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Love and Light.
ChemTrails: What Are They Spraying?

Photos taken over Yuma, AZ...descriptions of photos in letter below

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NOTE: I received this information and email from Jim Kindle of the Committee for Promoting Clear reference to chemical spraying and chem trails.
Hi Lon...the Chem Trails have started in our area of Yuma Az. On Sat. we had at least 9 planes spraying early in the morning creating whispy looking clouds, the horizon 360 degrees was clear. Sunday no spray but today the 26th (10/26/09) we are presently being sprayed again. This time frame has held for several years as soon as the snow birds start to arrive around the end of October the spraying starts. I have pictures that we took last year when 14 planes sprayed for 3 hours. I was hoping you may have researched so you could make this info available to your readers. People normally think these are con trails. One plane on Saturday flying east, its trail started east of the Gila Mountains and it shut off past the California state line which is then desert, con trails do not do this. I believe I told you I received through Arizona Sky Watch 47 pictures showing the same thing happening Australia. So if you would like some pictures I will be glad to send them via snail mail plus info I have gathered the last several years. Jim
Trail Leading to Pneumonic Plague in Ukraine Involved "ChemTrails" or Mysterious Spray, Fears of Vaccine

fto - In 2002 the US military was acused of “conducting a chemical weapons research and development program in violation of international arms control law” Whereby they replied
“JNLWD's [US Department of Defense's Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate] secret program is not focusing on highly lethal agents such as VX or sarin. Rather, the emphasis is on "non-lethal" chemical weapons that incapacitate. JNLWD's science advisors define "non-lethal" as resulting in death or permanent injury in 1 in 100 victims.(1) JNLWD's Research Director told a US military magazine "We need something besides tear gas, like calmatives, anesthetic agents, that would put people to sleep or in a good mood." These weapons are intended for use against "potentially hostile civilians", in anti-terrorism operations, counterinsurgency, and other military operations.
The major focus of JNLWD's operation is on the use of drugs as weapons, particularly so-called "calmatives", a military term for mind-altering or sleep inducing chemical weapons.”
March 26 it was reported that Vaccine side effects scare grips Ukraine as thousands of Ukrainians refused the vaccinations being scared of diseases like diphtheria, mumps, polio, hepatitis B, tuberculosis, whooping cough among others.
Then the Health officials said that the fear of getting these vaccinations could lead to disease outbreaks spreading through out the Soviet republic and beyond. Health officials around the world then said they are struggling with the repercussions of the vaccination fears as they were unwarrented and dangerous
June 26 Suspicious aircrafts were forced to land. A US operated AN-124 changed its call sign from civillian to military which then triggered a response from the IAF upon entering Pakistani air space, the plane was forced to land in Mumbai while the second one was forced down by Nigerian figther jets that also arrested the crew.
According to reports China (China’s People's Liberation Army Air Force) contacted the Indian and Nigerian intelligence officials about the presence of these US operated Ukranian aircrafts amidst growing concern that the United States were spreading "biological agents" in the Earth's atmosphere also which some Chinese officals believed to be a attempt to mass genocide via the spread of h1n1 swine flu.
The strange thing about these reports and arrests as well as the forcing down of the planes were that these aircrafts were carrying "waste disposal" systems that could spray up to 45000kg or 100pounds of aerial type mist from sophisticated network of nano pipes that led throughout the trailing edges of the wings thereby dispersing whatever was in these tanks through a mist.
Airplane registration was UR-CAK
People usually call these chemtrails.
19 September A Chicago researcher dies working with Yersinia pestis (the plague) (which is now supposedly spreading through Ukraine)
A University of Chicago researcher died Sun., Sept. 13, at the Medical Center's Bernard Mitchell Hospital from an infection which may be attributable to a weakened laboratory strain of Yersinia pestis, the bacteria that causes the plague.
The researcher studied the genetics of harmful bacteria, including a weakened strain of Yersinia pestis that lacks the bacteria's harmful components. This strain is not known to cause illness in healthy adults and has been used in some countries as a live-attenuated vaccine to protect against plague. It has been approved by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for routine laboratory studies. The weakened strain does not require the special safety precautions required for work with virulent strains.
Though there does not appear to be a threat to the public, and no other illness related to this case has been reported, the Medical Center infection control team is working with the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH), the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) and the CDC to investigate the case and take all appropriate precautions.
“This death is a tragic loss to our community,” said James L. Madara, MD, Dean of the Biological Sciences Division and Pritzker School of Medicine, and CEO of the Medical Center. “We are all saddened to lose a valued colleague.”
The patient's initial autopsy showed no obvious cause of death except for the presence of bacteria. Routine cultures of the patient's blood grew the weakened strain of Y. pestis. Whether the attenuated strain caused the fatal illness in this researcher remains uncertain. Additional studies to assess the connection are underway.
Nevertheless, once the attenuated strain of Y. pestis was identified on Sept. 18, Medical Center officials immediately notified the CDPH. As a precautionary measure and in cooperation with the CDPH, Medical Center personnel began notification of family, friends, colleagues and health care personnel who may have had contact with the patient.
People exposed to Y. pestis typically develop symptoms within 2 to 10 days. None of the potential contacts has reported illness. The weakened strain is not believed to be dangerous to healthy individuals, but underlying health conditions could potentially increase susceptibility. Anyone who might have been exposed will be offered antibiotics as a precaution.
While rare in the United States, plague remains a significant problem in the developing world, where up to 3,000 cases are reported every year. U.S. cases still occur in parts of California, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico. The last known case of person-to-person transmission of plague in the United States occurred in 1924.
Then LAST WEEK Airplanes sprayed mysterious substance over Ukraine days before pneumonic plague outbreak
Kiev, Ukraine - Authorities in the town of Kiev, Ukraine denied any spraying of "aerosolized medication" by aircraft over the city. This after it was reported that light aircrafts were seen flying over the forest market area that sprayed a aerosol substance to fight h1n1 or swine flu.
5 Sources confirms this and the local newspapers of Kiev also received hundreds of phone calls from residents and business owners close to the area the planes were spraying the suspicious substance. Not only that but local businesses and retailers were "advised" to stay indoors during the day by the local authorities.
As if that is not enough, the government authorities also pushed the radio stations in Kiev to deny the reports. Online on forums, websites and blogs reports came in about eye witness accounts that confirms this. There was also reports of helicopters spraying aerosols over Kiev, Lviv, Ternopil and throughout Ukraine.
30th October the Ukraine president Viktor Yushchenko ordered the army or Ministry of Defense to establish mobile hostpitals to provide “essential medications” for people infected with h1n1 (swine flu).
Then just recently the entire Ukraine was put under martial law, more shocking is the statement before the serious pneumonic plague broke out “Due to the complex epidemiological situation in the western regions of Ukraine, where tens of thousands of people have become ill, thousands are in hospital, and dozens have died.”
So what exactly is going on here? Coincidence or not?
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