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The Seven Maya Prophecies for the End of the Long Count Calendar: 1999-2012 and Beyond
“Earthquakes. Volcanic eruptions. Hurricanes,” Juan Chipir spoke quietly beside the silvery-green waters of Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. A Tz'utujil Maya from San Pedro la Laguna, Juan was revealing the Seven Maya Prophecies to a hushed crowd beneath a palapa at Cafe La Puerta on May 1, 2010. They span 1999 through 2012 and beyond the end of the Long Count calendar's current cycle.
“And floods.”
The next day, Nashville, Tennessee was devastated by the biggest flood in its history. Around the world, an unprecedented escalation in earthquakes and volcanic eruptions from Iceland to Indonesia, from Chile to California, continued to rattle the planet. Apparently, we don't have to wait for 2012—it's already happening.
“This is no longer prophecy,” Juan, who had just been speaking about the Fourth Prophecy, pointed out while centuries-old Maya tunes played softly on flutes and drums in the background. “It is reality—we are living the ancient prophecies of our ancestors.”
Origin of the Seven Maya Prophecies
The Seven Maya Prophecies are a a body of prophecies passed down from generation to generation and shared by all the 33 existing Maya tribes of Guatemala, from Quiche to Tz'utujil to Q’anjobal, as well as by the Maya of Oaxaca and Chiapas, Mexico. At least three stone monuments and one of the Maya codices support the prophecies in hieroglyphs and pictures.
Little was said about the Maya prophecies publicly until a year ago, as Maya spirituality and cosmovision began emerging into the light after the end of the civil war in 1996. Now Maya spirituality has blossomed like the flowers people once again carry to the mountains for ceremonies, and Juan says it is time for the world to know of these ominous prophecies.
Let the Prophecies Begin
“It started with the solar eclipse on August 11, 1999,” he explained. The eclipse signaled “…big changes for the world, for people, who began to become more spiritual, to awaken.” All around the world, he said, people began to see the need to work together instead of living lives based on greed and fear, to become human again and connect with the Earth.
(According to NASA, the 1999 eclipse was visible in more places on the planet than any eclipse in history. There are many eerie links between this eclipse and the prophecies of Nostradamus, the potent Grand Cross alignment that was in effect just before and during the eclipse, and the ancient calendars of Mexico and Central America. For example, the Aztec Calendar ended on August 13—only two days after the eclipse. These synchronicities will be covered in a future article.)
Prophecy Two of the Ancient Maya Prophecies
Prophecy Two ushered in change on the material plane rather than the spiritual. And this time, it was caused by war. “Suffering, pain, fear, war, death and depression,” Juan wrote on a large sheet of paper hanging from the palapa. Prophecy Two clearly refers to the events of 9/11 in New York and the subsequent invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Prophecies Three and Four Now Underway: Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Melting Polar Ice Caps Floods and Rising Sea Levels

We are already witnessing the effects of the third prophecy: “Increased global temperatures caused by man.” You don’t have to look far to see that we are living in the days of Prophecy Four, which calls for “higher temperature of the Sun and Earth, melting of the icecaps, rising sea levels, earthquakes.”
Today’s increased earthquake and volcanic activity was known to the Maya thousands of years ago. So it comes as no surprise to contemporary Maya in Guatemala that the world today is awash with monster tsunamis and hurricanes, and that the average number of 5.9 and higher earthquakes has doubled since 1977 (based on USGS data: click on bar chart below for a gigantic view unavailable on other Web sites about 2012 and the Mayan calendar.).

More Volcanoes On the Way
Volcanic eruptions have also surged in 2010. Everyone knows about Iceland. Two major eruptions have occurred in Kamchatka, Russia, and another in Guatemala, but in areas where there was no damage or loss of life, so they have not been reported as widely as the volcano in Iceland. These were predicted in an article in the April 2010 issue of Atitlan Sol. The next places to watch are Indonesia, Katla Volcano in Iceland, and Tonga in the South Pacific. And let's not forget about the submarine volcano off the coast of Washington state in the USA.
“We are all at great risk,” says Juan, for the Seven Maya Prophecies also speak about the “disappearance of many species,” and the appearance of new ones, “some very strange.
Next Month: It just gets uglier, when we reveal the Maya Prophecies Five, Six and Seven for the end of the Long Count calendar in 2012. And what we can do about these ominous events in our future.
Shay Addams
Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
8 Tz'ikin/Men (Eagle) 2010
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