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Superstorm Sandy
October 29, 2012
Atlantic City, New Jersey
Astronomical Earthgrid Spacetime Mapping
Nick Anthony Fiorenza
Copyright © 2012 Nick Anthony Fiorenza, All Rights Reserved
Sidereal Astrological Chart - Atlantic City, New Jersey
8:00 PM EDT October 29, 2012
The storm made landfall on the Full Moon of October 29, 2012 in the
October 15, 2012 Lunar Cycle (Full Moon: 3:50 PM EDT). The Jupiter-Mars
opposition is on the location's horizon plane (Jup-ASC /
Mars-Pholus-Ixion-DSC). This event also occured shortly after the
significant Mars-Juno conjunction in sidereal Scorpio. The Sun, a few
days past its conjuction with Saturn (when the hurricane formed),
conjoins the location's Vertex (Moon anti-vertex). The Sun and Moon also
aspect the Uranus-Pluto Square (Sun-Vertex sextile Pluto). Retrograde
Eris (the Great Disruptor), which began a new synodic cycle on the New
Moon (thus being a key player in this lunar cycle) aspects the
location's merdian (sextile MC). The Lunar Nodes are square to the
location's merdian (MC-IC axis), and are cuspal thier respective
sidereal signs (SN-Algol).
Hurricane Sandy, made landfall near Atlantic City, New Jersey on
Monday October 29, 2012 at 20:00 (8 PM) local time (midnight GMT) with
winds of more than 80mph (129km/h). The hurricane created a Superstorm
due to the confluence of the warm tropical hurricane coming up from the
Caribbean and meeting a trough (dip) in the wintery cold jet stream.
The following is a presentation of the planetary and star
configurations occurring at the time of this event and the key
energetics of the Lunar Cycle in which it occured.
Excerpts from the Oct 15, 2012 Lunar Planner entitled: "Overturning the Apple Cart, Motivation for a New Birth"
The New Moon &
Lunar Cycle Theme
Our late sidereal Virgo New Moon of October 15, 2012 primarily
conjoins Eta Carinae, and the quadruple star system QZ Carinae in the
Great Carina Nebula, all of Argo Navis. Also influencing are Spica of
Virgo; Archturus, Nekar and the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 5548 of Bootes; and
southern Alpha Volans....
Within the Great Carina Nebula (NGC 3372), which is the most
eminent, massive and energetic star factory in the heavens, is our
principal New Moon star Eta Carinae, which enters the ecliptic in late
sidereal Virgo. Due to its massive and extremely active nature, it
significantly and prominently influences the latter part of Virgo and
the themes of Spica and Archturus.

...Eta Carinae is the most luminous, massive, and energetic star
known in our galaxy—estimated to be 100 times the mass of our Sun, and
to radiate five million times more energy than our Sun. A gas shell
surrounding Eta extends 4000 times the size of our solar system. Eta is
highly unstable and prone to violent outbursts. Eta was seen to erupt in
1840 A.D., then making it the second brightest star in the sky. Eta
recently doubled its X-ray emissions in a four-month period sometime
between 1992 to 1994, indicating an intensified influence of the Eta
Carina theme. Eta then doubled in brightness in 1998—perhaps Eta's
warnings. Current observations indicate that Eta Carinae remains highly
unstable and may explode as a supernova at any time!
Eta Carinae is Lord of the Waves (the Akkadian Ea (Ia), the
Sumerian Enki, chief god of the city Eridhu (Eridu*)—he who warned
Noah), generally is considered the foreteller of impending catastrophe,
but also the instructor of the way through such evolutionary
transitions. Eta is also associated with the Sirian amphibious fish-man
"Oannes," who taught the Chaldaeans, both esoteric science and that
which would civilize their lives, from building cities and temples to
agricultural technique (Robert Temple, "The Sirius Mystery" / Blavatsky,
"Isis Unveiled"). Eta embodies the esoteric Gnostic wisdom behind what
to most is merely the mystery of life or unfathomable acts of God.
Oannes is the emblem of priestly, esoteric wisdom; he comes out from the
sea, because the 'great deep', the water, typifies...the secret
doctrine." (Blavatsky, "Isis Unveiled")
Eta Carinae
Image Credit: Chandra X-Ray Observatory / Harvard
NASA/HST - J. Morse/K. Davidson
Due to Eta’s strong X-ray spectrum and galactic equatorial
orientation, it expresses significantly at the soul level—stimulating an
awakening on Earth to our greater purpose as sentient souls responsible
for Earth's safe evolutionary outcome. As a part of Argo Navis and the
Argo's keel, Eta is of navigational matters regarding the evolution of
the entire soul collective on Earth.
Eta Carinae's impending Super Nova explosion,
is a portent of evolutionary change and impels environmental preparation
for such change. It also indicates that something with far
greater potential and magnitude can and will birth through the human
form—a far greater expression of consciousness. Eta stimulates our need
to prepare for and to become capable of this greater expression of
consciousness, to create an inner bio-logical environment that is
capable of a higher expression of consciousness as well as one that can
support such a physical birth....
Our New Moon theme is multi-fold in that it brings our attention
to the need to prepare for greater evolutionary change. It brings
attention to environmental resonance and to our personal environments—do
they support our greatest potential. It also impels a new birth, a new
expression, and it impels us to aspire for something far greater than
the status quo. It motivates us to actively create our destiny rather
than to passively acquiesce to the fate of a crumbling old world
The New Eris Synodic Cycle
Our New Moon lies opposite Eris in late sidereal Pisces. The planetary alignment active here is Sun-Moon-Earth-Eris.
Eris, the Great Disruptor, has a radical and
interceding nature, overturning our current perception, but with
purpose, so we may expand and redefine our perceptual view of the
reality in which we live. Eris, discovered in 2005 in Cetus, was
responsible for the formation of the new “Dwarf Planet” classification
and the reclassification of Pluto to Dwarf Planet status, the family to
which Eris, Pluto and the asteroid Ceres now belong. This caused quite a
commotion in both the astronomical and astrological communities.
However, this proved to be appropriate as additional new Dwarf Planets
were discovered shortly afterward.
Mythologically, Eris is the Greek god of
strife. Eris’ daughter, Dysnomia, is the name given to the moon of Eris.
Dysnomia is said to be the “spirit of lawlessness”—disruptor of civil
order. Eris, however, had two daughters, Dysnomia and the opposite and
peaceable one, Eunomia, who ends strife. Dysnomia is also the name given
to a nominal recall (dys) disorder—a memory problem associated with
naming (nouns); the inability to retrieve names when needed—”its on the
tip of my tongue.”
Eris demonstrated, right from the start, her
no-nonsense astrological role as the great disruptor. Although the
discovery of Eris created discord at first, a new order followed with
the new classification of Dwarf Planets (fitting to the theme of her
daughter Eunomia). This is significant when considering Eris’
astrological character.
Discordant Eris provokes change by upsetting
the status quo, by upsetting the apple cart. Although Eris can create a
disrupting commotion, upsetting our existing, limiting and antiquated
structures of consciousness. She opens us to see beyond the finite
bounds of our current perception, beyond the bounds we place upon
ourselves by arousing and challenging our egoic defenses. In doing so,
we are left to redefine and reorganize our world view to embrace a far
vaster reality—a view more fitting to our rapidly expanding awareness.
Eris’ discovery in Cetus, the
Technobureaucratic Monster of Collective Human Consciousness, indicates
Eris is disrupting the fear-driven bureaucratic world of mass consensus
to help our emergence from the belly of the ole’ whale into a new world
paradigm. Being a very slow mover, Eris is still making its passage
through the gut of Cetus—continuing to disrupt fear-based collective
human consciousness and the technobureaucratic monster driving it. Eris’
influence has been working, for the most part, at sub-conscious
emotional level—perhaps continuing to increase the unrest with the
status quo in the human populous.
The Sun-Earth-Eris conjunction marks the beginning of the new annual
Earth-Eris synodic cycle. It adds a key facet to our Lunar Cycle theme.
Eris moves very slowly so the Earth-Eris synodic themes shift ever so
slightly. Eris, conjoining Revati of Pisces and Baten Kaitos, can be
read about in these various articles.
This article list synods Eris makes with other planets as well as an
initial exploration of the Uranus-Eris synodic cycle and the previous
one that began in 1927.
This article also has detailed charts of the Path of Eris when conjoining Revati of Pisces and Baten Kaiitos of Cetus.
Eris brings perspective to our New Moon Theme—the overturning or
upsetting occurring in our existing paradigm, especially in areas
associated with finance and resources, both personally and in the mass
human populous, and as well in the techno-bureaucraticices of the world.
This unrest adds significant motivation for us to strive for something
greater than accepting the failures of the old paradigm or those of a
personal nature. It may seem like a tall order now, but this overturning
is not about restoring the past, it is about preparing for and ensuring
the birth of a new future, personally and collectively.
The Sun & Saturn - Hurricane Sandy Emerges - Its Path is Plotted
The Sun conjoins Saturn on October 25 (4:32 AM EDT), just before
the Gibbous Moon, creating a rather sobering and somber energetic. This
conjunction also marks the point of vision and realization in the
current Earth-Saturn synodic cycle, presented in the March 22, 2012 Lunar Planner, with a theme similar to our New Moon of this lunar cycle.
Sun-Saturn in sidereal Libra conjoins Miaplacidus of Carina, Argo
Navis. Miaplacidus, Beta Carina, is the second most important star of
the Argo, after Canopus. "Mia" is of greater universal flowing waters of
Source and "Placidus" is of grid-navigational-mapping. Miaplacidus
involves the navigational mapping of cosmic evolutionary
currents--evolutionary intelligence and how it expresses in time and
space. Miaplacidus is of Astronomical-Earthgrid mapping, navigation,
inner-dimensional travel, and related art-sciences and environments that
support our greater evolutionary journeys in life. Living at or
traveling to the right locations at the proper times in our lives is of
significance to be in proper (space-time) harmony. The purpose of sacred
geometry, naturally tuned architecture, and the art-sciences involving
harmonics and resonance are all of significance here--many of the
art-sciences that have been obscured, suppressed or lost to
humanity—including the integrated knowledge of astronomy and astrology
and its application in cartographical mapping on the Earth in space and
As Miaplacidus inspires action, movement, and the administration
of evolutionary navigational matters. Theta Carina and the Theta Carina
Star Cluster, working with Miaplacidus, is the library of knowledge
regarding such matters.
Miaplacidus, and the stars of Carina's Diamond inspire us to find
and ensure a harmonious environment in space and time (where to be when)
for the pursuit of our life purpose and our greater evolutionary
fulfillment and wellbeing.
Hurricane Sandy emerges off Cuba's northeast coast on
the morning of October 25 and heads across the Bahamas. Computer models
predict the path of the hurricane will make landfall in the northeast
US coast. NOAA forecasts also warn about the Full Moon producing high
tides that will increase coastal flooding.
Thursday, October 25: Hurricane Sandy hit
the Bahamas after claiming 21 lives in the Caribbean, including 11
people killed in eastern Cuba. Its path is plotted.
Friday, October 26: New York declared a state of emergency ahead of the arrival of Hurricane Sandy.
Saturday, October 27: A State of Emergency declared in New Jersey.
Sunday, October 28: Evacuations ordered in
parts of lower Manhattan, sections of Brooklyn, Staten Island, New
Jersey and Atlantic City.
Monday, October 29 (8:00 PM EDT): Hurricane Sandy makes landfall near Atlantic City, New Jersey
Weather map courtesy of The Weather Channel.
The Full Moon - Hurricane Sandy makes Landfall in New Jersey
The Full Moon of October 29 occurs in mid-sidereal Aries and is
trine to Pluto in Sagittarius and semi-sextile to Uranus, activating the
Uranus-Pluto Square. The Moon conjoins Hamal of Aries; Apin of
Triangulum; Schedar and Caph of Cassiopeia; and Alphirk of Cepheus. This
is also the location of Eris’ North Node, which may add a disruptive
quality to the Full Moon....
Our Full Moon, the culmination point of our Eta Carina / Eris
Lunar Cycle, brings realization that to emerge from the crumbling past
requires relinquishment of any righteous attitudes of judgment, which
merely entrap us in battle of this side verses that, and to look beyond
the conflicts often inherent between those in authoritarian positions
and those dominated or governed by them. It invites applied force to
change but with an open and selfless attitude to live from a more
embracing or higher truth, to accept our challenges in life, and to
proceed with passion and confidence to fine the way forward.
The Lunar Eris North Node conjunction in aspect to the
Uranus-Pluto square may add an unexpected disruptive element to the Full
Moon, stimulating the need for revolutionary action to change. Sun
sextile Pluto creates a YOD to stormy and tempestuous Hyades in
mid-sidereal Taurus, catalytic of civil turbulence or pandemonium, which
impels leaders to step forth.
Ceres Retrograde
Ceres begins its retrograde on October 31 in sidereal Gemini. This
turns our attention inward to our need for nourishment and daily
sustenance, and to that which we have to offer to support the needs of
others. Ceres retrograde, which occurs from now through early February
2013, is the transition period from the previous Earth-Ceres 15-month
synodic cycle to the next, which starts in the midst of the retrograde
on Dec 18, 2012 in early sidereal Gemini....
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