Back when I was just a schoolboy, my 5th grade teacher Mrs.
Sampson hung the classroom clock on the back wall, so as not to distract
us from her lesson plan. It didn't work,
because every kid in that room had the swivel neck, looking over their
shoulders to glance the time many times an hour. Before long She added a hand made sign below
the clock, in the shape of a bumper sticker.
It read: "Time will pass...will You?" We did of course, and along with whatever we
gleaned from the teachings; we also acquired a lifelong relationship with time,
for better or worse.
For some of us, punctuality is the prime directive while for
many it remains an elusive addition to our skill set. For some of us time is a master, for others,
a nagging mother-in-law; and some...well they never give time a second thought,
they just don't have the time for it. In
1971, Spiritualist teacher Ram Dass published his seminal work entitled
"Be Here Now," which among many other things, extolled the
virtue of living in the present moment.
In a very real sense, the present moment in time is all we ever really
have. While living in the past may seem
attractive because the rent was so much lower back then, it is essentially a
coping mechanism used by folks who just cannot handle the pace of modern day
life. Conversely, living in the future (daydreaming) may seem like a productive
effort, but only the very talented manage to make a decent living at it - for
all the rest it remains just another defense mechanism...the eternal hope that
the future will be better despite reality showing no signs thereof.
"Time is an
Illusion." ~ Albert Einstein
The reason so many guru's and spiritual teachers want us to
focus upon, and live in, the present moment is because time is an
illusion of our own creation, we made it up, just like we do with everything
else. Humans invented the concept of
time primarily to facilitate being asleep within a consensus reality
matrix. Those awake within the
dream we call life released the notion of time, knowing as they do that all
there is, or ever was or will the eternal Now. The Point of Power is always
in the present moment, never in the past, or future...and that is, the
power of choice. Time is spherical, not linear, and as such it
connects every aspect of All That Is with every other aspect...not a
single aspect excluded. Put another way,
everything that has ever happened or ever will happen is ALL happening right
now in this eternal moment of Now.
Fortunately we have a built in mechanism which acts like a series of
step-down transformers to prevent this fact from toasting our grey matter: it's
called the 12 chakra system.**
"The reason
we have time is to keep everything from happening at once"
~Buckaroo Banzai, (Stolen from Einstein)~
We also use time as a convenient scapegoat when we
really don't want to do something: "I just don't have the time."
Balderdash! Each of us has the exact same amount of
"time" with which to do things.
The same number of hours in a day that Bill Gates, and Stephen
Hawking have, we also have; so we either make the time for something or
not! If we hadn't created time
then perhaps we'd be less anxious to muck about making periodic changes in it
to squeeze every last dollar from each day ~ Daylight savings time! Twice a year the owners force us to
gain or loose an hour every day to accommodate purely commercial enterprises,
totally disregarding the sacred sleep cycle.
To make it even worse, last Sunday's daylight savings time shift
happened to occur during the current period of mercury
retrograde, in Scorpio! Think of
the hundreds of working folk who forgot to adjust their clocks, and as a result
rush franticly to make up the lost time.
How many will cause or be included in a traffic accident because of time? Speaking of working folk; just who is
responsible for the 40 hour work week anyway?
What an archaic abuse of time.

Does anybody keep those kind of statistics...about the cost
in dollars & lives of this ridiculous
mockery of time called daylight savings time?
What then of the additional confusion caused when some communities here
and there refuse to acknowledge DST,
and keep the same time year round? Yes
it can be chaotic, and often times funny depending upon one's perspective. Consider the ancient Maya, who were indeed
masters of time. For more than 2000 years
their civilization got along just fine with time. They understood time perhaps better than
anyone ever has, and they measured it in cycles and patterns, whether the cycle
was Trecena-13 days, Veintena-20 days, Tzolkin-260 days:
or the long count of 26 thousand years. I
think the Maya understood the timelessness of time, they understood it in Galactic
terms, rather than planetary, I think they could see the eternal moment of
time which surrounds, and eventually engulfs us all.
"Time is the
fire in which we burn"
~Soran~ [Star
Trek Generations]
(Stolen from Delmore Schwartz)
Of course, mankind's tampering with time is as a drop of
water in the ocean compared to what the universe routinely does with time. Thanks to Albert Einstein we know that
all things, including time, are relative. We know, for instance that a space traveler
who went to alpha centauri & back
would return having hardly aged while everyone they ever knew had long since
died. We know that nothing, including
light can escape from a black hole, so what about time...what becomes of it in
such an environment? Kinda gets us back
to that eternal moment of Now. Distances
in the galaxy, and universe are so vast we must measure them in terms of time,
how long it takes light to travel a year at 186,000 feet per second...or a light
year. for example, on this scale,
the light from our sun takes eight minutes &
17 seconds to reach earth.
Because of relativity, time has shown us some
marvelous things, for instance; if you set two identical clocks to the exact
same time, then put one on a space ship traveling at light get what
is termed spooky action at distance; in other words changes made to the
earth bound clock would also appear on the clock aboard the space ship! Weird enough for you?? Buckle up!!
Scientists are now discovering that even the speed of light may not be a
universal constant, as Einstein thought.

Things get even stranger in regards to time when we look at
the opposite end of the spectrum, where we find atoms, molecules and such. Cutting edge advancements in our
understanding of the quantum world of string theory show that the laws of
physics as we know them work quite differently on
the sub-atomic scale. Electrons behave
very strangely, as we can measure either it's position, or speed, but
not both at once; the reason for this being partially due to the electron's
ability to appear to be in two places at the same time! Electrons can manifest either as a particle,
or a wave...(but once again), not
at the same moment. And what about Tachyons,
those theoretical particles which cannot mover slower than the speed of
light?? Think of the astonishing
potential harnessing tachyons would have.
It would enable and facilitate faster than light communication; such
that exchanging messages with both the past and future would be feasible. You would of course have to in some manner
invoke or create a Lorentz Invariance to get around some undesirable side
effects on the causality of things, but it could be done, given you could
create or collect tachyons.
Don't get comfortable with time just yet because in less
than a nanosecond we're going even smaller, and further down the
wormhole. What's smaller than a
Nanosecond you may ask?? Have you heard
of Planck Time? Let me put it to
you this way... Planck time is
the time required for light to travel (in a
vacuum) a distance of one Planck Length: How small is that??? If one atom was the size of the entire
known universe, a Planck length would be the height of the average tree! I mention this mostly to give some perspective
to the discussion of time as we understand and live with it. If we are ever to understand how we
fit into the overall scheme of things, shouldn't we effort to discover how the
overall structure of things functions?

So here we all are at the end of time (Mayan calendar) just as world shaking
changes are taking place, (as predicted)
and the resonance of 5D grows stronger with each soul arising from
slumber. You might expect that time
itself would begin exhibiting previously unseen attributes, and you'd be
right. A great many people nowadays are
having the experience of elastic time when some hours are much longer
than others...and sometimes it seems that time itself freezes for brief
periods, and even speeds up. Just more
evidence of shifting realities and paradigms.
Many of us speak in terms of there currently being two earths, of incompatible
resonance imagine the surprise when I begin to see headlines
about the earth splitting in two at the equator this week.*
"Time and
Tide wait for no man." ~ St. Marher,
Obviously, if we are indeed at the end of time then,
by definition we are pioneers ~ being as we are 'where no one has gone
before'... and cannot expect therefore to find such luxuries as map, compass
or instructions. We're here on our own
kids, and that means it's time to put everything we've learned (spiritually) into play, "It's
Showtime!" and the clock is ticking.
Like uncle Albert showed us, time is relative
depending on whether you're using galactic measurements, or Planck lengths:
whether you're talking about time on a geologic, prehistoric, or current day
scale. When we humans invent something
as cool as time, we sure don't spare the detail...we go all in. The Rolling Stones may have had time
on their side, but then they weren't living in today's post-Fukushima reality
where not only is time decidedly NOT on our side, (meaning us, the living), it isn't even
our friend anymore.

There comes a time when no matter how frightening the
horror is; you can no longer hide beneath the blanket, hoping the nightmare
will get better or go away. When even
the strongest denial syndrome cracks from repeated blows of cognitive
dissonance, you simply have to come out and face the monster, and then stare it
down, because it ain't gonna get better and it's not going away. Between the few reports of radiation related
deaths escaping the Japanese truth blockade, and the scores of sick,
dying and mutated marine life washing up simply everywhere, the Fukushima cows
are coming home to roost big time. The
genocide of the pacific ocean from Fukushima
radiation is now so widespread that not even the most determined efforts can
censor it. The truth is out, and as's far worse than we have been told. Perhaps worse even than we can imagine.
Just this week we have seen several experts and authorities
openly admitting to the press that the overall situation is, in a word,
Hopeless. Like the super massive black
hole at the center of our galaxy, the nuclear volcano Fukushima
will just continue to eat away at every single lifeform on earth, until at last
the only life remaining will be that which thrives on such extreme
environments. Cockroaches!
"I wish it
need not have happened in my time." said Frodo
"So do
I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times,
But that is not
for them to decide. All we have to
is what to do with
the time given us."
J.R.R. Tolkien ~ The Fellowship
of the Ring
The point here is simple and easy for anyone to see,
and that is, that time is more precious to us now than it ever has been
before in the history of our species.
Simple as that. When it comes
down to your final days of life, what memories will you cherish most? Will you wish you had put in more overtime down at the
office? Or perhaps you'll wish you'd
spent more time acknowledging, and being with those
you care about the most. Will you curse
yourself for the time you wasted, or be at peace, knowing time spent
knowing yourself is never wasted? Even
if every other major crisis on this planet was peacefully resolved with food
and shelter enough for every single human, and the abolishment of war, slavery
and GMO food-like-products was a fact of
life....there still would be no fix for Fukushima, and it will
just continue, long after the last human perishes from this place.

This then, is the trap of time. What will we do with the remaining time given
us? Will all semblance of civilized
society dissolve into the stuff of every apocalyptic movie ever made...or will
we, as a species show a bit of class, a shard of dignity as we go down with
Gaia; taking a deep breath and accepting our fate? Yeah, I know you'd prefer not to think about
such things...and that's a huge part of the problem here because it prevents
you from finding that peace. The peace
to go out dancing every weekend and follow your bliss as though
the world was just dandy and fixin to last a million more years. The peace that leads to finding the truly
precious things about life, before you must release it, once again, as you have
so very many times before.
"How did it
get so late so soon?" ~ Dr. Seuss
What shall we do? I
rather suppose that we should re-think our priorities in life just now, and take
stock as they say. Make a conscious
effort to acknowledge, and respect all life...ALL life. Maybe dial back the pretentiousness and
aggression enough to see that we really are all one after all, and from that,
take forgiveness & gratitude...and
some humble pie. There will of course be
hoarding and elevated competition for dwindling resources, but I'm really
hoping humanity can rise above those levels of barbarism since we are in the
very midst of a spiritual evolution, and all.
Perhaps in the final analysis this is what it takes for us to finally
begin to truly value one another. Just
as Hunab Ku, the black hole at the center of our galaxy; Time
has us in it's grip, which doesn't seem so bad until the corporeal systems
begin to fail. And just like the black
hole; Time will have it's way with us - in the fullness of time.
Until Next Time ~ Be Good to Each Other
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