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Saturday, April 24, 2010
UFOs & The Enigma of the United States Navy

Prof, there's probably a huge psychological chasm between the mentalities of navy people and air force people.
For the most part air force people spend mere hours 'away' from land and get where they want to go far more rapidly; and the only time they're likely to pay particular attention to the sea is during recovery searches or in preparation for ditching.
Navy people spend months away from land - even sub crews submerge for weeks on end - and every thing occurs on huge drawn out time scales for every second of which they have to pay very exact attention for fear of missing crucial sea state or sky condition details which might make the difference between plain sailing and Titanic-esque disaster.
When a crew member reports seeing an unknown giant sea beast or weird submarine light formations they can't afford to lightly ignore such information simply because the very fact something may've brought these 'things' towards the surface might be alerting them to changing conditions down below - such as some hitherto unknown submarine volcano becoming active and being about to blow.
And it's been that way for navy people since the dawn of time - they had to've been the first ones to realise the world was round simply from watching other ships appear or disappear over the horizon.
My suspicion's that's one of the reasons why Keyhoe's chums were so keen on the ancient maps - professional pride - they had to've been compiled by their kind of people: extremely patient, highly diligent, exquisitely painstaking, inordinately disciplined, objective clear sighted, dedicated Ruppelt-esque type people.
That's why I'm struck by the navy guys' belief the ancient maps were the result of aerial surveys: it's unlikely they had in mind modern satellite style surveillance but maybe they envisaged something along the lines of operations conducted from prehistoric aircraft carriers! (Or maybe they unconsciously recognised ancient space travellers would've been much more like their service than that of the air force guys).
Something about the maps must've inclined them to the aerial scenario, because I agree with you, Phocaeans like Pytheas're supposed to've conducted astonishing surveys of the world virtually as far as the North Pole and maybe even as far as the South! -
Of course Keyhoe was a Marine, which is Navy, and Navy Commander Robert McLaughlin was also very vocal, and very anti-secrecy.
agreed, of course. The mysteries which remain are: why were so many of the very high-up USN personnel that interested in both the phenomenon and "release"?, and why won't the Navy dig in now and release what they did have?
Hello, Prof.
I have not read (yet) Ruppelt's book. On my soon-to-do list. His remark, which you quote, asking why UFOs didn't 'swim' struck me as a little odd. Was he unaware of USOs? Regards. -
Ruppelt, to my knowledge, had no credible cases of UFOs entering or leaving the water. Remember that he was project chief way back in 1952. Had he lived he would have become aware of several cases, but since 99% had nothing to do with water immersion, he would still have made the same remark about what service would have investigative responsibility. Even the well-known Kingdon/Bethune [off Gander, Newfoundland] case of 1951 [I believe] was probably not a "rise-from-the-water case" as Keyhoe/NICAP originally thought, but a true UFO coming from below the planes and giving an illusion of being on the surface at one point. USOs come [mainly] later, and Carl Feindt's great USO site lists practically all of them.
they do swim and the us and russian navy have doing their research in detail for over 40 years..anyone wanting to discuss ufos/rts face to face can do so on 2nd sat of each month 12noon at thomasville ga library free of charge host billy j rachels with 45 years in research
this is not the place for advertisements, and I don't think that there is any defensible documentation for your first sentence, but, in this case, what-the-heck, if people want to talk to you in Thomasville library for free, why not? They can make their own minds up as to whether your research of forty five years is legit. I, by the way, have not heard of this fellow [despite my "45" years of very public research] and so can not recommend him one way or the other. Plus, the thought that an audience of nearby Thomasville GA UFO-interested parties would be reading this blog stretches my mind pretty far past reality. But hey!, we're Out Proctor regularly here.
Tons of water based cases and Russian researcher involve din their Navy record release in 2009 said “Fifty percent of UFO encounters are connected with oceans. Fifteen more – with lakes. So UFOs tend to stick to the water”
They call them USO's. S for submerged. -
perhaps. I have looked at some of these alleged Soviet reports and they are very unconvincing. Every UFOlogist should know that the state of Soviet UFOlogy was extremely disconnected and filled with controversy. So-called "releases" by the government often were no such thing. The role of Felix Zigel is also very controversial and does not seem in any real way to be "official". Other operatives seem to have adopted rivalry and have occasionally dissed one another in post-Soviet times, leaving western-worlders confused as to what really happened over there. Many reports seem to have no official status despite claims to the contrary. One of the few sources that may be accurate on most of these things has been Vladimir Rubtzov. One of the only studies of UFOs which is obviously legitimate is the one by the Soviet astronomer Gindilis. I say all this because it is wise to take Russian reporting with large grains of salt until all this shakes out.
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