Another dire warning that Western governments cannot afford to ignore | Preliminary Note I’ve been working for some time on The Dragonfly formation, of June 03, because I discovered, amongst other things, that it’s linked in a number of remarkable ways to various other crop circles of the current season and my analysis should soon be ready. However, after just a brief examination of the new Wayland’s Smithy structure I had no doubt that it must be given priority over my other work. … Initial observations Firstly, I realised that it was found on the day that represents the 8’th anniversary of the enormous Milk Hill formation of 2001 i.e. August 12 [the 224th day of the year], and I wondered if its builders had been inviting us to recognise this clear relationship. This possibility was of particular interest to me because I have long been convinced that the cited Milk Hill marvel had been engrained with information pertaining to the 9/11 attacks on the United States [see], which occurred 30 days after August 12, and I was keen to ascertain whether the Wayland’s Smithy circle sheds any light on this vexed subject. Secondly, I knew that, as Stuart Dike pointed out, an explicit numerical link exists between the described day the formation was found - August 12 - and its geometry i.e. a 12-spoked wheel at its centre contains 12 discs and an outer band of standing crop contains 12 4-leafed figures [plus circles], as illustrated in the following diagram - which is based on an original photograph kindly provided by Stuart Dike - where the cited 12 discs are numbered in green and the 12 leaf clusters, in white on black:-  But I was also drawn to the fact that the formation contains two notable pairs of rings - one that forms its outer sheath and a smaller one located inside the main structure - and each of these embodies two concentric circles, comprising closely packed, small blocks of standing crop. Furthermore, when I counted [from the formation’s centre] the quotas of these blocks, in order, I found that the smaller ring’s circles have 52 & 56 and the larger, 72 & 76, as shown in the following diagram:- Note: for clarity, below, the two rings have been isolated from the surrounding crop.  The quotas of small blocks in the formation’s two rings [1 & 2] And I noted that this arrangement is linked to the number 4 in a set of explicit ways:- 1] the number of concentric circles is 4 2] the tallies of blocks in the 1st ring, 52 & 56, differ by 4 3] the tallies of blocks in the 2nd ring, 72 & 76, also differ by 4 4] the total tally of blocks, 256 [= 52+56+72+76], can be expressed as 4x4x4x4 or 44 In other words, it appeared that the identified sequences of blocks in the two rings had been carefully selected. For the foregoing reasons, then, I decided that the formation should be subjected to a more detailed examination with urgency. … My analysis and conclusions Three signatures of authenticity [A] Knowing that the numbers 52 & 56 and 72 & 76 are part of the arithmetic series 52, 56, 60, 64, 68, 72, 76, where the common difference is 4, I was curious as to why our attention had been drawn to just those 4 entries, and I wondered if we were being invited to express the relationship that exists between them in a more novel way. … If the first two numbers, 52 & 56, are represented as two columns of blocks then the final two, 72 & 76, could be defined by placing two columns, identical to the first, on a plinth that’s 20 blocks high, thus [where the blocks are shown only symbolically]:-  And when I’d produced this elementary figure I soon realised that it’s pointing us to a profound relationship. … If the plinth’s 20 blocks are labelled sequentially - starting at 1 - these have a sum of 210 [= 1+...+20] and when this is added to 5256 & 7276, which can be inferred from the juxtaposition of the formation’s quotas of blocks - 52, 56 & 72, 76 - we obtain:- 12742 the geometric mean diameter, in kilometres, of the WGS 84 ellipsoid In other words, the ostensibly curious sequences of blocks in the formation’s 2 rings … 52, 56 & 72, 76 … embody a definitive relationship with an accurate earth model that is widely employed today: the ellipsoid used for the popular WGS 84 map datum. I’d add that the cited 2 rings also exhibit a subtle link to the factor 20, which forms a key part of the relationship: the objects embody the concepts of 2 and ring [= 0]. Readers of earlier articles of mine may recall that I consider such impressive allusions to the WGS 84 ellipsoid, within a formation, to be a pivotal mark of authenticity. [B] Having accepted that the space between the formation’s 2 rings is linked to a 20, in the indicated way, it was soon clear that that area has attributes that enable us to produce another simple and elegant manifestation of the cited geodetic number. … The region between the rings is occupied by 12 4-leafed figures of flattened crop and each of these embraces 5 circles [4 small & 1 larger] that have areas of standing crop at their centres, as shown in the typical arrangement below, which is an adaptation of a photograph kindly provided by Chris Bird:-  Clearly, then, the cited area between the rings contains a total of 60 [= 12x5] isolated zones of standing crop [just as the rings themselves have 256 blocks of standing crop] - and 60 has a revealing relationship with the 20 that’s also associated with the region. If we express the latter number as 10+10 [akin to sharing it between the two rings] we can now produce the ‘simple and elegant manifestation of the cited geodetic number’:- Multiplying 60p [i.e. ‘the 60th prime’ = 277]* by 10p+10p [= 23+23] yields:- 12742 the geometric mean diameter, in kilometres, of the WGS 84 ellipsoid This elementary computation was also described in an earlier article of mine that was published on this site [ref. Eastfield (4) of 25-08-08] and I would remind readers that it enables us to make sense of an ostensibly bizarre Biblical passage that has baffled mankind for rather a long time: the creation myth of the Book of Genesis. And at this point I noted that the 2 rings’ quota of blocks, 256 [= 52+56+72+76], also exhibits a simple relationship to the 2 numbers that formed the basis of the described calculation: 60 & 20 [which had to be expressed as 10+10]. … The product of the digits 2, 5 & 6 is … 60 … and when those digits are expressed as the corresponding primes - 2p, 5p & 6p - their sum is … 20 [= 2+7+11]. [C] I was now curious as to whether the hidden but all important number 20 is linked in any other meaningful way to the cited allotment of blocks in the formation’s 2 rings - 256 [= 52+56+72+76] - and I quickly obtained an unambiguous answer. … Having noted that the expression 256 + 20p [= 67] yields … 323 … I discovered that the latter number relates in a stunning way to the arithmetic series I described earlier, in which 52 & 56 and 72 & 76 are, respectively, the first and last two entries:- 52p+56p + 60p+64p+68p + 72p+76p = 323p i.e. 233+257 + 277+307+331 + 353+379 = 2137 I’d established, then, that the number 20 can be inferred from a relationship that exists between the 7 entries of the arithmetic series - 52, 56, 60, 64, 68, 72, 76 - and the four members of this sequence that are displayed in the formation’s rings - 52, 56, 72, 76 - as shown below:- 52p+56p+60p+64p+68p+72p+76p = 323p … and … 323 - [52+56+72+76] = 20p And given the key role of the number 20 in the two described ways of generating the geodetic number 12742, from the crop circle’s unique structure, it was evident that the above clear relationships constitute another signature of the formation’s authenticity. Allusions to terrestrial time Being thus convinced that the Wayland’s Smithy edifice I was now examining was the work of the hyper intelligent beings whose thought provoking constructions I’d borne witness to elsewhere I was determined to find what else they were trying to tell us! … As the sequences of blocks in each ring are placed in close proximity to one another it occurred to me that the crop circle builders may also have been inviting us to consider relationships that exist between the two sums - 108 [= 52+56] & 148 [= 72+76] - and this hypothesis immediately produced an intriguing result. … The expression 108p+148p yielded 1440 [= 587+853], the quota of minutes in a day. And this was of particular interest because I knew that the area enclosed by the rings highlights 60, the quota of minutes in an hour and, seconds in a minute. This numerical relationship between the 2 rings and the area they enclose also meant that the number of hours in a day is being inferred i.e.:- 1440/60 = 24 Furthermore, these apparent allusions to the numerical parameters that are employed in our terrestrial definition of time became all the more pertinent when I realised that the 12-spoked wheel-like structure, which occupies the formation’s central area, could represent the face of an artefact we use to display the time within any 24 hour period: a clock [devoid of hands]. Not only is the wheel divided into the traditional 12 sectors but it is endowed with 12 circles of standing crop - positioned perfectly - upon which the numbers 1 to 12 could be placed [as I did on my first diagram of this document]. The above information is summarised below:- 
Links to time 60 = the number of minutes in an hour and, seconds in a minute 108p+148p = 1440, the number of minutes in a day 1440/60 = 24, the number of hours in a day I was now presented with an interesting possibility: were the builders of the formation drawing our attention to these relationships and to their novel clock face so that we’d also be able to identify, within their creation, a specific time they were highlighting? Before I seriously addressed this question, however, I wanted to establish if the crop circle also provides us with the means of identifying the day to which the cited time presumably relates. … Two days of the year come into focus Having identified a meaningful link between the individual block endowments of the formation’s 2 rings and the area enclosed by them i.e. [108p+148p]/60 = 24, a single day’s allotment of hours, I was curious as to whether a similar relationship also exists between those block endowments and the 12 areas of standing crop on the clock face [which the inner ring encompasses]. … And with little effort I obtained an answer I’d been expecting to find somewhere within the field structure. … I discovered that the summation 108p+148p [= 1440] exceeds 12p [= 31] by:- 224p [= 1409], where 224 was the day the crop circle was found. In other words, I’d uncovered a simple and elegant allusion to the day of the year the formation was first identified [expressed as a prime (as often occurs in formations)]. I considered this result to be of special interest because it’s consistent with the other relationships I described, involving the individual block endowments of the 2 rings [108 & 148]: in each of those 2 cases I’d identified a defined characteristic of one day i.e. 1440 is its allotment of minutes and 24, its allotment of hours, and I’d now found an apparent reference to one day of the year, which happens to be what we believe was the edifice’s day of birth [but was also the 8th anniversary of the Milk Hill giant]. These three complementary relationships are juxtaposed below:-  The three relationships 108p+148p = 1440, the number of minutes in one day [108p+148p]/60 = 24, the number of hours in one day [108p+148p] - 12p = 224, the one day the formation was found At this juncture I discovered that the formation’s 2 rings also embody a more curious relationship.… I knew that the block quota in the outer ring, 148, is 40 greater than that in the inner, 108, and I suddenly realised that the 2 rings are also linked to this number in another way that involves their endowments of blocks i.e. the 4 concentric circles within the rings consist of 52 & 56 and 72 & 76 sequences of blocks and these numbers’ 8 digits add up to: 40 [= 5+2+5+6 + 7+2+7+6]. Furthermore, just as I’d recognised previously that the number 20 is closely associated with the concept of 2 rings [because our glyph for zero, 0, can be classified as a ring] so it was now clear that the 40 I’d identified is likewise closely related to the concept of the rings’ 4 concentric circles i.e. a zero can also be represented by a circle. But having accepted that the number 40 is linked to the formation’s rings in the cited ways, I soon uncovered a relationship that sent shivers down my spine. … I found that the summation 108p+148p [= 1440] plus 40p [= 167] yields:- 254p [= 1607], and this year’s 254th day will be … the 11th of September, the 8th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. I was therefore confronted with the possibility that, as anticipated when I first learned of the formation, its builders were drawing our attention to that terrible date! I now wanted to establish whether the formation’s apparent allusions to both the day of its discovery, August 12, and September 11 can be shown to be related to events of 8 years ago - when Milk Hill’s monster appeared and the US outrages occurred. The impending 9/11 - and a specified time I knew that 40, one of the key elements of the relationship that had yielded the above 254th prime, was closely associated with the number 8, which represents the ranks of the 2 cited anniversaries i.e. it equals the sum of the 8 digits of 52 & 56 and 72 & 76. However, I concluded that if the clever crop circle builders had really wanted to draw our attention to this factor 8, in the described context, they would have had to ensure that it has a central role not just in one such computation but in the basic form of the whole edifice. And when I looked for it I realised not only that it’s staring us all in the face but also that our identification of it even answers another taxing question. … The parts of the formation I’ve been interested in during my examination of it are the small zones of standing crop that are distributed throughout it; and the manifold areas, which are of rectangular or circular form, straddle the perimeters of concentric circles that could be drawn. And if we count these circles we find that there are 8 of them, as depicted in the Fig. below [where the tallies of the respective shapes are also shown]:-  The 8 concentric circles of standing-crop zones 1st = 76; 2nd = 72; 3rd = 24; 4th = 12; 5th = 24; 6th = 56; 7th = 52; 8th = 12 My recognition that the very areas of the formation that have provided me with all my information - the standing-crop zones - are emblazoned with the number 8 in this way convinced me that the structure’s builders had indeed wanted to draw our attention to the fact that their creation is being tied to the events, of 8 years ago, that I described: the day that the giant Milk Hill formation appeared and the day of the 9/11 attacks. But before I outline persuasive geographical evidence that supports this hypothesis we should take cognizance of the fact that the 8th circle [counting from the exterior] of the defined standing-crop zones is lodged within the formation’s clock face. … This relationship links the clock - which we know is devoid of hands - firmly to the number 8, and this raises the possibility that 8 o’clock is the time we were seeking. But having formulated this theory I knew I’d be obliged to find plausible answers to two fundamental questions it presents us with. … 1 Is it the morning or the evening that’s being described? 2 Does the time pertain to the impending 9/11, which the formation is highlighting? Fortunately, I soon realised that the crop circle’s ingenious architects ensured that this ostensible conundrum can be resolved with extraordinary subtlety and simplicity. … One of the formation’s most prominent features, its 12 4-leafed clusters, has played no part in my detailed analysis because it is comprised, uniquely, of only flattened crop. But knowing that these 48 leaves, in common with all the zones of standing crop, are disposed in a circular arrangement, O, it was evident that they could serve as a covert representation of the number 480, and this proved to be most revealing. … The leaf clusters are encapsulated within a region that’s closely associated with a 60 i.e. it contains that number of small areas of standing crop. But 60 happens to be the quota of minutes in 1 hour - and if the cited 480, inferred from the same part of the formation, is considered in this specific context it can be seen to represent … 8 hours. What we are being told, then, in this almost child-like manner, is that the 8 o’clock we were speculating about is to be in the morning! I would add that a notable confirmation of this deduction emerged when I considered the fact that, at the cited time, the clock’s 2 missing hands should be on the 8 & 12. … Not only do these numbers add up to 20, the factor I’d earlier found to be hidden, but the sum of the 8th and 12th primes is - 48 [= 17+31] - which equals the quota of leaves that had yielded the crucially important definition of 8 hours. Knowing that, within the formation, the described time is represented as 480 minutes I was curious as to whether this 480 is linked in a meaningful way to the 316 areas of standing crop that encompass the 12 on the clock face [i.e. 316 = 148+60+108], and I quickly received an unambiguous link to 9/11 [which we know falls on the 254th day]. I found that 316p [= 2087] exceeds 480 by … 254p [= 1607]. In other words, I’d uncovered a definitive link between 8.00 am and September 11. I then considered the fact that the formation’s 2 rings fit within a circle that possesses by definition 360 degrees. And when I added 360 to 1440, which the rings are also closely linked to, yielding 1800, I found that 480p [= 3407] exceeds this by … 254p. A pivotal geographical perspective We know that my computation of the first of the 2 above described manifestations of 254p involved the 316 areas of standing crop that encompass the 12 on the clock face - but I didn’t stress that these 316 areas are actually disposed on 7 concentric circles [although this would have been easy to deduce] i.e. 316 = 76+72+24+12+24+56+52. This key role of the number 7 interested me because, as explained earlier, I knew that the block quotas of the 2 rings’ concentric circles belong to a 7-entry arithmetic series - and this sequence is an integral part of the formation’s overall numerical statement. Furthermore, I couldn’t fail to notice that when 316 is added to 7 we obtain … 323 … the very number that I’d found closely tied to the described 7-entry arithmetic series i.e. 52p+56p+60p+64p+68p+72p+76p = 323p … and … 323 - [52+56+72+76] = 20p. It seemed possible, then, that the cited link between the 7 concentric circles that are disposed around the clock face, and the single 1 it encapsulates, also embodies other relevant information. I therefore did a symbolic sketch of the 7 circles and placed it alongside the clock face, with the 1 circle within it, and focussed on the figure:-  Recalling the key roles I’d identified of the number 480, which had been inferred from the unique ring of 4-leafed clusters of flattened crop, I now noticed that this exceeds 71, which can be inferred from the above arrangement, by a prime that was intimately associated with the Milk Hill structure of 2001 … 409 … which was the quota of circles in the main edifice. However, I had no idea, at first, as to whether this relationship was merely the outcome of random chance. But knowing that the 7 and 1 in the figure are so closely tied to the concept of circle i.e. they represent numbers of circles of standing crop, I wondered if 710, which can be inferred from this relationship [again recognising that a circle can represent a 0], has a role to play, and I soon found another link to the cited Milk Hill formation. … I discovered that 323p [= 2137], described above, exceeds 710 by 226p [= 1427] and I knew that an angle of 226 hundredths of a degree [or 2.26°] differs from the value of the meridian that passed through the formation’s centre … 1.851° W … by .409° [see], 409 being the structure’s allotment of circles. Indeed, I was also aware that the cited .409 could actually be read directly from the field that accommodated the formation: when viewed along a meridian from the north the main edifice could be seen to be accompanied by a minuscule circle on its left and by juxtaposing this point-like structure with the 409 we could infer .409. It now seemed possible, then, that the architects of this Wayland’s Smithy formation had been inviting us to find the above subtle allusions to the 2001 Milk Hill structure, one of which appeared to include data relating to the latter’s geographical longitude. This hypothesis remained a tentative one, however, until I tried to determine if the above cited 226, which embodied the cited link to Milk Hill’s meridian, also relates in a meaningful way to 12, the one number that’s displayed explicitly on the formation, and is, in particular, the quota of discs of standing crop on the clock’s face. … Having noted that the expression 226 + 12p [= 31] yields 257, I discovered that when 257 thousandths of a degree is taken from the cited Milk Hill meridian, 1.851° W, we obtain … 1.594° W … which appears to pass through the Wayland’s Smithy structure [unfortunately its accurate coordinates were not measured, as far as I am aware]. And any thoughts that this outcome was merely a random event were dismissed when I found that the value of the expression 226 - 12p is … 195. I discovered that when 195 thousandths of a degree is added to the line of latitude that passed through the centre of the Milk Hill structure [see], 51.376° N, we obtain … 51.571° N … which also appears to intersect the Wayland’s Smithy circle. These extraordinary relationships are displayed on the diagram below:-  And the position of the cited point in the field that the Wayland’s Smithy formation appeared in, 51.571° N 1.594° W, is shown on the Google Earth map below, followed by an aerial picture [which is at a low angle] kindly provided by John Montgomery:-   The significance of this curious geographical relationship between 2 formations that appeared exactly 8 years apart can be understood, I believe, when we consider the other links I’ve described between the cited Wayland’s Smithy and Milk Hill edifices and the 8th anniversary of the date September 11. In my simply constructed Milk Hill website I’ve tried to demonstrate that that massive crop circle had been designed to embody precisely defined data about the US attacks that occurred just 30 days later. On that occasion, however, nothing was done about this information because nobody was aware that it existed. Indeed few people, including those in the dedicated crop circle fraternity, even had an inkling that formations embody statements of that kind. But today I have rushed this abbreviated article to the Crop Circle Connector because it appears to me that we are again being given a dire warning, one that’s been picked up before the event and not after it. As explained above I believe that the builders of the Wayland’s Smithy formation had made efforts to tell us that more malevolence has been planned for September 11, at 8.00 am, to compound the carnage of 8 years ago. Another indication that my analysis is correct can be detected, I believe, when we take cognizance of the fact that the number that defines [when combined with 12p] the precise angular displacements between the Milk Hill & Wayland’s Smithy points i.e. 226, differs from 480, which we found highlighted in the latter formation, by the now familiar … 254. Furthermore, we know that the number 480 was inferred from a circle of 4-leafed clusters of flattened crop within the structure and the above aerial picture and Google map show trees to the North, South, East and West of the circle. It’s also the case that the difference between the numbers that represent the days of the year corresponding to August 12 and September 11 i.e. 224 & 254, is, when both are expressed as the corresponding primes … 198 [= 1607 - 1409]. And when we add this to 254 we obtain a factor that can be expressed as … 226+226 … which happens to be the total angular displacement [expressed in °/1000] between the Milk Hill and Wayland’s Smithy points [i.e. measured along a meridian and line of latitude pair]. · As stressed in previous articles, 1 must be counted as the first prime number. A list of the first 700 primes [thus defined] can be found on © Neil Hudson Newman August 22, 2009 |
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