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Video: Pyramids in Bosnia?

Perhaps you will find this video as fascinating as did I. As usual there is the establishment opposition to new discoveries - I wonder why that is the case? Is it vested interests? Is it selfishness? Is it "just business? "
One would think it a simple matter to focus everyone's energy on getting to the bottom of the mystery - not wasting energy on arguing about whether or not there is a mystery or not at hand.
This pattern of opposition to new information that challenges our BELIEFS is paralleled in many subject areas that confront us today - whether it be the Truth movement, secret societies, NWO, banking, chemtrails, mind control and the rest of it.
It seems to me we need to steer our culture toward becoming one that lauds the inquisitive and treats those afraid of the exploration of new ideas as pariahs. This cultural change would help us to usher in the new age of enlightenment that seems so near but just out of our present reach. Children must be taught that the only stupid question is the one that goes unasked - perhaps adults of the future would not share some of our existing burdens of ignorance that result from the stifling of ideas.
As a slightly imperfect person myself, it has, at times, been a struggle to face the truth about that which I'd been so sure I knew in the past. Sometimes the new knowledge is so hard to face - I have to take it in a little bit at a time - sometimes over a period of time - sometimes requiring exploration in many other directions first. But I cannot NOT keep looking for the answers - and cannot NOT face the truth - whatever it turns out to be - however much I like it or not.
...some more videos
Although not related to the above Bosnian Pyramids - this is worth watching as it gives an overall view of a possible "bigger picture"
1. The guy in Egypt seems to stand in the way of progress
2. 10,500 BC is magic number shared by many sites that don't at first seem related. The monuments seem to point to constellations that match their construction:
3. A "we don't have all the answers" approach honors the subject by serving as a reminder of the mystery surrounding the monuments.
...and a video from the BBC on Pyramids found at Caral, Peru:
1. I don't like this video as much as previous ones - some "experts" interviewed seem too positive in their conclusions. They seem to claim to know more than I think they are capable of concluding - as compared to a "we don't have the answers" approach taken above.
2. Perhaps I'm mistaken - but following the logic of their theory that war/conflict is magic force behind civilization - one might be led to conclude that "war is good" and "good things come out of war" and "war brings progress." I don't begrudge them their ideas - but wasn't it a soldier that killed Archimedes? Wasn't it soldiers that burned the Library of Alexandria? Wasn't it the American war machine that paved a parking lot over Nebuchadnezzar's palace wiping out the cultural heritage of Iraq? Wasn't it an Army that destroyed the historical Monte Cassino?
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