Dear Friends,
Be Well.
Since I last updated my blog, I’ve been in Italy, England (twice) and Washington State and have received unexpected confirmation of my stargate theories in some strange places. Stargate art is popping up everywhere! As usual, I'm on the path of the light beings - humans who have completed their journey as humans. These past couple of months have brought some fantastic revelations, all of which are presented in my latest Soul Rising presentations. I will have a DVD of this material available this Fall. Here’s a few highlights.
I visited the Shroud of Turin in Italy in May. The Shroud goes on display only once every ten years or so. I had to see it! The setting and display of the Shroud was fascinating and quite powerful. If the Shroud is real it could be the relic of Jesus transforming into a light being.
I had an unexpected interaction with a golden being while meditating in front of the Shroud. I asked the Shroud to tell me its Secrets. Just then, a golden angel descended into my crown chakra! Now, if I can only interpret what was communicated!
The Shroud of Turin on display in Turin, Italy
While in Italy I investigated the Vatican Museum (Amazing!), Florence (Stargates Abound!) and Venice (Woh.). I will have much more to share and report on this when my newly redesigned website goes live this Fall.
I went to Asissi, Italy on the trail of St. Francis, who received the Stigmata wounds from Christ as a Seraphim angel. The Seraphim are the highest order of angels. They are considered light beings and are portrayed with vortex-shaped bodies and six wings. They dwell at the Throne of God.
As I discuss in my new presentation, “The Journey Home: Stargates. Ascension. 2010”, my research has led me to the conclusion that the reason why the vortex-bodied Seraphim are so similar to the vortex-bodied lamas who have achieved the Tibetan Rainbow Body or Great Perfection is that they are the same beings. That is, as first proposed during the Renaissance, the Seraphim are humans who have completed their perfection into beings of light and pure love. I have proposed that they are stargate traveling time travelers.
A Seraphim with its vortex body.
Padamasambhava in the vortex-shaped Rainbow Body
Tibetan lama in Rainbow Body. Jesus on a rainbow in a Last Judgment scene
I further propose that the reason Jesus is portrayed enthroned on a rainbow in Last Judgment scenes is because he too has achieved the Rainbow Body or the Great Perfection. If the New Testament and apocryphal accounts are to be believed, the Resurrected Jesus is a light being who can leave the Throne and manifest on Earth…as a Seraphim.
St. Francis receives the Stigmata from Jesus as a Seraphim angel. The winged Christ Angel beams and beams the Stigmata to Francis. Santa Croce, Florence, Italy
The Christ Angel beams St. Francis in this painting by Giotto, Asissi, Italy
Francis receives the Stigmata while Clare witnesses. Santa Clara, Asissi, Italy
I will have much to say about these extraordinary paintings in the months ahead. They’re at the core of Soul Rising and my forthcoming book.
At the Hermitage of Francis, in Assisi, I was shocked and excited to find a statue of St. Francis portrayed in a stargate. This is weird because I've been linking the Seraphim to stargates and documenting stargate imagery in Nashville, Dallas, Detroit, St. Louis and Washington, D.C. Here it is in Italy with St. Francis! I feel a little like ET following the Reeses Pieces in the movie E.T.
This was my second visit to the controversial ranch as a speaker at the renowed ECETI conference. I go to the Ranch in hopes of learning more about the purported 'biological UFOs' spotted there. Could these be the light beings of ancient myth and sacred tradition?
This trip, I had another remarkable encounter with a 'light ship'. This one caught on tape!
Here’s the backstory:
During my presentation I talked about the Seraphim and how, in Christian art, they are portrayed as fiery/orange beings of light. They match the Tibetan Rainbow Body tradition in which lamas spin their bodies into a vortex of pure energy, manifesting as five-colored rainbow light or as rainbow rings in which they travel the stars.
After my talk, host James Gilliland told the audience that we would be opening a stargate later that night. A few people laughed. However, after the ‘clearing’ ceremony conducted by James around 40 of us went out side and within minutes a strange, seraphim-like, fiery orange UFO, appeared overhead. It gently floated above us for around 45 seconds. It appeared to oscillate between red and blue. I could clearly see its concentric rings. Several people remarked that it looked like the Seraphim I had been showing only hours before. Coincidence?
Two people caught video of it. One is available on YouTube.
Here's John Riley’s hi-rez version (takes a moment to load). John did a great job magnifying the video revealing the light craft oscillating in color, spectrum and pattern. It looks to me like one of the Tibetan Rainbow Body beings/stagate traveling light beings I showed ancient paintings of in my presentation just hours before.
People have written from several places around the world claiming they have seen similar 'light craft'.
I think we’ll be seeing a lot more of 'light ships' in the near future, and more and more, they’ll be accompanied by the rainbow or manifestations of Rainbow Beings.
Can we join them? Absolutely! That’s what Soul Rising is all about!
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