(film based on true story about Sumatra tsunami)
Released on December 21, 2012 in North America
Sep 07, 2012 Quest to reach buried Antarctic lake in December
Dec 12 British Scientists search for life under Antarctic ice
Dec 17 British Antarctic Drilling effort runs into trouble
Dec 18 Part of Antarctica to be named "Queen Elizabeth Land"
Dec 27 Lake Ellsworth Antarctic drilling project called off
Jan 10, 2013 Russians take new samples from Antarctica's
sub-glacial Lake Vostok
In Greek mythology, Hesperus is the Evening Star, the planet Venus in the evening. He is the son of the dawn goddess Eos (Roman Aurora) and is the brother of Eosphorus (also called Phosphorus, and Lucifer), the son of the morning.
- The Trojan War/Golden Apple was a predominant theme in 2012
- Golden Apples are inseparable from the Hesperides
- The Hesperides are inseparable from the Evening Star (= Hesperus)
- Venus turns into the Evening Star in 2013 (from April)
[Phoenix scene from closing ceremony of London Olympics]
- August 29, 2012 = Paralympics opening ceremony
- August 29 = birthday of Hathor, goddess of flood & childbirth
- August 29, 2012 = Hurricane Isaac landfall/flood
- "Isaac" as in Isaac Newton
- Hurricane Isaac widely viewed as "Katrina #2"
- August 29 = Katrina landfall/great flood anniversary
- Katrina = Catherine = Kate (Middleton)
- Great flood = water breaking = birth
Aug 27, 2012 Eerie similarities: Isaac follows track of Katrina
Aug 29, 2012 Hurricane Isaac makes landfall
These were also collectively an omen for some serious darkness that was in store for us at the end of 2012...
A comet found recently beyond the orbit of Jupiter could well become spectacular late next year and may be a sibling of one of the most celebrated comets of all time. [...]
Basically, astronomers think ISON probably comes from the same 'parent' comet as Newton's. Wow.[Comet ISON's] orbit resembles that of Kirch's Comet, theGreat Comet of 1680... After becoming the first comet to be discovered telescopically, this brightened enough to be glimpsed in broad daylight. Sir Isaac Newton was also to demonstrate that the comet's parabolic orbit was perfect harmony with his law of universal gravitation, promulgated only seven year later in his famous work, the Principia. As a consequence, the comet is also known as Newton's Comet.
This is not to say that the comet of 1680 and Comet ISON are the same object since both probably take thousands of years to orbit the Sun. However, it is possible that both are fragments, albeit substantial ones, of a comet that broke apart many thousands of years ago when the heat stress at perihelion became too much. [...]
That's not all...
It was during King Charles II's reign that Newton's Comet was last seen. Prince William is the first (male) heir to the UK throne directly descended from Charles II, a key fact underlying the whole idea ofresurrecting (or unifying) the Jacobite Stuart 'Grail' bloodlinediscussed in our earlier article 'Lucifer's Destiny'.
2013 is going to be one hell of a year.
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