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Be Well.
70 percent of the Strongest Earthquakes in the last 10 months concurred with Tzolkin Cycle Hyper-Days
June 2010 Update: Empirical Evidence for the Concurrence of Tzolkin Cycle Hyper-Days and Earthquake Frequency-Intensity Spikes over a 7.25 month period starting July 22, 2009 and ending February 26, 2010
This report is an update of my first post on the correlation between Tzolkin cycle Hyper-Days and spikes in earthquake activity and intensity. I have placed the original post text below the graphs. The graphs themselves have been updated and improved.
I have also prepared two new bar graphs that bear out my claim that earthquake frequency and intensity is greatest on Hyper-Days. The graphs plot earthquake activity from July 22, 2009 to February 26, 2010. I did not include the month of March 2010 in the study because the massive Chile quake disrupted the typical rhythm of earthquake activity.
The first bar graph does include the total number of quakes over 7.0 magnitude from July 22, 2009 to May 31, 2010. The first bar graph provides the strongest evidence for the assertion that the strongest earthquakes tend to concur with Hyper-Days.
In fact the graph demonstrates that the stronger the earthquake then the more apt it is to happen during a Hyper-Day Window. Those of you not familiar with Hyper-Day terminology will find more information further down. If you have not read the text from my original posting then I recommend you do so for more context and greater comprehension.
Research Highlights
30 of 30 HYPER-DAY Windows were all accompanied by spikes in Earthquake frequency and intensity.
Between July 22, 2009 and May 31, 2010 there have been 17 quakes 7.0M and greater. Twelve of the seventeen strongest earthquakes happened during a HDW. And of the 5 earthquakes that took place outside of a HDW occurred 1 day outside a HDW.
The greatest number of strongest earthquakes in 4 different magnitude categories concurred with a HDW.
The greatest average number of earthquakes overall in 3 different magnitude categories coincide with HDW’s
The above noted highlights represent 9 of the most significant measures in support of my claim that the greatest number and strongest earthquakes tend to coincide with Tzolkin cycle hyper days.
On the 6 plot graphs following the 2 bar graphs you will find 36 other measures. Twenty-six of those thirty-six measures also support my claims.
Disclaimer: My research has not been verified by an independent 3rd party. The studies are straight forward in design and the information is in the public doma in. This earthquake study is only the beginning of an ongoing empirical study that I will update periodically. In due time I will provide 3rd party verification and I am confident that my results and conclusions will be upheld.
To further bolster my claims I have also published similar studies on volcanic and solar activity. Each one those studies shows equally strong support for my overarching hypothesis that phenomena across every terrestrial and solar domain exhibits an amplification or intensification of activity during a Hyper-Day window. What exactly is happening at the subatomic realms at such cyclical intervals is still unknown. I hope to shed more light on that mystery as my studies continue.
The human domain is not exempt from the Hyper-Day phenomena. Very soon I will launch Twitter and Emergent-Culture website based learning opportunities for those interested in learning how to track and apply Tzolkin Dynamics also known as the principles underlying my work on the Art and Science of Synchronicity. Hyper-Days are just one facet of the multi-faceted Tzolkin cycle. If you want to be kept abreast of developments please consider following my @Cosmocycle Twitter account and subscribe to receive either RSS or email notifications for new material posted to Emergent
Data for this study was obtained from the U.S. Geological Survey Earthquake Data Base.
Bar Graph 1:
Aug 21, 2009 thru Feb 26. 2010 Contrast of Earthquake Frequency-Intensity between Tzolkin Cycle Hyper-Days and Standard Days.
Bar Graph 2:
Aug 21, 2009 thru Feb 26. 2010 Contrast of Daily Earthquake Frequency-Intensity Averages between Tzolkin Cycle Hyper-Days and Standard Days.
Bar Graph 2: August 21 thru Feb 26, 2010 Corresponds with days 30 thru 219 of the Arguellen Tzolkin Count. Click to enlarge
The most telling feature of the following plot graphs are the spikes of earthquake frequency-intensity that accompanies each Hyper-Day Window (HDW).
Graph 1:
July 22 thru Aug 31 2009 Earthquake Frequency-Intensity Correlation w/ AA Tzolkin Cycle Hyper-Days
Graph 1: July thru August 2009 Correspondence w/ days 260 thru 40 of Arguellen Tzolkin Count. Click to enlarge
Graph 2:
Sep.1 thru Oct 31 2009 Earthquake Frequency-Intensity
Correlation w/ AA Tzolkin Cycle Hyper-Days
Graph 2: Sept thru Oct 2009 Correspondence w/ days 41 thru 101of Arguellen Tzolkin Count. Click to enlarge
Graph 3:
November 2009 Earthquake (Q) Frequency-Intensity
(FI) Correlation w/ AA Tzolkin Cycle Hyper-Days
Graph 3: November 2009 Correspondence w/ days 102 thru 131 of Arguellen Tzolkin Count. Click to enlarge
Graph 4:
December 2009 Earthquake Frequency-Intensity
Correlation w/ AA Tzolkin Cycle Hyper-Days
Graph 5:
January 2010 Earthquake Frequency-Intensity
Correlation w/ AA Tzolkin Cycle Hyper-Days
Graph 5: January 2010 Correspondence w/ days 164 thru 193 of Arguellen Tzolkin Count. Click to enlarge
Graph 6:
Feb-March 2010 Earthquake Frequency-Intensity
Correlation w/ AA Tzolkin Cycle Hyper-Days
The New MMAC
My work begins to empirically validate the AA Tzolkin and a successful validation means invalidation of all other Tzolkin counts in use. This is an important step in the scientific founding of the Maya-Meso-American Calendrical system (MMAC) and in the reconciliation of the Maya-Meso-American Calendrical community.
The green squares on the Tzolkin chart are the focus of the report you are reading. Graph number 1 starts where the last (260) and first day (1) of the Tzolkin cycle coincide with July 22 and July 23rd respectively. The first consecutive stretch of green squares, column 6 counting from left to right or HYPER-DAY Sequence A is charted in Graph number 3.HYPER-DAY Sequence B is charted in Graph number 4. The last graph charts from square number 164 thru 193. The Tzolkin chart is read from top to bottom following the number sequence from 1 to 260.
Cleaning House
There are several Tzolkin counts in use by the various schools of Maya calendrics. There can only be one correct Tzolkin count. I refer to the Tzolkin count that I have been tracking and studying for the last 10 years as the Arguellen Account of the Tzolkin (AA). Dr. Jose Arguelles introduced his account of the Tzolkin in “The Mayan Factor” his 1987 book release.
But to my knowledge his account or any other account of the Tzolkin has not been accompanied by any empirically based evidence. Arguelles and others have presented their accounting of the Tzolkin as some obvious self-existing fact, but no one has bothered to offer empirical evidence or even a sound logical argument for why their account or any other accounting is valid and all others invalid.
The days key to this study are known as Hyper-Days and there are 52 such days within the overall 260 day Tzolkin cycle. Please see the Tzolkin chart picture caption for an orientation to Hyper-Day plotting.
Tzolkin Cycle and Hyper-Day Brief
The 52 Hyper-Days of the Tzolkin stand out from the all other Tzolkin cycle days by possessing a characteristic that corresponds with the intensification and amplification of terrestrial, solar and organismic phenomena, hence the term Hyper-Day to denote hyper-activity.
The Tzolkin chart maps what are perhaps the most fundamental cycles of nature. In essence the Tzolkin cycle defines and describes nature and its most fundamental processes and characteristics.
The Tzolkin cycle is not easily discernible for only one culture out of the thousands that have lived managed to discover it. It has eluded modern science up to the present moment. Many cultures inclusive of modern science have captured glimpses of the cycle, but it was the ancient cultures of Meso-America (Mexico-Central America) who mapped it out in complete detail.
Like a Phoenix from the Ashes
The European invasion all but obliterated the precolonial knowledge of ancient Meso-America. But fragment by fragment the significance and magnificence of a lost and ancient science is being reconstructed.
For those of you new to my work on the MMAC system please review the Synchronicity and 2012 sections of my website. In reference to the specific nature of the report you are now reading please see Critical Junctures, Solar Cycle 2012 and the Global Predicament and Tzolkin Cycle Hyper-Days, The Haiti Earthquake & Critical Junctures Update #3. For greatest comprehension I recommend reading the former article first.
The green squares on the Tzolkin chart are the focus of the report you are reading. Graph number 1 starts where the last (260) and first day (1) of the Tzolkin cycle coincide with July 22 and July 23rd respectively. The first consecutive stretch of green squares, column 6 counting from left to right or HYPER-DAY Sequence A is charted on Graph number 3. HYPER-DAY Sequence B is charted on Graph number 4. The last graph charts from square number 164 thru 193. The Tzolkin chart is read from top to bottom following the number sequence from 1 to 260.
Hyper-Days Windows
Graphs 1, 2, 5 and 6 chart a total of 30 Hyper-Days (HD) spread over 5.25 months and there are 30 unmistakable spikes in activity accompanying each Hyper-Day (HDW).
A HDW is the day before a HD, the day of, and the day after a HD. A surge in earthquake frequency and intensity occurred 100 percent of the time in the samples I have thus far provided.
Hyper-Day Sequences
I will continue to create more samples as my research on this aspect of the MMAC system has only just begun. Graphs 3 and 4 are different from the other 4 in that the months of November and December 2009 coincided with the two unique stretches of 10 consecutive HD’S termed Hyper-Day Sequences (HDS).
The impact of the 2 Hyper-Day Sequences (HDS’s) on the frequency and intensity of earthquakes is less obvious and not as significant as in the other four plot graphs where the HD’s are sporadically spaced.
Nonetheless the cumulative evidence allows me to claim that the frequency and intensity of earthquakes tends to spike and cluster in and around Hyper-Day Windows (HDW’s).
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