Roswell, White Sands and the V-2 Saga: The Controversy Continues by Nick Redfern

On Saturday, October 17, 2009, Kevin Randle posted to his blog - A Different Perspective - a new article titled The Roswell UFO and Jesse Marcel.
The article has generated a tremendous number of comments, including one from Bob Koford, who cited a link to a British website that referenced the crash of a V-2 rocket near Roswell, New Mexico on July 4, 1947 - a rocket containing a "biological payload."
The relevant data can be found at:
The "biological payload" should not be construed as having any connections with alien bodies, human bodies or monkeys, however (at the time at issue, rats, insects and other small creatures were very much the order of the day with respect to the payloads aboard the V-2 flights out of White Sands). And, indeed, it must be stressed that Bob K did not imply that the payload was anything out of the ordinary.
What is worthy of further comment, however, is that this is not the first time the V-2 crash at issue has been linked with the events that have become known as "The Roswell Incident."
Up until now, however, the story I am about to relate has remained curiously absent from the ufological research field. Why, I do not know; since those who had an awareness of it all those years ago could have easily spilled the beans back then.
Many readers of this post will be very surprised to learn that, around a decade ago, select portions of a draft-document of questionable origins were made available to a number of UFO researchers across the United States - a document supposedly having been written by (and "leaked" by) a CIA source known as the "Blue Boy." I was not one of those researchers; however, a copy of the draft was made available to me six or seven years ago.
Highly dubious of its validity, however, I have not highlighted it until now.
Eight-pages of the document - which is titled UFO Reports and Classified Projects: The CIA Perspective - have been made available thus far; one section of which references the events at Roswell, and the aforementioned V-2 crash.
The relevant section states:
"...Another rule of secrecy was: You always camouflage your operations from prying eyes. It was not widely known to many that the Air Force and Navy were conducting classified rocket-launched reconnaissance payloads from White Sands, New Mexico, which failed to reach orbiting altitudes and subsequently crashed off range and generated considerable public interest in the United States and abroad.
"As part of a top secret Air Force atomic weapons detection project called MOGUL involving radiation dispersal in the atmosphere, selected monitoring sites across the United States were not acknowledged to by the Air Force and Central Intelligence Group (CIG) and as a result, wreckage from one of the payloads was accidentally discovered by a sheep rancher not far from the Air Force’s Roswell Army Air Field.
"Also, another fact not widely known among military intelligence was that CIG had planned to utilize artificial meteor strikes as decoy devices ejected from V-2 warheads at 60 miles above the earth to record dispersal trajectories and possible psychological warfare weapons against the Soviets in the advent of a war in Europe.
"One of the projects underway at that time incorporated re-entry vehicles containing radium and other radioactive materials combined with biological warfare agents developed by I.G. Farben for use against allied assault forces in Normandy in 1944.
"When a V-2 warhead impacted near the town of Corona, New Mexico, on July 4, 1947, the warhead did not explode and it and the deadly cargo lay exposed to the elements which forced the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project to close off the crash site and a cover story was immediately put out that what was discovered was the remains of a radar tracking target suspended by balloons.
"In 1994 and again in 1995, the Air Force published what it considered the true account of what lay behind the Roswell story but omitted the radiological warhead data for obvious reasons.
"It may also be pointed out here that this kind of experiment was very similar to those conducted by the Atomic Energy Commission and the military in the late 1940’s. It was known in the CIA that the Soviets were conducting the same kind of radiological and biological warfare experiments in the early 1950’s after their successful detonation of a [sic] atomic bomb based on stolen documents and materials from Los Alamos forwarded to Moscow by communist espionage agents in the United States."
And there ends the relevant section of the "Blue Boy's" initial draft. Of course, leaked documents, unauthenticated documents, and those of questionable and unidentified origins, are the absolute bane of Ufology..
Do I think that the above-document answers all of the hard-to-resolve questions pertaining to what really happened at Roswell on that fateful day way back in July 1947? No, I do not - at all. Rather, I think it's just yet another carefully-crafted paper designed to provoke utter confusion.
Of course, it's interesting that the "Blue Boy" suggested - as do most Roswell authors and researchers - that the Roswell events involved more than one crash-site: in this case, however, one involving a V-2 rocket and one involving a Mogul balloon; but both in the same time-frame, and relatively close proximity.
Whether the work of (A) disinformation specialists from the shadowy world of officialdom, (B) private purveyors of fakery with unknown agendas, or (C) pathetic Walter Mitty-type fantasists with low self-esteem, I know not. I merely present the above because the story of the V-2 crash of July 4, 1947 - as it relates to Roswell - is once again being discussed in a ufological forum.
It's perhaps apt to close with the words of Sir Walter Scott: "I cannot tell how the truth may be; I say the tale as 'twas said to me."
From: the UFO Iconoclasts
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