2012 & The Secret of the Venus Node Movement
(An English Translation of the original German essay by Karl-Heinz Homann)
What do Maya-Researchers, „2012 Prophets” and Astronomers have in common? Answer: They all know very little about the mysterious and harmonious node movement of Venus and its significance for Earth!
The experts at NASA believe that the universe was created with a Big Bang. Thus any observed phenomenon that cannot be categorized by conventional physics is attributed to chaos and coincidence. This kind of thinking is also being applied to the node movement of the almost circular orbit of Venus, for which there is still no plausible scientific explanation.
According to the lunisolar precession model, the complete revolution of the Earth around the Sun is approximately 50.26" less than 360°. This means that the value of the Right Ascension of any fixed reference star increases annually by 50.26”, and thus it takes about 25800 years for the Earth to make one complete retrograde motion around the Sun. In this model, the inclined orbital plane of Venus also moves retrograde around the Sun* – i.e. against the direction of the orbital motion of the planets. However, reality proves that the node line of Venus migrates forward through the Earth’s seasons ( tropical year) in the direction of the planetary movement.
Since astronomers believe that the true 360° orbit of the Earth around a “fixed” Sun is about 20 minutes longer than the tropical year, they try to explain the presumed retrograde motion of the planetary orbital planes by the gravitational influences of the planets themselves. They do not recognize that such a retrograde motion is merely an apparent motion, because the entire solar system rotates in space ( probably around another star). The movement of our solar system is therefore, the actual cause for the gradual progression of the fixed stars from the vernal equinox – a phenomenon that has been observed for thousands of years.
Paradoxically, NASA’s computations of the Venus transit dates ( which will be discussed later in this article) prove that the node line of Venus migrates forward. They also show that the actual transits are based on a 360° tropical year and that there can be no central transits of Venus.
* [Example: A glider flies at a speed of 32.88 km/h towards the East. The direct head wind is 50.26 km/h. Hence, the glider does not fly towards the East but flies backwards towards the West at 17.38 km/h.
If the sun with its planets and their moons revolves around its dual, the angular measurement increases by 50.26” per year relative to the fixed stars. Because the line of nodes of Venus migrates forward in the direction of the planetary motion at a rate of 32.88” per year, the nodes appear to retrograde relative to the fixed stars at a rate of 17.38” per year (50.26” - 32.88” = 17.38”)]
Image – courtesy of http://homepage.mac.com/villas1/Calendar/index.html
Arguments about the beginning of the Maya Calendar (Maya Cycle) have been raging on for quite some time. There is agreement though that the supposed date has to be around 3000 BC, and that the Mayan culture did not exist yet at that time. But the Venus cycle did. If the Mayan calendar is based on the transit-cycle of Venus, then it probably began 4862 years ago on the 22nd April in 2856 BC.
In the museum park of La Venta by the gulf of Campeche we find evidence of the oldest cultures of Mesoamerica. Two artifacts are of particular interest: a giant head of approx. 2.4m in diameter that weights roughly 24 metric tons, representing an African Negro, and a stele depicting a "white man" with a beard. Is he the one of whom Mayan legends talk about, who brought wisdom and sciences like astronomy to their ancestors after landing ashore in the gulf of Campeche with his dark-skinned followers?
Ancient cultures, especially the Sumerians, already possessed great knowledge in astronomy, astrology, mathematics and geometry some 5000 years ago. It is also well known that they observed and recorded the synodic cycles of the Moon, Venus and some of the other planets. They were able to predict the occurrence of eclipses for centuries ahead. However, this required awareness about the so-called Saros cycle – a knowledge that originated with the Sumerians. John N. Harris, an expert on Babylonian astronomy, is convinced that the Babylonians and Sumerians not only observed and understood celestial mechanical phenomena, but clearly knew how to compute the various synodic periods (for more info, please click here).
The Maya, for example, had a Venus calendar and were able to calculate the phases of Venus, as well as its transits. But in order to accomplish that, they had to know by how the much the node line of Venus moves over a certain time period.
Nobody denies that the long term accuracy of the Mayan Calendar is about three times better than that of the modern Gregorian calendar. In order to calculate the leap years, the Maya knew how to integrate the numbers 13 and 20 into their calendar system. Supposedly they also had a calendar of 260 days (13 x 20). What purpose did that serve?
For the observer (astronomer) on Earth there are only 3 important crossings or nodes for orientation purposes: the equinoxes to determine the tropical year, the Saros cycle for the lunar calendar and for calculating solar and lunar eclipses, and the Venus node line to determine the phases and transits of Venus. It seems that a 260 day-calendar* makes little sense, because without a proper reference point it leads into total chaos.
* [for “A Variant Diagnosis of the Mesoamerican Calendar and the Precession Phenomenon”, please see http://homepage.mac.com/villas1/Calendar/index.html ]
Just as we have the Decimal and the Binary system, the Maya had a numeral system based on the number 20. This leads us back 4862 years (20 × 243 + 8 - 6) to the possible beginning of the calendar of the Maya, or rather the one of their ancestors.
During that period the node line of Venus was approx. 44.47° distant from the Galactic Center, and the upper transit of Venus occurred on the 22nd of April.
John Major Jenkins, Maya expert and author of "Galactic Alignment", offers evidence that in the year 2012 the Maya calendar reaches its end or climax. Apparently in that year the winter & summer solstice will be aligned with the Galactic Center.
And since the next Venus transit will be on June 6, 2012, twenty 251-year Venus cycles occurred since 2856 BC. Except for these two events - the alignment with the galactic center and the Venus transit, which depends upon the synchronous node line movement – there is no other significant celestial phenomenon occurring in the year 2012.
The fact is, as we shall see later, that the synodic motion is 32.88" annually. The movement of the Venus node line is in the opposite direction and according to NASA data the rate happens to be 32.44” per year. This implies that an isolated or central transit occurred about 9000 years* ago. And based on the same data, regular transit pairs occurred again for the first time roughly 7600 years later, after May 22, 554 AD.
*(32.88" minus 32.44" = 0.44"; 32.88 ÷" 0.44" ÷ 2 × 243 years = 9079 years)
How ironic: The Maya and their predecessors could not have known anything about transit pairs, and thus they could at best have been aware about a 243-year cycle (2004). Yet they were able to predict the transit of the June 6th 2012, the end of the 20 × 251 cycle. As they lived before Hipparchus they did not know anything about the Precession of the Equinox, or did they? Evidently, they realized that the node line of Venus migrates in sync with the synodic cycle, which implies that transits always occur in pairs based on tropical time.
The Problem with NASA’s “botched” Venus Transit Calculations
Using NASA’s astronomical data of Venus’ transit times, which covers a period of more than 3653 years with a precision of ± 1 minute, we shall now prove that
1. Venus transits do not occur based on sidereal but rather on tropical periods, and
2. the node movement of Venus occurs exactly in a 251-year cycle
In order to clarify these points, let us first examine the 251-year transit cycle of Venus. For simplicity, we shall only consider the June transits and ignore the December transits. This has the advantage that we do not have to account for the elliptical shape of the orbit, as we are dealing with the mean orbital period for Earth’s 360° revolution around the Sun. Hence, the approximate difference of 2 days (from June 6 th to June 8 th) after 243 years can be neglected.
The observed fact that due to its elliptical orbit, it takes the Earth a few more days to travel from the vernal equinox to the autumnal equinox than vice versa, cannot support the erroneous notion that Earth’s true 360° orbit around the Sun is roughly 20 minutes longer than the period of the tropical year.
Looking at the June transit dates, we notice that a transit occurs every 243 years and 8 years later a second one; for instance, the transit pairs of 1518 to 2012. At first it appears that these constitute two separate 243-year cycles: the lower transits of 1518 - 1761 -2004 and the upper ones (top part of the Sun) of 1526 - 1769 - 2012. (As a matter of fact, NASA mistakenly assumes this to be the case and refers to two separate 243-year transit series).
A pure 243–year cycle could only exist if there was no node line movement of the Venus orbital plane. In reality, however, this movement occurs at a rate of 32.88" per year, and after 251 tropical years the nodes have moved counterclockwise an equivalent of exactly 5 synodic cycles of 583.922241369 days or 7.99363057 tropical years. This fact automatically produces the 251-year cycle, as follows:
Image – courtesy of http://homepage.mac.com/villas1/Calendar/index.html
We begin with the transit of May 26th (June 4th)* 1518 at 01:56 UTC (Greatest Contact [GC]).
*Due to the calendar reform of October 15 th 1582, 10 days would have to be added in our computations, while one day has to be deducted due to the Julian Date Correction, which makes the 26 th of May actually the 4th of June. NASA erroneously calculated it to be the 5 th of June. That is not necessarily NASA's mistake. Rather, it is the result of the inadequate Julian numbering system, which was actually the reason for the calendar reform of 1582. If it is the 5th of June, the 251-year cycle would not end 89 minutes later according to tropical time, but 1351 minutes earlier.
This transit occurred along the bottom part of the sun. After 251 tropical years, on June 3rd 1769 at 22:25 UTC (GC), we had a transit along the top part of the Sun. Between both transits a time difference of 89 minutes occurred relative to tropical time – but more on this later.
In these 251 trop. years the Venus node line has moved 7.99363057 tropical years in contrast to the synodic cycle, so that the next cycle does not begin with the June 3rd 1769 transit, but with the June 6th 1761 transit and ending on June 6th 2012.
Similar to the previous case, a time difference of 70 minutes* occurs relative to the tropical periods.
* the interval from 6.6.1761 05:19 UTC to 6.6.2012 01:29 UTC (including 61 leap days) consists of 132013210 minutes; and these minus 132013140.327 minutes (365.24219878 × 251 × 1440) results in a difference of 69.67 minutes.
Just to point out once again, the 251-year cycle is based on the tropical year and thus it is rigorously connected with the position of the equinoxes. Also, Venus transit calculations, whether computed by NASA or by anyone else, are not based on an approximately 20 minutes longer sidereal year, simply because they don’t work.
According to NASA tables all transits from 546 to 3713 occur in pairs. This implies that during this period the rate of the Venus-node-line movement did not deviate by more than 0.5" per year from the value of 32.88"/year. Any greater difference in the rate and there would have been just an isolated transit every 243 years after a certain date based on that catalog.
During the formation of our solar system Venus probably caused right from the beginning a problem for Earth, as both have approximately the same mass and size. Although the orbital planes of the these two planets are inclined by about 3.4° relative to each other, serious perturbations or disturbances would be unavoidable whenever a direct conjunction occurs at the node line during the synodic cycle.
Since the Foucault pendulum already shows significant deviations during a total solar eclipse when the Moon shields only approx. one thirteen’s of the Earth, one can assume that Venus must have caused similar disturbances. Each time Venus gravitationally shielded the Earth (for approx. 6 hours), the Earth slowly but surely increased its orbital distance from the Sun in the process.
Planetary Orbits & The "Golden Mean"
Some 800 years ago, Fibonacci discovered an important sequence that is neither geometric nor arithmetic, but later it proved to be closely related to the topic under discussion. This sequence became known as the Fibonacci sequence and is as follows: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,... . This sequence shows an interesting relationship between the terms, in that each term, beginning with the third is the sum of the previous two terms. It was also discovered that the ratio of one Fibonacci number to the preceding one is a convergent of the continued fraction:

Thus, over the course of time, it was discovered that the Continued Fraction Expansion of the “Golden Mean”, which is the simplest possible Continued Fraction Expansion, strives to avoid disturbances, helping to produce an orbit of “least resistance” between the planets.
For example, if we take the sequence 5,8,13 exactly 5 synodic conjunctions occur during 8 orbits of the Earth and 13 orbits of Venus. These 5 synodic points, divided into a 360° circle around the Sun (5 × 72°), produce a fixed pentagon. What does this mean?
An average node line movement of 32.88" per year (NASA’s measurement is currently 32.44”/year) would cause a critical conjunction about every 3940 years. That means if the pentagon remains fixed or stationary, the two moving nodes that are 180° apart produce in one complete revolution ten conjunctions with the synodic points (1296000” ÷ 32.88”/year ÷ 10 = 3941.6 years).
It cannot be ruled out that this occurred in the newly forming solar system. The repeating brief gravitational shielding of Venus made it possible that the Earth produced with the sequence n × 5 + 2, n × 8 + 3 and n × 13 + 5 the required distance, in order to occupy its optimal orbital path.
If n = 31 the relationship is 157 to 251 to 408 360° orbits. The result is a moving pentagon, which turns in a clockwise direction 2.29° (5 synodic periods) every 251 years.
* 248 ÷ 155 = 1.6 and 251 ÷ 157 = 1.5987… ; 1 ÷ (1.6 - 1,5987...) = 785 ÷ 157 = 5 (synodic cycles)
What’s interesting is that the pentagon with the combination of the sequence 2,3,5 moves in a clockwise direction. All the other combinations (3,5,8 ; 8,13,21 etc.) follow the ccw-movement of the node line - something that would eventually lead to critical conjunctions of Venus and Earth.
At a rate of 32.88"/year the pentagon moves like a cogwheel in between the 2.29° wide gaps of the counterclockwise node movement, which also advances at an average rate of 32.88" per year.
If n = 30 (i.e. a relationship of 152 - 243 - 395 360 ° orbits), it would require a faster node movement of 35.088"/year (1296000” ÷ 152 ÷ 243 = 35.088"). We know this is not the case in reality. This would also cause a problem with the next node alignment in 121.5 years, because of a direct conjunction at the 76 th synodic point of the cycle.
Thus, the 157-cycle (31.4 × 5) harmoniously integrates both nodes into the sine function 2πf*, keeping them centered between two blocks or groups of 5-synodic periods each. With this important additional combination, a crucial survival strategy was employed for the Earth, which guarantees safe and stable orbits in general.
*(f stands for frequency in Hz)
As one visualizes and comprehends such a precise and complex process, one is easily led to believe that a higher creative intelligence is involved.*
* Dr. rer. nat. Hartmut Mueller, one of today’s foremost physicists, brings the universe into a new light with his revolutionary discovery of "The Physics of Logarithmic Space". With the GS ( Global Scaling) fractal, he proved among other things that our solar system reflects complete order and harmony.
It would be interesting to find out, whether the node movement adapted itself to this cycle or vive versa. References to the node movement have already been made in the article “Transits of Venus prove that the Earth does not wobble”. It is also conceivable that the inclined orbital planes of Venus and Earth have the tendency to level or balance out, and each time Venus passes Earth the node line “precesses” forward a little in synch with the synodic cycle itself.
Whatever the cause of the node movement is, without its rate of 32.88" per year it would have come to dangerous resonance effects. Centered between two transits, Venus crosses Earth’s orbital plane. If the node movement should suddenly come to a standstill, which is impossible under normal celestial mechanical processes of planetary orbits, a chaos would occur at the latest in December of 2117 during the next transit on the 76th synodic cycle when Sun, Venus and Earth are in direct conjunction.
By the way, the punctuality of the synodic conjunctions has nothing to do with the node movement. The node movement merely determines the vertical position of Venus in the sky – for instance, during a transit in front of the Sun’s disk.
What is considered as two separate 243-year transit series (the upper and the lower transits) is nothing more than a harmonious celestial mechanical occurrence, just as it is has been described above.
In this table (taken from NASA’s Venus Transit Catalog) all time deviations of the 251-year cycles from the year 303 AD to 3956 AD are presented. It shows that the greatest deviation of +143 min. relative to tropical time occurred between 303 AD to 554 AD, while a negative deviation of 11 min occurred between 3705 AD to 3956 AD.
From June 6th 1761 to June 6 th 2012 the Earth completed 251 360° orbits on its elliptical path around the Sun. That is equivalent to a time interval of 251 x 365.24219878 x 1440 = 132013140.327 minutes. At the same time, Venus has made approximately 408, nearly circular 360° revolutions around the Sun. In addition, Earth and Venus had exactly 157 conjunctions in that period. For these 251 calendar years NASA predicted a positive time deviation of only 70 min approximately.
This confirms that Venus transits do not occur based on a sidereal orbital period, but rather on the tropical year. According to the sidereal period the discrepancy should be 5118.79 minutes or about 3.5 days (365.56361 minus 365.24219878 × 1440 × 251 = 5118.79).
But it gets even more interesting. During the first 243 years of the 251-year cycle NASA calculated a decrease of 79 minutes in the synodic periods relative to the tropical period.
According to NASA data, from June 6th 1761 05:19 (Greatest Contact) to June 8th 2004 08:20 UTC (GC) exactly 152 synodic periods occurred. The predicted time interval of 127808821 minutes (88756 days x 1440 min. + 181 min) divided by 152 results in a mean synodic period of 583.921879569 mean solar days (the difference relative to the true mean synodic year of 583.922241369 days is therefore, 0.000361793 × 152 × 1440 = 79 min).
This data would imply that Earth and Venus revolve faster around the Sun from equinox to equinox than during their actual 360° tropical orbit periods. However, this is not possible because the mean orbital periods of Earth and Venus, and thus their mean synodic period, remain constant within 0.6 seconds per century.
Let us now take a look at the remaining 8 years of the 251-year cycle. One will notice that the experts of NASA even calculated delay of 149 minutes total.
From June 8th 2004 08:20 UTC (GC) June 6 th 2012 01:29 UTC (GC) NASA predicts a time interval of 4204389 minutes. That results in a mean synodic period of 583.942916667 mean solar days (4204389 ÷ 5 ÷ 1440 minus 583.922241369 = 0.020675305 x 5 x 1440 = 149). And -79 min. +149 min. comes to a total difference of +70 min. for the entire period from 1761 to 2012.
To summarize: The first 243 years produced 152 synodic years of 583.921879569 mean solar days, and the last 8 years produced 5 synodic years of 583.942916667 mean solar days. The difference between these two mean synodic years is 30.29 minutes (0.021037098 × 1440 min.). That means each of the 5 synodic periods in the last 8 years is about 30.29 minutes longer than the ones of the previous 243 years.
In other words, Venus races for a period of 243 years to catch up 79 minutes earlier with Earth on June 8 th. After that, Venus takes it easy over the next 8 years in order to arrive 149 minutes later on June 6 th 2012. At least this way the transits of 2004 and 2012, which are nowadays given special attention by the astronomical community, seem to proceed in tune with a longer sidereal year (149 min ÷ 8 years = 18.6 min/year). Supposedly, the discrepancy relative to the yearly 20 minutes is simply due to the complex perturbations of the other planets. If things don’t fit, they are being made fit.
Also, in each of the 8-year periods from 1518 to 1526 and 1761 to 1769 the same process happened. For the entire cycle from 1275 to 1526 the deviation relative to the tropical period was +94 min. From that -61 min. for the first 243 years makes together +155 min for the remaining 8 years.
From 1518 to 1769 the total was +89 min. From that -57 min for the first 243 years of the 251-year cycle; that results in +146 min for the last 8 years (1761 - 1769).
According to NASA data, these periodic events occurred three times in 737 years. The negative deviations of -79 min, -61 min and -57 min show a common pattern. One can assume that this is no coincidence, but intention. One could get the impression that such a "compression" and "decompression" of time was done to justify the roughly 20 minute longer sidereal year and to hang on to the “lunisolar precession dogma”.
As difficult as it was under a dominating geocentric worldview to decentralize the Earth, so simple it would be nowadays to refute the lunisolar precession model with modern technology and measurements. Yet despite the refutation, one is not ready to recognize the true cause for the precession of the Earth - the movement of the Sun around its dual.
Presently, it is still being taught that the gravitational influence of the Moon determines Earth’s precession. If for example, the mass of the Moon or its distance to Earth should change the precession rate itself (precession period) would also have to change. Since the precession rate supposedly determines the length of the tropical year and the NASA data proves that Venus transits are in synch with the length of the tropical year, does this imply that the timing of the transits depends on the actions of our Moon?
Because of the Moon the nodes of Venus migrate forward through the seasons – without the Moon the node line must retrograde through the seasons.
In order to recognize this nonsense, one does not have to be a good astronomer. Basic knowledge in mathematics and geometry, as well as a sane logic should be completely sufficient.
The Earth with its precise 360° orbit around the Sun is regarded as an absolute clock for the unit ‘second’. Paradoxically NASA manipulates this orbit, which in itself defines the unit ‘second’, with the unit ‘second’. By "compressing" and "decompressing" this unit of time the illusion of a larger orbit around the Sun is created.
But for their predictions of the transit dates NASA’s experts pretend to use an approximately 20 minutes longer year – a sidereal year that has been made time equivalent with the tropical year, so that the computed values of Venus’ transits agree with reality.
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