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Be Well.
Another World Underneath a Drop of Water (Part 2)

Dr. Masaru Emoto, president of the Hado Institute (IHM Corporation) and author of Messages from Water, conducted experiments concluding that factors like pollution, music, and our thoughts can affect how a water crystal is formed. His experiments have produced an enthusiastic response from readers. In the interviews below, physicists Dr. Cheng Luojia and Dr. Li Chunbing discuss the significance of the experiments.
Interview With Dr. Cheng Luojia
Reporter: In your opinion, what is the most unique thing about the water crystal experiments carried out by Mr. Emoto?
Dr. Cheng: The experiment is pretty simple. It demonstrates the differing ways of water crystallization in different situations. It is rare to have an experiment that is this concise, intuitive, and easy to understand, and that in itself is a huge accomplishment.
This experiment deals with an extremely immense and important subject, namely how people's minds influence matter. Not too many experiments have been done in this area. The relationship between matter and mind is a topic that has been debated for a long time. Being able to explore the relationship between the two using such a simple experiment is very meaningful.
In addition, the original photographs of the experiments are enlarged 200 to 500 times. The observation has actually reached microscopic levels, that is, it is observing microscopic planes instead of points. This is rarely seen in scientific circles. I believe observation of the whole microscopic plane will bring forth a brand new world to us.
I think, both in terms of its subject and its research methodology, this experiment is a new beginning in science.
Reporter: The results of the water crystal experiments have been published in detail in the two-volume book Messages from Water. Which parts have impressed you most?
Dr. Cheng: The first picture in the book is an ice image, water in the frozen stage, about to melt into water but has not yet become water. It represents a complete drawing of the Chinese character for water! The ancient ancestors of the Chinese people perhaps already had the capability to see to the microscopic level. This picture gives me a new understanding of Chinese pictographic writing.
When the words "Love" and "Thank You" are spoken to the water sample, the water crystals form a beautiful pattern. When the water sample was exposed to harsh, destructive words, the crystal formed is in chaos and without order. The contrasting results are amazing and are a direct reflection of the influence of people's mind on matter.
We used to think that people's mind intent and spirit were metaphysical. They belong to a different category from matter, but this experiment has revealed an in-depth relationship between matter and mind.
Furthermore, we are also able to see that good intent positively influences matter, and bad thought patterns make matter ugly. When you speak "beautiful" to the water, its crystal becomes beautiful. When you speak "dirty" to it, its crystal really looks extremely dirty.
Looking at these pictures, a mother would probably understand that more encouragement and praise would make children become more intelligent and beautiful. A harmonious family atmosphere would also contribute to healthy-looking plants in the house and help keep them beautiful. The enlightenment the public might gain from this experiment should not be underestimated.
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