that I think is thus far one of the most concise, comprehensive and thorough analysis on the nature of mega-economics manipulations and the geo-political manifestations of such activities. The writer also paints a trajectory based on the success of the “grandmaster plan” that has been in the works for some time now. I do highly recommend that the entire article be read after you let the abridged version sink in a bit.
The article has vast implications for everybody and the writer really brings the message home. A must read for anybody who thinks they’re informed or wants to understand what has been going on in the shadowy world of big time economics, wheeler-dealer governments and geo-politics they engage in.
The story connects the dots underlying economics cycles, the bankers, the governments and the wars they have always promoted out of sheer economic interest. A must read for anybody who cares beyond their own little piece of the pie. My comments are interspersed.
On Economic Engineering
The end of growth – capitalists vs. capitalism
It was always inevitable, on a finite planet, that there would be a limit to economic growth. Industrialization has enabled us to rush headlong toward that limit over the past two centuries. Production has become ever more efficient, markets have become ever more global, and finally we have reached the point where the paradigm of perpetual growth can no longer be maintained.
Indeed, that point was actually reached by about 1970. Since then capital has not so much sought growth through increased production, but rather by extracting greater returns from relatively flat production levels. Hence globalization, which moved production to low-waged areas, providing greater profit margins. Hence privatization, which transfers revenue streams to investors that formerly went to national treasuries. Hence derivative and currency markets, which create the electronic illusion of economic growth, without actually producing anything in the real world.
If one studies the collapse of civilizations, one learns that failure-to-adapt is fatal. Continuing on the path of pursuing growth would be such a failure to adapt. And if one reads the financial pages these days, one finds that it is full of doomsayers. We read that the Eurozone is doomed, and Greece is just the first casualty. We read that stimulus packages are not working, unemployment is increasing, the dollar is in deep trouble, growth continues to stagnate, business real estate will be the next bubble to burst, etc. It is easy to get the impression that capitalism is failing to adapt, and that our societies are in danger of collapsing into chaos.
Such an impression would be partly right and partly wrong. In order to understand the real situation we need to make a clear distinction between the capitalist elite and capitalism itself. Capitalism is an economic system driven by growth; the capitalist elite are the folks who have managed to gain control of the Western world while capitalism has operated over the past two centuries. The capitalist system is past its sell-by date, the banking elite are well aware of that fact – and they are adapting.
Capitalism is a vehicle that helped bring the bankers to absolute power, but they have no more loyalty to that system than they have to place, or to anything or anyone else. As mentioned earlier, they think on a global scale, with nations and populations as pawns. They define what money is and they issue it, just like the banker in a game of Monopoly. They can also make up a new game with a new kind of money. They have long outgrown any need to rely on any particular economic system in order to maintain their power. Capitalism was handy in an era of rapid growth. For an era of non-growth, a different game is being prepared.
Thus, capitalism has not been allowed to die a natural death. First it was put on a life-support system, as mentioned above, with globalization, privatization, derivative markets, etc. Then it was injected with a euthanasia death-drug, in the form of toxic derivatives. And when the planned collapse occurred, rather than industrial capitalism being bailed out, the elite bankers were bailed out. It’s not that the banks were too big to fail, rather the bankers were too politically powerful to fail. They made governments an offer they couldn’t refuse.
On the Climate Change Muddle
It has been my position that global warming is more hype and scheme than anything else. Climate Science is still in its infancy and the times scales needed to accurately assess climate patterns are measured in hundreds, thousands and hundreds of thousands of years not decades.
Truly the scientific jury is still out and will be out for sometime on just what kind of policy should be undertaken by the worlds community to err on the side of caution. We are dealing with more unknowns than knowns when is comes to the extent to which human activities are affecting climate. And then take into account that if human activities are indeed altering the climate by raising the temperature then we might actually be forestalling the next ice age and that would be a good thing.
The earth has cycled in and out of ice ages for its entire existence. What is to prevent another ice age from happening… perhaps human activity? The links provided are to scientific articles on the subject of forestalling the next ice age. An ice age would be far more devastating than than a slightly warmer earth.
The graph provided shows that earth is still well within its temperature ranges of the last 4500 hundred years. My main point is to emphasize that we address other more pressing problems first.
Climate change is simply not an immediate threat nor can we say the kind of threats it may pose due to a lack of data and unknown factors. Deforestation, overfishing, and pollution are full and present problems that are far easier to assess and if left unchecked we face far more serious problems in the near future. Unchecked GovCorp pollution has been causing untold harm for decades.
On a socio-cultural level we have a thoroughly corrupt and rapacious GovCorp racket that lives and breathes via a parasitic economic system. On top of that we have a Military Industrial Complex that helps protect and feed GovCorp by continuing the age old practice of imperial conquest for the sake of enriching the richest among us.
All of our collectively shared problems stem from a brutish and pathologically corrupt governing system. In order to address any of our collectively shared problems we must first address GovCorp for they are the source of all of our collectively shared problems.
One solution to the GovCorp problem may be found within my initiative entitled A Movement to Unite all Movements: A Call for a Coalition of the Just. In that article you will also find a more detailed analysis supporting my claim that all of our collectively shared problems share the same source. In fact many of the articles on my site assess the Western cultural condition. Without addressing the source we fail to address the true nature of the world’s problems and our misery and misfortune grows unchecked.
On Socio-Economic Engineering
The carbon economy – controlling consumption
In a non-growth economy, the mechanisms of production will become relatively static. Instead of corporations competing to innovate, we’ll have production bureaucracies. They’ll be semi-state, semi-private bureaucracies, concerned about budgets and quotas rather than growth, somewhat along the lines of the Soviet model. Such an environment is not driven by a need for growth capital, and it does not enable a profitable game of Monopoly.
We can already see steps being taken to shift the corporate model towards the bureaucratic model, through increased government intervention in economic affairs. With the Wall Street bailouts, the forced restructuring of General Motors, the call for centralized micromanagement of banking and industry, and the mandating of health insurance coverage, the government is saying that the market is to superseded by government directives. Not that we should bemoan the demise of exploitive capitalism, but before celebrating we need to understand what it is being replaced with.
In an era of capitalism and growth, the focus of the game has been on the production side of the economy. The game was aimed at controlling the means of growth: access to capital. The growth-engine of capitalism created the demand for capital; the bankers controlled the supply. Taxes were mostly based on income, again related to the production side of the economy.
In an era of non-growth, the focus of the game will be on the consumption side of the economy. The game will be aimed at controlling the necessities of life: access to food and energy. Population creates the demand for the necessities of life; the bankers intend to control the supply. Taxes will be mostly based on consumption, particularly of energy. That’s what the global warming scare is all about, with its carbon taxes and carbon credits.
Already in Britain there is talk of carbon quotas, like gasoline rationing in wartime. It’s not just that you’ll pay taxes on energy, but the amount of energy you can consume will be determined by government directive. Carbon credits will be issued to you, which you can use for driving, for heating, or on rare occasions for air travel. Also in Britain, the highways are being wired so that they can track how many miles you drive, tax you accordingly, and penalize you if you travel over your limit. We can expect these kinds of things to spread throughout the West, as it’s the same international bankers who are in charge everywhere.
In terms of propaganda, this control over consumption is being sold as a solution to global warming and peak oil. The propaganda campaign has been very successful, and the whole environmental movement has been captured by it. In Copenhagen, demonstrators confronted the police, carrying signs in support of carbon taxes and carbon credits. But in fact the carbon regime has nothing to do with climate or with sustainability. It is all about micromanaging every aspect of our lives, as well as every aspect of the economy.
If the folks who are running things actually cared about sustainability, they’d be investing in efficient mass transit, and they’d be shifting agriculture from petroleum-intensive, water-intensive methods to sustainable methods. Instead they are mandating biofuels and selling us electric cars, which are no more sustainable or carbon-efficient than standard cars. Indeed, the real purpose behind biofuels is genocide. With food prices linked to energy prices, and agriculture land being converted from food production to fuel production, the result can only be a massive increase in third-world starvation. Depopulation has long been a stated goal in elite circles, and the Rockefeller dynasty has frequently been involved in eugenics projects of various kinds.
The Oxymoronic War on “Terror“: Pretense for the Security-Surveillance State
For those who still believe in the “War on Terror” pretense please review the links.
Historian Howard Zinn: “LARGEST LIE” is the “U.S. War on Terrorism”
BBC VID: Al Qaeda NEVER Existed!
Why the CIA is the World’s Number One Terrorist Organization
‘The War on Terrorism’ – preparing the way for the transition
The so-called War on Terrorism has two parts. The first part is a pretext for arbitrary abuse of citizen’s rights, whenever Homeland
Security claims the action is necessary for security reasons. The second part is a pretext for US military aggression anywhere in the world, whenever the White House claims that Al Qaeda is active there.
I emphasized the word ‘claims’ above, because the terrorism pretext is being used to justify arbitrary powers, both domestically and globally. No hard evidence need be presented to Congress, the UN, or anyone else, before some nation is invaded, someone is kidnapped and tortured as a ‘terrorist suspect’, or some new invasive security measure is implemented. When powers are arbitrary, then we are no longer living under the rule of law, neither domestically nor internationally. We are living under the rule of men, as you would expect in a dictatorship, or in an old-fashioned kingdom or empire.
War is a not a disagreement between peoples
but a ploy by the richest to become richer ~ RS
Part 1: Preparing the way for a new social order
In a very real sense, the terrorism pretext is being used to undo everything that The Enlightenment and the republication revolutions achieved two centuries ago. The very heart of the Bill of Rights – due process – has been abandoned. The gulag, the concentration camp, and the secret arrest in the night – these we have always associated with fascist and communist dictatorships – and now they are not only functioning under US jurisdiction, but being justified publicly by the President himself.
Is there really a terrorist threat to the homeland, and would these measures be a sensible response to such a threat? People sre strongly divided in their answers to these questions. Quite a bit of hard forensic evidence has come to light, including links to intelligence agencies, and my own view is that most of the dramatic ‘terrorist’ events in the US, UK, and Europe have been covert false-flag operations.
From an historical perspective this would not be at all surprising. Such operations have been standard practice – modus operandi – in many nations, though we usually don’t get proof until years later. For example, every war the US has been involved in has had its own phony Gulf of Tonkin Incident, or its Weapons of Mass Destruction scam, in one form or another. It’s a formula that works. Instant mobilization of public opinion, prompt passage without debate of enabling resolutions and legislation. Why would the War on Terrorism be any different?
As regards motive: while Muslims have only suffered as a result of these dramatic events, our elite bankers have been able to create a police-state infrastructure that can be used to deal with any foreseeable popular resistance or civic chaos that might emerge as they prepare the way for their post-capitalist future.
Terrorism is GovSpeak used in order to deligitimize and
dehumanize the resistance to Imperialism ~ RS
With the collapse, the bailouts, and the total failure to pursue any kind of effective recovery strategy, the signals are very clear: the system will be allowed to collapse totally, thus clearing the ground for a pre-architected ’solution’. Ground Zero can be seen as a metaphor, with the capitalist economy as the Twin Towers. And the toxic derivatives illustrate the fact that the collapse is actually a controlled demolition.
It seems to me inevitable, given the many signals, that martial law will be part of the transition process, allegedly to deal with the problems of economic collapse. Perhaps a collapse in the food-supply chain, due to a collapse in the energy-supply chain. The US emergency responses in New Orleans and again in Haiti give us more signals, actual test trials, of what kind of ‘emergency response’ we can expect.
One can imagine many nightmare scenarios, given these various signals, these ominous signs. World Wars 1 and 2 were nightmares that really happened, with millions dying, and these same banking dynasties orchestrated those scenarios and then covered their tracks. We must also keep in mind the Shock Doctrine, where catastrophe is seen as opportunity – when ‘things can be done that otherwise could not be accomplished’. We are still being impacted by the shock waves that were sent out on 9/11, and again when the financial system collapsed. And the the really big shock, the general collapse of society, is yet to come. The ultimate version of the Shock Doctrine: ‘If the collapse is total, we can accomplish any damned thing we want to accomplish’.
I won’t venture a guess about how this transition process will play out, but I do expect that it will be a nightmare of one description or another. Already the growing homeless population is suffering a nightmare, by any civilized standards. One day you’re living in a home whose value is going up, commuting to a good job, and the next thing you know your family is out on the streets. That’s a nightmare. The transition time will be a difficult time, but it will be a transition, it will be temporary, like a war. And like a war, it will enable social and economic reconstruction in the aftermath.
That’s part 1 of the War on Terrorism: it has enabled the creation of the police-state infrastructures required to to deal with the collapse of society, and to provide security for the reconstruction process.
NeoColonialism: Please remember that the Native Americans
were painted as savages to justify genocide & conquest ~ RS
Part 2: Preparing the way for global domination
Part 2 of the War on Terrorism is about the geopolitical dimensions of a non-growth-based global economy. Earlier I suggested that geopolitics was different under capitalism, than it was under sovereign monarchs. The whole dynamic was different, and outcomes were weighed on a different scale. Similarly, many things will change in a shift from chaotic, growth-oriented capitalism, to a centralized, micromanaged, economic regime.
Consider, for example, the significance of control over oil reserves. In a growth economy, profits were the prize, and controlling the markets and the distribution channels amounted to holding a winning hand in the game. The local dictators could manage things as they pleased, and take their cut of oil revenues, as long as they honored their contracts with the oil majors, who were happy to sell to the highest bidders.
Avatar shows us who the real savages are.
The plutocrats (govcorp) and their henchmen the militarists ~ RS
In a non-growth economy, where the focus is on direct control over the supply and distributions of resources, it becomes necessary to secure, in the military sense, the sources of petroleum, and the routes for its distribution. It is no longer sufficient to merely profit from unbridled operations. Securing of the sources, and directly allocating the distribution, is the foundation for micromanaging the non-growth economy. This applies to other critical resources as well, such as uranium, and the rare minerals needed by the ‘defense’ and electronics industries.
In fact we are in the midst of a resource-grab war, with China and Russia making long-term energy deals with Iran and Venezuela, China
buying up agricultural land in Africa, Washington making long-term deals for Brazilian biofuels, and there are many other examples. In many ways imperialism is reverting to colonial days, when direct administration was the model, rather than the capitalist model: profiting from corporate investments under dictators who suppress their populations.
There is a natural reversion to the dynamics of the ‘good old days of empire’ when the Great Powers of Europe focused their economic activity within their individual spheres of influence. Everyone knows that global resource limits are being reached, partly from population pressures, and partly from resource-exploitation practices. For this reason alone, we have the peaceful part of the resource-grab war.
In Iraq, Afghanistan, and now in Pakistan and Yemen, the US, with NATO support, is playing a very non-peaceful hand in the resource-grab game. It’s the hand of a bully, ‘I have the biggest gun, so I’ll take what I want’. These aggressive actions are very provocative to Russia and China, and threatening to their vital economic interests. An attack on Iran would be more than a provocation, it would be a direct slap in the face, a challenge: ‘Fight now or resign yourself to being subdued piecemeal’.
In addition to all this petroleum grabbing, the US has been surrounding Russia and China with military bases, and has recently accelerated the installations of anti-missile systems on their borders, over the strong objections of Russia and China. The US is being intentionally provocative, and it is threatening vital interests of these potential adversaries.
“Terrorist” is the new “savage” of the neocolonists.
We must understand that imperial conquest is the life blood of big time Western economics ~ RS
Meanwhile the US is spending astronomical sums developing a first-strike capability, with space-based weapons systems, control-of-theater capability, forward-based ‘tactical’ nukes, etc. The new anti-missile systems are an important part of a first-strike strategy, reducing the ability of Russia or China to retaliate. These systems are more than just provocative. They are the modern equivalent of marching your armies up to your adversary’s border.
One way or another, the elite bankers, the masters of the universe, intend to preside over a micromanaged global system. The collapse project is now well underway, and the ’surround your enemy’ project seems to be more or less completed. From a strategic perspective, there will be some trigger point, some stage in the economic collapse scenario, when geopolitical confrontation is judged to be most advantageous. It’s a multi-dimensional chess board, and with the stakes so high, you can rest assured that the timing of the various moves will be carefully coordinated. And from the overall shape of the board, we seem to be nearing the endgame.
The Question of 2012
It is without question that the zeitgeist of the present moment for those not consumed by the mainstream media circus starring Glen Beck, is something akin to “the end of the world”, Armageddon, apocalypse, transition, or transformation depending upon ones particular millieu and attitudinal disposition.
The pessimists see Armageddon, the optimists see social transformation and the masses take their cues from the Capitol Hill Big Time Wrestling show featuring Barack Obama. Anyone paying attention may easily surmise that humanity is fast approaching a globally scaled climax slash crossroads of sorts.
The articles found on my website describe the human and planetary condition from an overarching socio-cultural dynamics perspective as well as from a mythosophical and whole systems point of view. The mythsophical point of view references the stories of our past for clues to the patterns of socio-cultural development over time. History sees a rise and fall to civilizations.
Our myths speak of times of great demise and regeneration or the great cycle of life. There are scales to the cycle of life. The scale ranges from the individual to the family, to the nation, the civilization and finally we are at the planetary scale.
The question is what will we permit or what kind of future will we work for? Will we transition to more of the same madness or shall we join hands and do what we must so that we may give new meaning to what it means to be a global humanity?
The author of the article featured in this report gives us a sober tour of what the Establishment is gunning for….literally. The choice is ultimately up to us.
Prognosis 2012 – a Neo Dark Age
2012 might not be the exact year, but it’s difficult to see the endgame lasting much beyond that, and the masters of the universe love symbolism, as with 911 (both in Chile and in Manhattan), KLA 007, and others. 2012 is loaded with symbolism, eg. the Mayan Calendar, and the Internet is buzzing with various 2012-related prophecies, survival strategies, anticipated alien interventions, alignments with galactic radiation fields, etc. And then there is the Hollywood film, 2012, which explicitly portrays the demise of most of humanity, and the pre-planned salvation of a select few. One never knows with Hollywood productions, what is escapist fantasy, and what is aimed at preparing the public mind symbolically for what is to come.
Whatever the exact date, all the threads will come together, geopolitically and domestically, and the world will change. It will be a new era, just as capitalism was a new era after aristocracy, and the Dark Ages followed the era of the Roman Empire. Each era has its own structure, its own economics, its own social forms, and its own mythology. These things must relate to one another coherently, and their nature follows from the fundamental power relationships and economic circumstances of the system.
The economics of non-growth are radically different than capitalist economics. The unit of exchange is likely to be a carbon credit, entitling you to consume the equivalent of one kilogram of fuel. Everything will have a carbon value, allegedly based on how much energy it took to produce it and transport it to market. ‘Green consciousness’ will be a primary ethic, conditioned early into children. Getting by with less is a virtue; using energy is anti-social; austerity is a responsible and necessary condition.
As with every currency, the bankers will want to manage the scarcity of carbon credits, and that’s where global warming alarmism becomes important. Regardless of the availability of resources, carbon credits can be kept arbitrarily scarce simply by setting carbon budgets, based on directives from the IPCC, another of our emerging units of global bureaucratic governance. Such IPCC directives will be the equivalent of the Federal Reserve announcing a change in interest rates. Those budgets set the scale of economic activity.
Presumably nations will continue to exist, as official units of governance. However security and policing will be largely centralized and privatized. Like the Roman Legions, the security apparatus will be loyal to the center of empire, not to the place where someone happens to be stationed. We have seen this trend already in the US, as mercenaries have become big business, and police forces are increasingly federalized, militarized, and alienated from the general public.
In a fundamental sense, this is how things already are, following the collapse and the bailouts. Because governments are so deeply in debt, the bankers are able to dictate the terms of national budgets, as a condition of keeping credit lines open. The carbon economy, with its centrally determined budgets, provides a much simpler and more direct way of micromanaging economic activity and resource distribution throughout the globe.
In order to clear the way for the carbon-credit economy, it will be necessary for Western currencies to collapse, to become worthless, as nations become increasingly insolvent, and the global financial system continues to be systematically dismantled. The carbon currency will be introduced as an enlightened, progressive ’solution’ to the crisis, a currency linked to something real, and to sustainability. The old monetary system will be demonized, and again the mythology will contain much that is true…
To read the entire article by Richard K. Moore
The catastrophe is upon us and it’s called Western Civilization version one gasping for its last few breaths as it strives to maintain the status quo at all costs.
2012 is the culmination of a process not an event. We are in the throes of that process now. Its called the birth of a Planetary Culture and the decline of Western modeled world.
Any bright future lies in the hands of a Planetary Culture built upon the principles of egalitarianism, gender balance, non-violence & ecology.
2012 is meaningful if only because humanity stands at a crossroads. We will have to make near future decisions that will either worsen our socio-environmental problems or begin to solve them.
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