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Love and Light.
From Oct 24, 2009~
[earlier archives]
Oct 24: I'm thinking ~November 4th should be interesting. There seems to be a convergence of patterns around there... with an apparent theme of 'political deep impact'. Not sure what that implies.

'V' premieres November 3rd
Michael Jackson 'This Is It' documentary in theaters
October 28 through November 11
Michael Jackson's own 'V' pose ...
This is the Moonwalker Resurrection - symbolically interchangeable with the death & rebirth of (princess) Diana the Moon goddess (as discussed in 'The Moonwalker Prophecy')...
... who is in 'V'.
Actress Morena Baccarin who 'resurrects' 'Anna'/'Diana' in 'V' is best known for her role as 'Inara Serra', a sacred prostitute (elite courtesan), in Firefly/Serenity. Now starring in 'V' - which is a 'Grail'/womb symbol popularized by The Da Vinci Code - Morena becomes a bona-fide 'Mary Magdalene' meta-character. This year MM and Diana moon-goddess are particularly interchangeable thanks to a total solar eclipse - the Moon occulting the Sun - coming precisely on the feast day of Mary Magdalene (July 22).Now...
Flying Saucer
Oct 15: 'Balloon Boy' incident
Nov 03: 'V' First Contact
The road leads to Roswell and Genesis...
...collectively whispering 'Solar Impact'.
- Balloon Boy father (main hoaxer) reportedly obsessed with 2012 Solar Impact doom scenario
- NASA Genesis was returning from the Sun with solar wind samples onboard (9/8/2004)
- Roswell UFO/balloon crash came in the year of the biggest sunspot on record (1947)
[Biggest sunspot on record in 1947 - source]
A scenario straight out of Knowing (2009)...
The end of the world by a solar 'super flare'...
...featuring Lunar Impact.
One of the main characters 'Diana' killed in a car crash - just like Princess Diana.
Her bloodline survives through her offspring with some help from whispering aliens.
Knowing = First Contact
November 3: 'V' debut
November 4: 'V for Vendetta'
(original release date/changed)
November 5: Guy Fawkes Night
![]() | ![]() |
Based on actual Nov 5 (1975) UFO incident | UFO/ET/abduction film released Nov 6 (2009) |
Once again - an upside down circumscribed Pentagram!
V for Vendetta much like V is about a fascistic world filled with media manipulations.
This is Palingenesis - literally meaning 'born again' or 'rebirth' but politically denoting fascism.
That's the dark side of the theme of the Death/Rebirth of Diana - personified by Sarah Palin...
[Palin book(s) coming out November 17, 2009]
...who happens to be Princess Diana's distant cousin and her first name means 'princess'. The (re-)birth of Palin is 'Palin Genesis' or Palingenesis. Obviously another allusion to be inferred from the Genesis Impact.
After the 2008 election and especially after her resignation as Alaska governor in July, many thought Palin was done. A goner. And yet here she is still standing and still looking as though she may well run for the White House again in 2012. (How crazy is that?) 'Palin-Genesis'... her 'Mayan rebirth'.
Multicontextually speaking Palin embodies the 'Whore of Babylon' or 'Scarlet Lady'... riding the Beast, as discussed in my article 'Mayan Palingenesis'. If we want destruction and doom, then we want Palin. They're giving us a rope to hang ourselves with. Whispering to us 'do it, do it...' Soon, insidious media propaganda will kick into a higher gear and... well, it will be something to behold.
It's no coincidence that 'November 4' was Election Day (US presidential) last year. Politics appears to be at or near the heart of the unfolding sequence of which ~November 4, 2009 seems to be the next major 'portal' based on some multicontextual timeline analyses. We're already seeing major signals (including 'V') but there's also a real possibility of an actual impact event(s) to express the idea of (political?) 'great flood'.
There's a bigger picture of course, of which the above is merely a subset. Less political (thank god!), a lot more spooky... and 'real'. Stay tuned...
* * *
Related earlier posts:
Sep 08 Pentagram, health care, 9/9/9, Venus orbit
Sep 23 Pentagrammic 9/9/9 Ritual
Oct 06 Pentagrammic Water/Lunar Impact Timecode
Oct 12 M. Jackson 'This Is It' pentagram
Oct 18 Balloon Boy, Roswell, Genesis

From: Super Torch Ritual
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