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Days with Greatest Volcanic Activity Linked to Tzolkin Cycle Hyper-Days
Empirical Evidence for the Concurrence of Tzolkin Cycle Hyper-Days and Heightened Volcanic Activity over a 6 month period starting September 1, 2009 and ending March 2, 31, 2010
I present the second study of my ongoing effort to provide empirically based scientific studies that begins to verify the existence of the enigmatic Tzolkin Cycle, or the core component of the Maya Calendrical system otherwise known as the vulgarized and popularized “Mayan Calendar”.
You will find in this report a series of graphs that plot the days of Tzolkin Cycle against the backdrop of worldwide volcanic activity. Also included are some bar graphs displaying different measurements of the data.
Tzolkin Cycle and Hyper-Day Brief
The days key to the study are known as Hyper-Days and there are 52 such days within the overall 260 day Tzolkin cycle. Please see the Tzolkin chart picture and caption to your right for an orientation to the Hyper-Day order.

The green squares denote the Hyper-Days of the Tzolkin cycle. The study period starts with day 41 and ends on day 223 of the Tzolkin cycle. The former Tzolkin date corresponds to Sept. 1, 2009 and the latter with Mar. 2 2010. The two consecutive stretch of green squares on either side of the central column are known as Hyper-Day Sequences. This information will be useful when you encounter the plots.
The 52 Hyper-Days of the Tzolkin stand out from the all other Tzolkin cycle days by possessing a characteristic that corresponds with the “activity intensification/amplification” of all terrestrial phenomena inclusive of the human domain, hence the term Hyper-Day (HD) to denote hyper-activity.
The foregoing statement will soon include solar phenomena for on the heels of this report I will release another study that correlates sunspot and solar flare activity with the Tzolkin cycle.
My study of Tzolkin cycle has led me to note how activity of all sorts seems to “start up”, “ramp up”, “boil over” and generally increase with the onset of a Hyper-Day.
Peak events and tipping points may also be included as descriptors of the characteristics of the events that have a propensity to occur during what I call a Hyper-Day Window (HDW).
A HDW is the day before, the day of and the day after a HD.
I provide some links in the next paragraphs that cover the range of activity that pertain to Hyper-Days.
A Deep and yet Unexplained Phenomena
I do my best to describe what I think is happening during a Hyper-Day that leads to such hyper-activity. Though I know that I will not be able to explain with more precision until I prepare a report on Tzolkin Dynamics (TD) that begins to intimately relate TD with a few of the more relevant sub-atomic physics and chemistry models.
In my reports entitled Introducing Einsteins Piper: The Tzolkin Code Unveiled and The Atomic and Molecular foundations of a “Social Physics”, I do begin some introductory work toward that effort. The latter article provides precise and intimate work at the atomic and DNA molecular scales.
The Tzolkin cycle phenomena is not known to Western science. The Tzolkin code only charts the characteristics and maps the cycle… it does not explain the basis or origin of the cycle. That is what I am attempting to do. I am certain however that the drivers of the cycle are some yet undefined attributes and properties of energy-matter at sub-atomic realm.
After reviewing the report you are now reading you may want to review my first study entitled “Empirical Evidence for the Concurrence of Tzolkin Cycle Hyper-Days and Earthquake Frequency-Intensity Spikes over a 6.25 month period”
The first study also has some orienting and introductory information about the nature of my work on Maya Meso-American Calendrics (MMAC) that is not included in this report.
For those of you new to my work on the MMAC system please review the “Science of Synchronicity” and “The Question of 2012″ sections of my website.
In reference to the specific nature of the report you are now reading please see “Critical Junctures: Solar Cycle 2012 and the Global Predicament” and “Tzolkin Cycle Hyper-Days, The Haiti Earthquake & Critical Junctures Update #3″. For greatest comprehension I recommend reading the former article first.
Study Procedure and Methods
I obtained all of my data for this study from the Global Volcanism Program, a joint effort of the Smithsonian Institution and the US Geological Survey. I began by recording the number of volcanic events according to the day on which they occurred. The study period starts September 1, 2009 and ends March 2, 2010.
The data was placed in two categories. The SI-USGS Global Volcanism project lists volcanic activity under the categories of either New Activity/Unrest or Ongoing Activity. Those interested in the specific criteria regarding activity classification may visit the link.
What is a Volcanic Event?
Under the category of New Activity I noted the following types of events named in the data resource.
- Lava Fountains
- Dome Collapses
- Effusions of Lava
- Thermal Anomalies
- Explosions/Eruptions
- Increased Seismicity (quakes)
- Emission of Gas, Steam, and Ash
- Ejection of Hardened Lava blocks
- “Roaring, Booming or Rumbling Sounds”
Under the category of Ongoing Activity I noted
- Lava Fountains
- Dome Collapses
- Effusions of Lava
- Explosions/Eruptions
- Emission of gas, steam, and ash.
- Ejection of hardened Lava blocks
I did not list seismicity, thermal anomalies or sounds for the Ongoing Activity category. Nor did I list the activity for the non-stop Kilauea volcano of Hawaii.
If any one of the above events took place on a specified date I assigned a value of one to each kind of event and plotted the sum number of events on the day(s) specified to have occurred by the SI-USGS global volcanic activity reports.
If multiple events of the same kind say explosions happened on the same day I did NOT count each event, but rather I assigned a value for the occurrence of “types of events” per given day.
The Hypothesis
My working Hypothesis is based on my multi-year study of the Tzolkin cycle. My understanding and observations of the Tzolkin cycle had led me to hypothesize that the hyper-activity of Hyper-Days should be reflected in volcanism and seismicity (earthquakes) if my understanding of the Tzolkin cycle is correct.
Therefore I am looking for evidence of greater activity in terms of frequency (quantity) and intensity (quality) in my studies. The study on earthquakes measured both aspects. The study on volcanoes measures only the frequency or number of volcanic events per day. Volcanic activity is constant, but like everything else fluctuates. The question is… might some aspects of the fluctuations in activity be attributable to the Tzolkin cycle?
At this point I am working with a relatively small sample of 181 days. Large enough to begin to see patterns, but too small to be conclusive. However, if one is able to find the same pattern in different data sets of the same sample size then things begin to get very interesting very quickly.
Thus far this is only my second study and as with the first study the preliminary results are impressive. On the heels of this report I will release a third study correlating the Tzolkin cycle with Solar activity. It too presents some very compelling evidence.
Research Highlights
My research findings allow me to say that Volcanic Activity (VA) is, by a large measure, greatest during Hyper-Day Windows HDW’s.
- 26 of the top 32 days registering VA greater than 8 events concurred with a HDW. In other words 81% of days with the highest scores of VA were HDW’s
- 31 of the 44 peak event days* of Total Volcanic Activity (TVA) of any magnitude concurred with a HDW or said another way 71% of all peak event days of TVA concurred with a HDW.
- 32 of the 44 peak event days in New Volcanic Activity (NVA) of any magnitude concurred with a HDW or said another way 73% of all peak event days of NVA concurred with a HDW
- 3 of 3 other measures exemplified in the enclosed Bar Graphs also indicate that VA is greatest during HDW’s. The 3 measures are
- Average Daily Volcanic Activity
- Volcanic Event Frequency
- Volcanic Event Surge Intensity
* A peak event day is characterized by decreasing activity the very next day. On the plot graphs they are denoted by sharp green triangles.
6 of the 6 key measurements I made all indicate that Volcanic Activity is by far the greatest on HDW’s
Data Measures: The Graphs
The first graph I present plots volcanic activity between September 1, and October 29, 2009. You will find two other plots like the Sept-Oct. one for Nov-Dec/2009 and Jan-Mar-2nd/2010 at the end of this article.
Bar graphs bearing out the mathematical results start immediately after plot number one. On the plots themselves I note other telling features in text boxes. Click on the Images to Enlarge
Important Note: The study spanned a period of 181 days. 91 days correspond to HDWs and 90 days correspond to Standards Days.
Neither type of day has a quantitative advantage worth factoring for given the very large margins that the concurrence of volcanic activity shares with HDW’s in contrast to Standard Days. This aspect of the study makes the results even more salient in favor of my Hypothesis.
Plot Graph 1:
Sept-Oct 2009 Correlation of Volcanic Activity with Tzolkin Cycle Hyper-Days
The data provided by the master plots enabled me to create the following bar graphs were the more telling and precise mathematical correlations are presented.
Bar Graph 1:
Contrasting the Event Frequency of NEW Volcanic Activity between HDW’s and Standard Days
The measure of bar graphs 1 and 2 was established by categorizing every day of the study period according to the number of New Volcanic Events reported for a specified day by the SI-USGS Global Volcanism report. I then recorded the number of times a day with x number of events happened during the study
One of the characteristics I’ve noted about Hyper-Day Window’s is for the propensity of systems near the brink of a state transition to be pushed over the edge to the new state on a HDW. In the case of volcanic activity we are talking about a volcano that goes from a state of rest or inactivity to a state of activity. The study supports that observation as new volcanic activity was more prone to occur on a HDW’s by very large margins.
On days registering 2 or more volcanic events, 42 of 59 events concurred with a HDW. That is very significant when the measurement scale ranges from 1 to 6 events per day. New Volcanic Activity was much greater on HDW’s in 5 out of 6 categories, whereas Ongoing Volcanic Activity was greater on HDWs in 6 out of 12 categories.
And in each case the greater the magnitude of activity the greater the chances it concurred with a HDW versus a Standard day. All 4 bar graphs bear out what I have just indicated. HDW’s are associated with marked increases in all types of volcanic activity be it awaking volcano or the increased activity of an “awakened one”.
Bar Graph 2:
Contrasting the Event Frequency of TOTAL Volcanic Activity between HDW’s and Standard Days
Total Volcanic Activity = New Activity plus Ongoing activity
Bar Graph 3:
Contrasting the Surge Intensity of NEW Volcanic Activity between HDW’s and Standard Days
By “surge intensity” I mean the difference in the number of volcanic events from one day to the next. The aspect measured by bar graphs 3 and 4 was established by categorizing the upticks in the number of volcanic events according to the difference in the number of events from one day to the next.
If on one day there were 3 volcanic events and then the very next day there were 6 then the “magnitude of surge intensity” was value of 3. I then recorded the number of times the various surge categories happened during the study
New Volcanic Activity recorded the greatest number of surge events during HDW’s in 4 out of 5 surge categories. Whereas the graph measuring the same for Total Volcanic Activity recorded greatest number of surges events in three of eight categories relative to Standard Days. But those three categories where the most 3 most extreme surge categories. Each measurement thus far offers strong support for the statement that volcanic activity is greatest during HDW’s
Bar Graph 4:
Contrasting the Surge Intensity of TOTAL Volcanic Activity between HDW’s and Standard Days
Bar Graph 5:
Contrasting the Averages of New and Total Daily Volcanic Activity between HDW’s and Standard Days
Bar graph 5 charts the daily averages of New and Total Volcanic Activity according to the three bi-monthly plot graphs used in this study.
Averages are not the most revealing of statistics as they unnaturally flatten the natural ups and down of all phenomena. And cyclical behavior is what I am attempting to discover. Nevertheless I have provided averages of daily volcanic activity and then contrasted HDW and Standard Day averages.
Here too we find that the average number of Volcanic events is greater on HDW’s in the Total and New Volcanic Activity categories. There was only one study period (Sept-Oct) where the average was slightly higher for standard days. But the average for the entire 6 month study period in New and Total VA categories supports the statement that most volcanic activity takes place during HDW’s
Plot Graph 2:
Nov-Dec 2009 Correlation of Volcanic Activity with Tzolkin Cycle Hyper-Days
Plot graph 2 displays a distribution of HD’s much different from the other 2 plots in that the months of November and December 2009 coincided with the two unique stretches of ten consecutive HD’s (HYPER-DAY SEQUENCE) that are found on either side of middle column of the Tzolkin cycle chart.
Please see the Tzolkin chart shown near top of page for orientation. As with HD’s I include the day before and after the Hyper-Day Sequence (HDS) as part of the total HDS count.
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