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Love and Light.

The owl is one of the 20 so called Solar Seals of the Tzolkin, the holy galactic calendar of the Maya. To be able to understand the significance of the Owl on this day, it’s necessary to get a deeper insight in the Tzolkin. In short, the Tzolkin refers to the principle of creation in connection with the time and consists of:
- the 13 tones of creation,
- the 20 Solar Seals
They grasp into each other like a gear as depicted in the following picture:

This leads to 260 possibilities and the Tzolkin has a cycle of 260 days. The 20 Solar Seals are divided into 4 elements of 4 different colors, that show a specific order:
- red (beginning)
- white (refinement)
- blue (transformation)
- yellow (completion)
The Owl is a solar seal with a yellow color and thus completes a cycle of 4 days. So far no news, as this is what every Maya-researcher will tell and this you find in the books.
The 20 Solar Seals naturally also have a close relationship with the cosmic year, which corresponds with a cycle of 360 days, called Tun. As 360 is a multiple of 20, the cosmic year in principle always starts with the same Solar Seal (in principle a red color, beginning) and ends with the same Solar Seal (in principle a yellow color, completion). As the Tun-cycle has been divided in 18 periods of 20 days (so called Vinals), this is also the case for every Vinal. However this is actually the theory of Maya-research that goes back to more than 1000 years ago. The present-day situation is different. This is due to the fact that the classical Tzolkin as known by the Maya actually is a masculine cycle of creation. Nowadays there are 2 additional Tzolkin-counts that refer to a feminine cycle of creation (called “Dreamspell”) and to the cycle of creation of the child (which I called “Cosmic”). In present age, these counts differ from the classical count, because they have a connection with the Gregorian calendar in which the leap days are skipped. This disturbs the natural connection with the Tun-cycle amongst others. This is explained more in depth here Chesterton .
Essential is that in the past only the classical Tzolkin had the described harmonic relationship with the Tun-cycle (for reasons that go beyond the scope of this article this was the case until the year 1863). However in new age the harmonic relationship with the Tun-cycle will be restored for all the 3 existing Tzolkin-cycles. As will be explained this formation refers to the harmonic relationship of the classical Tzolkin in the past on the one hand and the renewed harmonized relationship of all 3 Tzolkin-cycles in connection with the Tun-cycle and other cycles in the near future. The harmonic relationship of the 3 Tzolkin-counts with the Tun-cycle and Vinals will be restored after the leap day of 2012:

It’s important to note that the effect of the day out of time on the 29th February 2012 is highly exceptional referring the classical count: this never happened in the past and will never happen again in future. It’s the result of the harmonization of the 3 Tzolkin-counts in the year 2008. The diagram further clarifies that in the time of the classical Maya, the Tun-cycle and the Vinals were completed by the Solar Seal Ahau (the sun) of the classical count, in near future this will be the case referring the Cosmic Count. However referring the classical count the Tun-cycle and Vinals will be completed by the Owl. The owl can see in the darkness and grasps everything that moves in the darkness. Through this drive, a new start can be made next cosmic year. This figure also shows that during the period from March 2008 until March 2012, regarding the Cosmic count the Vinals start with the white wind and this is an important reason why already 2 times a formation arose near a white windmill in 2008 and 2009!
You might expect that this formation arose on a day for which the signature of the Owl applies. This isn’t the case. However it’s notable that the formation arose on the day that it’s 10 years ago that the so called eight Underworld started. This is a short age of 13 x 360 days (see also westoverton ). One of the aspects of this age is the intensified tension between East and West. This resulted in terrorist attacks, amongst others. The owl of the formation has 13 feathers underneath the eyes and 15 feathers above the eyes, making a total of 28 feathers. The 13 and 28 feathers turn out to have a relationship with the so called draconic moon, the moon in relation with the lunar nodes that cause lunar and solar eclipses. This has a close relationship with the start of the eight Underworld as this was going along with a solar eclipse on the eleventh August 1999.
In this sense it’s very notable that the terrorist attacks on the ninth of September 2001 took place during a conjunction of the moon with the North node of the moon. This was also the case during the solar eclipse of the eleventh August 1999. The 28 feathers relate to the exactly 28 draconic months between both events. According to the classical Tzolkin, the terrorist attacks took place during a so called “wave of the Owl”, which means that 5 days before, the start of the cycle of the 13 Tones of Creation corresponded with the Owl.
The 28 feathers can still be interpreted in a similar way regarding another terrorist attack. When we count back 28 draconic months from the day of the formation, this falls on the ninth July 2007. The day before, the eight July 2007 has a signature of “10 Owl” regarding the Dreamspell-count. However this was about 2 years after the 7 / 7 bombings in London in 2005. The signature of the 7 / 7 bombings according to the classical Tzolkin was also “10 Owl”! So there is a relationship between the classical count and the Dreamspell-count almost precise 2 years later. This will also be the case in new age. It’s interesting to note that in accordance with the 36 feathers that surround the Owl, 10 Owl corresponds with day 36 (“Kin 36”) of the Tzolkin. These bombings had a close relationship with the very end of the eight Underworld on the first June 2012, as the period in between equals 7 x 360 + 1 days. The difference of 1 day is caused by the exceptional effect of the leap day regarding the classical Tzolkin in the year 2012. The Solar Seal of both dates (the 7th July 2005 and the 1st June 2012) regarding the classical Tzolkin is the Owl. The background of this end-date you find here: .
This brings up the question what is the relationship between the owl and the terrorist attacks? The owl grasps everything that moves in the darkness. However this is often projected on the outer world and one is blind for the own dark motivations. Apart from that the Western imperialistic system isn’t viable on the long run, as this system pushes the large majority of the worlds population in an ever increasing poverty and it’s the owl that understands this and takes measurements to stop this. On the other hand we can also recognize the unbalanced male-driven characteristics in the terrorist attacks. These have a relationship with the masculine character of the classical Tzolkin-count.
Apart from the terrorist attacks, the 13 feathers of the formation also relate to 13 draconic months. When we count back 13 draconic months from the day of the formation this turns out to be the 20th August 2008. This is a very special date, as this date has the same signature as the end of the Vinal as shown in the diagram above, the 13th March 2012. As this will be the first time that a Vinal is completed with yellow Solar Seals regarding the 3 Tzolkin-counts and as this is also a day on which Venus, Jupiter and the black moon are conjunct, this day can be considered as a day on which a widened consciousness will occur and we will be better able to see in the darkness, like the owl. As the 20th August 2008 is characterized by the same signature amongst others, on this day on a subconscious level people already got the touch of this. This was also a date that has to be considered as a blue print that influences the future. It’s no coincidence that within a month after the 20th August 2008 the first bank, the Lehman Brothers got bankrupt on the 15th of September. The 20th August 2008 and the 13th March 2012 have the signature “6 Owl” regarding the classical Tzolkin. However apart from that, the so called “Guiding Power” of all 3 counts relate to the Owl. The effect of an equal guiding power is typical for the harmonization of the Tzolkin-counts.
The reference of this formation to the classical Tzolkin also refers to the traditional harmonic relationship of this Tzolkin-count with other cycles, which in the past wasn’t the case for the other 2 Tzolkin-counts, but will be the case in future for all the 3 counts. The traditional harmonic relationship with the Tun-cycle has already been mentioned. In this sense the 36 feathers of the outer ring of the formation have to tell us a lot. Actually this 36 feathers are grouped in 18 x 2 feathers, as the distance of 2 feathers is always considerably smaller (with a ratio of 6 to 5):

What have these 18 or 36 feathers to tell us? It makes sense to believe this relates to 18 or 36 Tzolkincycles. 18 Tzolkincycles have a close relationship with the Tun-cycle as:
18 Tzolkincycles = 18 x 260 = 4680 days
13 Tun = 13 x 360 = 4680 days
18 Tzolkincycles or 13 Tun also equal exactly 6 synodic cycles of Mars and almost precise 8 synodic cycles of Venus. Moreover 9 Tzolkincycles correspond with 86 draconic months. The double amount, 36 Tzolkincycles or 26 Tun also has a relationship with the ecliptic (or draconic) year and the lunar month and is a kind of super-cycle:
36 Tzolkincycles = 26 Tun = 9360 days
27 ecliptic years = 27 x 346.62 = 9358.74 days
317 lunar months = 317 x 29.5306 = 9361.2 days
In practice this means amongst others that when at any moment a solar eclipse occurs this mostly also is the case 36 Tzolkincycles (= 26 Tun) earlier and later, although there may be a difference of 1 day.
The 36 feathers have been surrounded by a weave that is repeated 93 times. Also this number has a relationship with the Tzolkin, although basically this refers to 3 x 31 Tzolkincycles. This number has a very close relationship with the sidereal month (27.3217 days) : the cycle of the moon through the zodiac (that distinguishes from the lunar month) as 31 x 260 / 27.3217 = 295.0036 ≈ 295 sidereal months. This is a bit more than 22 years, while 294 (6 x 7 x 7) sidereal months (one month less) equal 8032.6 days = 21.992 or precise 22 year.
The reason that the formation refers to 3 x 31 Tzolkincycles becomes clear when we consider this and longer periods:
- 3 x 31 Tzolkincycles have a relationship with Mars also, as 3 Tzolkincycles equal the synodic cycle of Mars.
- 3 x 3 x 31 Tzolkincycles have a relationship with Mercury, as 3 x 3 x 31 x 260 / 115.87748 = 626.006 synodic cycles of Mercury, where 115.87748 days equals the synodic cycle of Mercury. This number 626 = 26 x 24 + 2, the numbers 26 = 2 x 13 and 24 refer to natural time.
- 5 x 3 x 31 Tzolkincycles have a relationship with the year and Neptune, as 5 x 3 x 31 x 260 / 365.25 = 331.006 ≈ 331 year. This equals 331 / 164.77 = 2.009 ≈ 2 revolutions of Neptune around the sun. Note that 331 year equals 15 x 22 + 1, in which the cycle of 22 years pops up again.
Finally: what does the 5 to 6 ratio of the distance of the feathers tell us? This becomes clear when we multiply this numbers with 4, then we get a ratio of 20 to 24. The number 20 refers to the cycle of 20 days of the Solar Seals, while the number 24 refers to the difference of 24 days between on one hand the classical count and the Cosmic count and the other hand the Cosmic count and the Dream spell count.
Still one question has to be answered: why has the owl been created in an adjacent field of the formation of the light body of the Earth, that appeared on the 22nd July? The reason is that this formation refers to the moment that the sun is above the tetrahedron of the Earth. In the year 2012 this is exactly the case on the 17th and 18th May, just before the occurrence of a solar eclipse on the 20th May (see also Woodborough ). Regarding the classical Tzolkin the 17th May 2012 has exactly the same signature as the terrorist attacks of the 11th September 2001, precise 15 Tzolkin-cycles earlier!
Marc Smulders
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