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Levels of 'viable' sperm in human males are falling – and scientists believe they now understand the cause. Infertility can begin in the womb, says Steve Connor
Monday, 26 April 2010
Father of the man: researchers believe that a man's fertility as an adult may be largely laid down in the few months before and after his birth
If scientists from Mars were to study the human male's reproductive system they would probably conclude that he is destined for rapid extinction. Compared to other mammals, humans produce relatively low numbers of viable sperm – sperm capable of making that long competitive swim to penetrate an unfertilised egg.
As many as one in five healthy young men between the ages of 18 and 25 produce abnormal sperm counts. Even the sperm they do produce is often of poor quality. In fact only between 5 and 15 per cent of their sperm is, on average, good enough to be classed as "normal" under strict World Health Organisation rules – and these are young, healthy men. By contrast, more than 90 per cent of the sperm of a domestic bull or ram, or even laboratory rat, are normal.
Human males also suffer a disproportionately high incidence of reproductive problems, from congenital defects and undescended testes to cancer and impotency. As these also affect fertility, it's a minor miracle men are able to sire any children at all. In fact, an increasing number of men are finding themselves childless. Among the one in seven couples now classed as infertile, the "male factor" has been found to be the most commonly identified cause.
Next year marks the 20th anniversary of the WHO conference where a Danish scientist first alerted the world to the fact that Western men are suffering an infertility crisis. Professor Niels Skakkebaek of the University of Copenhagen presented data indicating sperm counts had fallen by about a half over the past 50 years. Sperm counts in the 1940s were typically well above 100m sperm cells per millilitre, but Professor Skakkebaek found they have dropped to an average of about 60m per ml. Other studies found that between 15 and 20 per cent of young men now find themselves with sperm counts of less than 20m per ml, which is technically defined as abnormal. In contrast, a dairy bull has a viable sperm count in the billions.
Experts in human reproductive biology were astonished by the Danish study. The declining trend seemed to indicate that men were on a path to becoming completely infertile within a few generations (although recent studies suggest the fall in sperm counts may have bottomed out). Professor Skakkebaek could offer no explanation for the trend other than to suggest that the fall may have something to do with the equally alarming rise in other reproductive disorders, such as cancer of the testes and cryptorchidism, the incomplete descent of the testes into the scrotum.
Experts began to talk of a new phenomenon affecting the human male, a collection of disorders known as testicular dysgenesis syndrome. They wanted to know what was causing it, because the changes were occurring too quickly to be a result of genetics. It must have something to with changing lifestyles or the environment of men, and almost everything was suggested, from exposure to chemical pollutants to the modern fashion for tight underpants. There is now an emerging consensus among some experts that whatever it is that is exacerbating the problems of male infertility, it probably starts in the womb. It is not the lifestyle of men that is problem, but that of their mothers.
The process of sperm production, called spermatogenesis, starts in adolescence, but the groundwork is laid down in the few months before and immediately after birth. An increasing number of studies point to a crucial "window" of testicular development that begins in the growing foetus and ends in the first six months of life. Interfere with this critical developmental period, and a baby boy will suffer the lifetime consequences of being a suboptimally fertile man.
So are we anywhere nearer to finding an explanation for why are so many more men today are suffering from reproductive problems?
"It's most likely a reflection of the fact that many environmental and lifestyle changes over the past 50 years are inherently detrimental to sperm production," says Professor Richard Sharpe, fertility research expert at the Medical Research Council. "It may be that different factors come together to have a combined effect." A number of studies point to a connection between early development in the womb and male reproductive problems in later life, especially low sperm counts. For example, men whose pregnant mothers were exposed to high levels of toxic dioxins as a result of the 1976 industrial accident in Seveso, Italy have been found to have lower-than-average sperm counts. But men exposed to dioxins in adulthood showed no such effect. Another study found women who ate large amounts of beef during pregnancy, a diet rich in potentially damaging chemicals called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), had sons with relatively low sperm counts. But eating beef as an adult man shows no similar impact.
Meanwhile, studies of migrants between Sweden and Finland, showed that a man's lifetime risk of testicular cancer tends to follow the country he was born in rather than the country where he was brought up. It was his mother's environment when she was pregnant with him, rather than his own as a boy or as an adolescent, that seems to have largely determined a man's risk of testicular cancer.
One of the strongest pieces of evidence in support of this idea comes from studies of people who smoke. A man who smokes typically reduces his sperm count by a modest 15 per cent or so, which is probably reversible if he quits. However, a man whose mother smoked during pregnancy has a fairly dramatic decrease in sperm counts of up to 40 per cent – which also tends to be irreversible.
Professor Sharpe said such findings can be explained by understanding how the first cells of the testes form. Sertoli cells, which in the adult act as guardians for the development of sperm cells, are the very first cells to form from a "genital ridge" of the human male foetus. The number of sperm that can be produced in an adult man is critically dependent on the number of Sertoli cells that develop in his foetus, so anything that interferes with the formation of Sertoli cells in a mother's womb will affect sperm production many years later. "Maternal-lifestyle factors in pregnancy can have quite substantial effects on sperm counts in sons in adulthood, and the most logical mechanism by which this could occur is via reducing the number of Sertoli cells," Professor Sharpe says.
But the key question now is to identify the relevant lifestyle and environmental factors.
This is proving tricky. Obesity, for instance, is a growing problem and it has been linked with reproductive problems in both men and women. One study has also indicated that overweight pregnant women tend to produce sons with poor semen quality. But is it being fat that is the cause, or the environmental chemicals stored in fat?
There has been a lot of interest in chemicals in the environment, especially those that can either mimic female sex hormones – oestrogenic chemicals – or block male sex hormones, specifically testosterone which plays a critical role in stimulating the development of Sertoli cells in the womb. So far, the Seveso study provides the clearest link between human foetal development, low sperm counts and prenatal exposure to an environmental chemical. But the dioxin concentrations from this industrial accident were exceptionally high.
It is more difficult trying to establish a similar, significant link between male reproductive problems and exposure to low concentrations of the many other environmental chemicals that may have weak oestrogenic or androgen-blocking properties, including substances as wide-ranging as pesticides, traffic fumes, plastics and even soya beans. Professor Sharpe says that much of the evidence to date is weak or non-existent.
"Public concern about the adverse effects of environmental chemicals on spermatogenesis in adult men are, in general, not supported by the available data for humans. Where adverse effects of environmental chemicals have been shown, they are usually in an occupational setting rather than applying to the general population," he says.
So although scientists are closing in on the critical window of foetal development in the womb that determines a man's fertility status in later life, they are still not sure about what it is that could be affecting this change in his reproductive status. But one thing is clear, it is his mother who almost certainly holds the key.
'To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational. The real challenge is to work out what aliens might actually be like,' he added."
By Fay Schlesinger
Last updated at 10:23 AM on 26th April 2010
Stephen Hawking has revealed he strongly believes in aliens and warned that Earth could be at risk from an invasion.
In a documentary series, the renowned astrophysicist argued that it is 'perfectly rational' to assume intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe.
And in an extraordinary series of assertions, he said Earth might be at risk from what he imagines to be 'massive ships' which could try to colonise our planet and plunder our resources.
Professor Hawking said we should keep our location secret as alien life may be far from friendly and may be keen to exploit our natural resources
Professor Hawking said: 'We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn’t want to meet.
'I imagine they might exist in massive ships, having used up all the resources from their home planet.
'Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonise whatever planets they can reach.'
It would be 'too risky' to attempt to make contact with alien races, he concluded.
'If aliens ever visit us, I think the outcome would be much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn’t turn out very well for the Native Americans.'
A trio of alien hunters prepares to attack a herd of plant-eaters on an imaginary alien world. Professor Hawking oversaw the script.
The 68-year-old eminent scientist has spent three years working on the Discovery Channel documentary series, Universe, despite being paralysed by motor neurone disease.
Professor Hawking, who communicates using a speech synthesizer, re-wrote large parts of the script and kept a close eye on the filming.
The programmes use imagined illustrations to explain why he believes in extraterrestrial life and the forms it could take.
The scientist said that most alien life is likely to consist of small animals or microbes in planets, stars or floating in space.
But in one scene, shoals of fluorescent animals are depicted living under thick ice on Europa, one of Jupiter's moons, while flying yellow predators prey on two-legged herbivores in another.
In this hypothetical hunting scene, alien predators finish off one of the large grazers with poison strikes. The series took three years to develop
The existence of 100 billion galaxies each containing hundreds of millions of stars means Earth is unlikely to be the only place where life has evolved, Professor Hawking said.
'To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational. The real challenge is to work out what aliens might actually be like,' he added.
New series: Stephen Hawking revealed he believes in life on other planets
Professor Hawking has suggested an open-minded attitude to extraterrestrials before, but the discovery of more than 450 previously-unknown planets orbiting distant stars since 1995 is believed to have strengthened his belief.
This year Professor Brian Cox, a physicist from the University of Manchester, also suggested life may exist elsewhere within our solar system - on Mars or the moons orbiting Jupiter or Saturn.
Britain's leading astronomer also provoked controversy by saying that the chance of detecting alien life was stronger than ever before.
Lord Rees, the Astronomer Royal and president of the Royal Society said: 'I suspect there could be life and intelligence out there in forms that we can’t conceive.
'And there could, of course, be forms of intelligence beyond human capacity, beyond as much as we are beyond a chimpanzee.'
Stephen Hawking's Universe begins on the Discovery Channel on Sunday May 9 at 9pm.
Executive producer John Smithson said: 'He wanted to make a programme that was entertaining for a general audience as well as scientific and that’s a tough job, given the complexity of the ideas involved.'
Cosmic Beacons Sing in Different Octaves By Denise Chow Staff Writer posted: 26 April 2010 07:16 am ET |
New observations from a trio of international telescopes have caught enigmatic radio-emitting stars called pulsars beaming out signals across different octaves, revealing more clues into how these fast-spinning stars generate their cosmic lighthouse emissions.
Using observations from the new European LOFAR telescope, the Effelsberg telescope in Germany and the Lovell telescope in the United Kingdom, astronomers were able to observe six different pulsars, each simultaneously across a range of nearly eight octaves.
"Not only do such observations give us a fantastic handle on understanding the emission of pulsars, they are also a powerful probe of the interstellar gas that is between us and the pulsar," said study team member Ben Stappers of the University of Manchester.
Pulsars are rapidly rotating neutron stars about 12 miles (20 km) across that emit beams of electromagnetic radiation. They are created when massive stars die and collapse in supernova explosions into compressed objects comprised solely of neutrons.
Since roughly the equivalent of the sun's mass is being packed into a tiny space approximately the size of a city, the angular momentum causes the neutron star to spin rapidly. In the process, pulsars emit a ray of light that sweeps around in what has been called a lighthouse effect.
If a pulsar is aligned with Earth, its light beam crosses our planet once per rotation, creating a pulse of light visible at regular intervals ranging from a few milliseconds to seconds, depending on the pulsar's mass.
Even though scientists have been studying pulsars for the past 40 years, the exact mechanisms that generate these intense beams of light remain largely a mystery. Researchers who collaborated on this new study are hoping that will soon change.
The team, which included scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy (MPIfR), monitored six different pulsars across multiple wavelengths. The researchers postulated that the emissions seen at the different wavelengths emerge from different heights above the highly magnetized pulsar surface.
By examining the pulsar emissions at various wavelengths, the astronomers were able to monitor the pulsar magnetosphere (or magnetic atmosphere) from different altitudes, said study team member Kosmas Lazaridis from MPIfR.
"We could see the behavior of the particles following the magnetic field lines at various heights," Lazaridis told "We observed that higher up, the magnetic field lines open, and the pulse broadens."
This led the astronomers to suggest that pulsar emissions at different radio wavelengths may be created at different heights above a star's magnetic poles. The magnetic field lines that accelerate particles spread apart as one moves further and further away from the pulsar's surface.
Experimental support for the idea came from observational data that found pulses of some pulsars stretching out at longer wavelengths. The shape of the pulsar's emission was seen to evolve quite drastically as a function of wavelength, and maps the spreading of magnetic field lines above the pulsar's magnetic poles.
Further study of pulsars will be made even more accessible once the LOFAR telescope is fully completed in the next year. This higher sensitivity radio telescope will be able to perform more pulsar experiments, while also locating previously-undetected pulsars to study, Lazaridis said.
The word "chemtrails" is a knock off of the word "contrails." Contrails are trails of condensation that can be seen in the sky when a jet airplane is traveling at above 30,000 feet altitude.
Up there, almost 6 miles high, the air is thinner and colder -- very cold. Outside temperatures can dip to minus 60 F and the air is often full of minute ice crystals that hang suspended and invisible. When these ice crystals get sucked into a hot jet engine they turn into a gas, like steam, and can be seen as puffy white cloud-like lines that follow behind the jets. They usually dissipate and fade away as the moisture once again returns to form invisible ice crystals.
"Chemtrails" are something different. They are often formed behind jet aircraft at a much lower altitude and seem to persist in the sky. They often have a different color from contrails and frequently exhibit a rainbow spectrum if lit just right from the sun.
The confusion between these two kinds of phenomenon is what made us hesitate to write about them in Viewzone. We figured that with the dramatic increase in air transportation ther would naturally be many more contrails in the sky and that worrying about this was just another form of modern paranoia.
In this article you will learn that chemtrails are real and contain aluminum particles. They have been sprayed in the atmosphere in an attempt to protect micro-circuitry and semiconductors -- primarily involved with avionics -- from atmospheric and solar radiation that causes them to fail.
A satellite photo taken January 29, 2004, showing aircraft trails over SE America.
[click for larger view]
In the photo above, not all of the white lines are "chemtrails." Probably most are regular contrails or "con"densation trails from jet commercial airline flights. It just illustrates the severity of the problem -- even without any conspiracy.
The conspiracy, however, adds another degree of complexity to the problem. It claims that certain trails are not a mere byproduct of modern aviation but rather a deliberate attempt to introduce cloud-like formations in the atmosphere, restricting our sunlight and possibly poisoning us with chemicals. Hence the term "chem"ical trails.
Chemtrails are real
The term "chemtrail" was first introduced by journalist, William Thomas, in 1997. He wrote about something that many people had been seeing in the skies above their homes all across America. It wasn't so much that people noticed the white trails from jets, or even that there appeared to more of them than they remembered in the past, but that the aircraft making these white lines were flying in unusual ways -- often in zig-zag patterns or making multiple parallel lines of white trails that tended to expand and eventually cover the sky with a canopy of clouds.
[Top: photo taken in Kentucky; Middle: photo taken in Washington;
Bottom: photo taken in Portland, Oregon]
Initially, people began to question the government, thinking it was some kind of weather control project, but NASA and NOAA and even the military have denied any knowledge or involvement in the phenomenon. Independent researchers, convinced that something is going on, have posed sinister theories which have gained acceptance from the government's apparent lack of interest and even ridicule of the idea that there is anything unusual.
Analysis of the trails is difficult, at least from the ground. But occasionally the trails have drifted to much lower altitudes and have apparently condensed to form strange residues that have been collected from trees, roofs and ponds.
Lab tests show chemtrails contain aluminum!
In 2008, samples around California's Lake Shasta and the Pit River Arm tributary were tested in a State Certified Lab following weeks of fly-overs and chemtrails. The results of the water samples showed 4,610,000 parts per million of aluminum -- 4610 times the maximum contaminant level!
At another pond, filled with filtered water and confirmed to contain "0" aluminum, test revealed 375,000 parts per million of aluminum (375 times the maximum contaminant level) after only 18 months exposure to the aerial spraying.
The usually pristine snow pack from the Ski Bowl area of Mt. Shasta showed 61,000 parts per million of aluminum!
Why aluminum? Secrets revealed...
At first the logic of putting fine particles of aluminum in the atmosphere seems utterly strange. But a little research reveals that this plan was considered necessary many decades ago. In fact, the idea of spraying aluminum oxide from jet aircraft was patented by Hughes Aircraft in 1990 (see, patent #5003186). The plan proposed "to seed the metallic particles was to add the tiny particles to the fuel of jet airliners, so that the particles would be emitted from the jet engine exhaust while the airliner was at its cruising altitude."
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION: Patent #5003186A method is disclosed for reducing atmospheric warming due to the greenhouse effect resulting from a greenhouse gases layer. The method comprises the step of seeding the greenhouse gas layer with a quantity of tiny particles of materials characterized by wavelength-dependent emissivity or reflectivity, in that said materials have high emissivities in the visible and far infrared wavelength regions and low emissivity in the near infrared wavelength region. Such materials can include the class of materials known as Welsbach materials. The oxides of metal, e.g., aluminum oxide, are also suitable for the purpose. The greenhouse gases layer typically extends between about seven and thirteen kilometers above the earth's surface. The seeding of the stratosphere occurs within this layer. The particles suspended in the stratosphere as a result of the seeding provide a mechanism for converting the blackbody radiation emitted by the earth at near infrared wavelengths into radiation in the visible and far infrared wavelength so that this heat energy may be reradiated out into space, thereby reducing the global warming due to the greenhouse effect."[5]
But wait! There's more.
A more sinister use of aluminum
You would think that the government would be happy to announce that they had a plan to help reduce global warming. If spraying powdered aluminum oxide from jetliners would stave off the dire predictions of violent storms, melting icecaps and rapidly rising ocean, most people would likely have applauded their attempts. There would have been no need for secrecy and denying what people have been seeing in the skies over their communities.
So is there really another reason for the chemtrails? Absolutely.
It was the late Edward Teller, member of the Manhattan Project and father of the Hydrogen Bomb, co-founder and director of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, who proposed this geo-engineering technique together with Roderick Hyde and Lowell Wood and who designed a variety of mixtures according to the specific tasks they have to perform, among which figure the deployment of "electrically-conducting sheets" or "metallic 'nets' of ultra-fine mesh-spacing" in the stratosphere.[1]
But their concern wasn't global warming. It was the growing dependence on, and vulnerability to semiconductors.
In a paper presented to the US Air Force titled "Electromagnetic Pulse Threats in 2010" [4], Major Colin R. Miller describes the dangers from atmospheric radiation which could shut down everything in America -- bringing us back to the stone age. Disruption of semiconductors in our present society could cause everything to cease -- from the basics like water and power to emergency services, all communication, transportation and our national security. He outlines vital importance of shielding of these circuits, both individually and globally.
In a 2009 interview with Ludwig Glinz about 'Sferic Frequencies, Semiconductor Technologies and their effective Preservation and Protection,' Uwe Behnken, founder of LiveNet Concept 2010 and long time activist against Chemtrail Spraying, suggests that the massive injection of toxic substances into the stratosphere ever since the nineties bears a direct relation to the protection of highly sensitive semiconductor technologies.
"Natural electromagnetic pulses are known to everybody ever since the film 'The Day After' where we learnt what happens if these are created artificially by means of the explosion of an atom bomb. If an atomic weapon explodes, the electromagnetic pulse causes semiconductor technologies to stop functioning. The same electromagnetic pulses can be registered in the event of elevated sferic frequencies or nuclear electromagnetic pulses stemming from elevated sun activities, and from our perspective this is another reason why it is undertaken to repel these sferic frequencies with the help of toxic substances, like aluminium oxides and barium-chlorides so as to protect semiconductor technologies."[2]
Our vulnerability to radiation
Since the 1950's when silicon and germanium transistors were suddenly "discovered" by Bell Laboratories, electronic circuitry has become entirely dependent upon these semiconductors. Radios containing vacuum tubes were replaced by transistor circuits and expensive room size computers, which used magnetic relays and solenoids, were quickly reduced to desktop "appliances" that are now found in most every home.
As we round the corner of the first decade of the 21st Century, micro-circuits are in our cellphones, satellites, "fly-by-wire" cars and almost all of the communications devices used by the financial, business and military institutions. In just 50 years since their introduction, semiconductors have become a most vital part of our life and a necessity for our survival.
But there's a problem no one anticipated.
Because the circuits are so incredibly small and function of such extremely low voltages, they are highly vulnerable to outside radiation. Rays from our Sun, the atmosphere and even cosmic rays, can and do cause errors in these circuits that can have an impact on the lives and safety of everyone.
Three little sins
One of the problems related to semiconductor technology and as derived from some of its specific characteristics is, that upon exposure to various types of particles of atmospheric radiation -- alpha particles, various ions, protons, and neutrons which can 'hit' the device -- it can change state or alter its output, leading to an error. This phenomenon is widely known by the manufacturers and has been called 'Single Event Effect' (SEE), which, in turn, is classified in three basic categories: A soft error or 'single event upset' (SEU), a soft or hard error or 'single event latch-up (SEL) and a hard failure or 'single event burnout' (SEB).
The Single Event Upset happens when the flow of data ("1's" and "0's") is corrupted. Maybe when reading the binary code from a memory or processor an extra bit is added or lost. This is a fairly regular occurrence and is usually corrected within the device by a special code that counts the number of bits, checks to make sure the same number was received, and orders them to be repeated if there is a discrepancy.
The Single Event Latch is more serious. The external radiation causes one of the transistors to malfunction, allowing high voltage to enter the circuit and disabling the device either temporarily or permanently. The damage is usually localized and many critical circuits have built in redundancy to compensate for this.
The Single Event Burnout results when the radiation causes instantaneous yet large voltages to enter the circuit, burning the internal elements of the transistors and their surrounding components. When this happens the electronic circuits are permanently disabled.
All of the problems mentioned happen to semiconductor circuits when exposed to radiation. Manufacturers of commercial semiconductors do not design any protection against this and so our society -- our way of life -- is highly vulnerable. The protection from such things as solar radiation and cosmic rays has instead been to establish a conductive layer of metallic particles which cover and dissipate this radiation.
In an Atmospheric Radiation Effects Whitepaper [3] by Ken Vranish, titled "The Growing Impact of Atmospheric Radiation Effects on Semiconductor Devices and the Associated Impact on Avionics Suppliers" the problem is put in perspective. The design and manufacturing of complex devices usually allow for flaws and malfunctions that are tracked statistically. A failure or malfunction that happens once in 40,000 hours could be thought of as negligible. But if the malfunction is in a life critical system, such as the navigation or engine control of a passenger aircraft, this could be deadly.
Next, complex designs usually take about a decade to reach production. The circuitry in use today was designed before the problem of radiation was well understood. So there is virtually no protection in individual circuits. This shifts the burden to a global solution, especially with regards to aviation electronics, such as atmospheric seeding with metallic substances.
All of the above is especially true for military applications of semiconductors.
"Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom demonstrated the potential of NCW, allowing unprecedented speed and lethality through digital command, control, communications, and computers (C4) integrated throughout the battlespace. The ability of microchip-enabled systems to leverage combat power was eye watering and in the future will be paramount. Data links, displays, satellite communications, computerized planning systems, GPS receivers, radios, smart munitions, vehicles, aircraft, and all other systems required to support the networked force will derive their power, and potentially their doom, from fragile electronic systems..."[4]
Public outcry?
No doubt the public will feel disrespected when they learn that this fact has been hidden from them. But perhaps they will also take note of the many unusual airline tragedies that appear to be the result of some sudden electronic failure. Perhaps they will understand why automobile manufacturers, like Toyota, have not been up front about the vulnerabilities of today's fly-by-wire automotive controls that should have faraday shield, at the very least.
With the Solar Maximum approaching we can expect more and more failures of semiconductors, resulting is all sorts of malfunctions and potential burnouts. One strong Coronal Mass Ejection is all the it would take to trigger the dire scenario portrayed by Major Miller.
A history of lies and more lies...
Back in 2001, angry citizens had mustered enough physical evidence and thousands of photos and video tapes to make at least one congressman, Mr. Dennis Kucinich, include the phenomenon in a bill, (HR 2977) "The Space Preservation Act of 2001" where chemtrails were to be prohibited as an "exotic weapons system." After some closed door discussions, the bill was re-introduced (HR 3615) with this portion of the prohibition omitted.
A review of the average surface temperatures over the last decade shows a decrease of 0.5F, while atmospheric temperatures have undoubtedly been rising. Scientists attribute this to chemtrails.
Non-scientists have noticed that beautiful sunny days are often turned into overcast by the crazy zig-zag flights of jets and wonder if this could also cause droughts or respiratory illnesses. It's crazy, and no one in the government seems to want to address this.
The question remains unanswered: why won't the government come clean with the chemtrails? Is it because the aluminum and other metallic substances has also been responsible for poisoning our water and air? Is it because the need to shield military, corporate and business communications was a higher priority than the wellbeing of the average people? We need answers and we need them now.
Below are some recent articles that have been posted as an introduction to chemtrails. We encourae readers to comment and write to Viewzone's Editor.
According to Victoria Hardy of The American Chronicle, Dr. Stephen D. McKay, who has studied chemtrails for iver six years, believes there are four ongoing projects in our atmosphere, "The first project is an effort to block the rays of the sun from hitting the earth including the ultra violet radiation that will come through without an adequate layer of ozone in the upper regions above the earth. This, it is hoped, will lower temperature on the surface of the earth and block ultra violet radiation from causing skin cancer in humans. The aerosol is probably aluminum oxide or a compound that would have similar properties."
"The second and most secretive project is the United States Navy's, RFMP, Radio Frequency Mission Planner, military program. The RFMP is the system name given to a group of computer programs and one of the supporting, subprograms within the RFMP system is called the VTRPE computer program. VTRPE is an acronym that stands for Variable Terrain Radio Parabolic Equation, It is a computer Radio Frequency propagation program that deals with radio waves and enables the RFMP system to visually see the battlefield terrain in 3 dimensions (3-D) on a television screen. The RFMP system also depends on satellites to feed their images of the battlefield into the RFMP system to be combined with the battlefield picture painted from the ground thus producing 3-D images."
"By providing an extremely interactive and visual (television type radar screens) environment, the Radio Frequency Mission Planner, RFMP system allows the computer operator to develop familiarity with the 'Radio Frequency' environment before a battlefield war mission occurs by playing a variety of 'what-if' virtual warfare scenarios on his computer screen. Since all major modes of Radio Frequency propagation are modeled in his computer, (RFMP system), special, sometimes counter- intuitive, cases can be examined in detail and exploited during a warfare battle mission."
"The VTRPE computer program only worked accurately over water and along coastal areas but not over land masses because the system's radar waves required an atmospheric condition known as 'ducting', over land, to operate accurately."
"The government and military solved the 'ducting' problem by releasing an aerosol, a mixture of barium salts into the atmosphere over America. They made an atmospheric RF duct with a base of barium aerosol from aircraft. The chemical and electrical characteristics of the mixture will cause water moisture to stay in clouds. Again, the aerosol sets up an electrical and chemical environment that supports RF ducting for the RFMP / VTRPE warfare system. Fibers with barium may support ducting. The mixture of barium salt aerosol when sprayed in a straight line will also provide a ducting path from point A to point B and will enable high frequency communications along that path, even over the curvature of the earth, in both directions. Enemy high frequency communications can be monitored easier with the straight line A to B ducting medium."
"The third project also utilizes the mixture of barium salts in the atmosphere. Weather control is a project of the U.S. Air Force and utilizes Nikola Tesla concepts of radio frequency radiation (HAARP) against the ionosphere above the earth. Fragile life support systems in our environment are being manipulated, tested and altered by government for military advantage. Air Force documents implied, 'the risks are high but the rewards are worth it.' The mixture of barium salts, supporting moisture, is encouraged along the weather fronts and manipulated in a control fashion. It is believed microwave energy is also utilized in the weather control program. Weather data is also a required input to the VTRPE program of the RFMP system. Perfected weather control technology will enable a military to withhold rain, cause floods, cause drought, cause storms, withhold sunshine, damage food crops, and bring any country to its knees without firing a shot."
"The fourth project in the atmosphere is the DARPA, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, biological detection and decontamination programs. The program also utilizes the mixture of barium salts as the base vehicle in aerosol along with special polymer fibers in the atmosphere. They have released biological into the atmosphere in trials, testing the detection and decontamination systems."
"It is believed that barium salt, polymer fibers and other chemicals, in the atmosphere are the physical irritants that are either directly or indirectly responsible, for the recent epidemic increase in cases of nose bleed, asthma, allergies, pneumonia, upper respiratory symptoms and a noticeable increase in arthritis symptoms, recently reported nationwide. Chemicals illegally sprayed into the atmosphere are producing atmospheric and ground conditions detrimental to human and animal health but favorable to the growth of harmful molds and fungus. These conditions are not conducive to good health. The soluble salts of barium, an earth metal, are toxic in mammalian systems. They are absorbed rapidly from the gastrointestinal tract and are deposited in the muscles, lungs, and bone. No case data is available from the medical community on the long term effects of barium in the human body."
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How to Digitally Record/Video a UFO sighting:
Como registar digitalmente ou gravar um vídeo de um avistamento de um UFO:
Stabilize the camera on a tripod. If there is no tripod, then set it on top of a stable, flat surface. If that is not possible lean against a wall to stabilize your body and prevent the camera from filming in a shaky, unsteady manner.
Estabilize a camera com um tripé. Se não tiver um tripé, então coloque-a em cima de uma superfície estável. Se não for possível, então encoste-se a uma parede para estabilizar o corpo e evitar que a camera registe de maneira tremida e instável.
Provide visual reference points for comparison. This includes the horizon, treetops, lampposts, houses, and geographical landmarks (i.e., Horsetooth Reservoir, Mt. Adams, etc.) Provide this in the video whenever is appropriate and doesn’t detract from what your focus is, the UFO.
Forneça pontos visuais de referência para comparação. Isso inclui o horizonte, cimo das árvores, postes de iluminação, pontos de referência geográficos (como o Reservatório de Horsetooth, Mone Adams, etc) Forneça esses pontos no vídeo sempre que for apropriado e não se distraia do que é o seu foco, o UFO/a Nave.
Narrate your videotape. Provide details of the date, time, location, and direction (N,S,E,W) you are looking in. Provide your observations on the weather, including approximate temperature, windspeed, any visible cloud cover or noticeable weather anomalies or events. Narrate on the shape, size, color, movements, approximate altitude of the UFO, etc and what it appears to be doing. Also include any unusual physical, psychological or emotional sensations you might have. Narrate any visual reference points on camera so they correlate with what the viewer will see, and thereby will be better able to understand.
Faça a narração do vídeo. Forneça pormenores sobre a data, hora, local e direcção (Norte, Sul, Este, Oeste) que está a observar. Faça observações sobre as condições atmosféricas, incluindo a temperatura aproximada, velocidade do vento, quantidade de nuvens, anomalias ou acontecimentos meteorológicos evidentes. Descreva a forma, o tamanho, a cor, os movimentos, a altitude aproximada onde se encontra o UFO/nave, etc e o que aparenta estar a fazer. Inclua também quaisquer aspectos pouco habituais de sensações físicas, psicológicas ou emocionais que possa ter. Faça a narração de todos os pontos de referência visual que o espectador irá ver e que, deste modo, será capaz de compreender melhor.
Be persistent and consistent. Return to the scene to videotape and record at this same location. If you have been successful once, the UFO sightings may be occurring in this region regularly, perhaps for specific reasons unknown, and you may be successful again. You may also wish to return to the same location at a different time of day (daylight hours) for better orientation and reference. Film just a minute or two under “normal” circumstances for comparison. Write down what you remember immediately after. As soon as you are done recording the experience/event, immediately write down your impressions, memories, thoughts, emotions, etc. so it is on the record in writing. If there were other witnesses, have them independently record their own impressions, thoughts, etc. Include in this exercise any drawings, sketches, or diagrams. Make sure you date and sign your documentation.
Seja persistente e não contraditório. Volte ao local da cena e registe o mesmo local. Se foi bem sucedido uma vez, pode ser que nessa região ocorram avistamentos de UFOs/naves com regularidade, talvez por razões específicas desconhecidas, e talvez possa ser novamente bem sucedido. Pode também desejar voltar ao mesmo lugar a horas diferentes do dia (durante as horas de luz)para ter uma orientação e referência melhor. Filme apenas um ,inuto ou dois em circunstâncias “normais” para ter um termo de comparação. Escreva tudo o que viu imediatamente após o acontecimento. Logo após ter feito o registo da experiência/acontecimento, escreva imediatamente as impressões, memórias, pensamentos, emoções, etc para que fiquem registadas por escrito. Se houver outras testemunhas, peça-lhes para registar independentemente as suas próprias impressões, pensamentos, etc. Inclua quaisquer desenhos, esbolos, diagramas. Certifique-se que data e assina o seu documento/testemunho.
Always be prepared. Have a digital camera or better yet a video camera with you, charged and ready to go, at all times. Make sure you know how to use your camera (and your cell phone video/photo camera) quickly and properly. These events can occur suddenly, unexpectedly, and often quite randomly, so you will need to be prepared.
Esteja sempre preparado, Tenha sempre uma camera digital, melhor ainda, uma camera vídeo consigo, carregada e pronta a usar sempre que necessário. Certifique-se que sabe como lidar com a sua camera (ou com o seu celular/camera fotográfica) rápida e adequadamente. Esses acontecimentos podem acontecer súbita e inesperadamente e, por vezes, acidentalmente, por isso, necessita estar preparado.
Look up. Be prepared. Report. Share.
Olhe para cima, Esteja preparado, Relate, Partilhe.